I Can't Keep It

Elena lay on her bed, her thoughts swirling in a storm of regret and self-reproach. The news of her pregnancy had hit her like a ton of bricks, and now, in the quiet solitude of her apartment, the reality of it all began to sink in.

She felt foolish, angry at herself for letting things spiral so out of control. How could she have been so careless? The thought of carrying a child, not just a child but Phil's child terrified her. Even though they weren't on such good terms, she liked Phil more than she cared to admit.

The walls of her bedroom seemed to close in on her as she stood up to pace back and forth, her mind running through every possible scenario.

She thought about calling Fiona to tell her about her predicament but the shame weighed her down, silencing her. How could she possibly tell her best friend that she had gotten herself into this mess?