Chapter 6

The Third Person's Pov

Earlier that day...

IT has been a busy week since the holiday season is approaching, the Empire Group which owns, three major social media Tik-wok, Wechill and Snapped is overblown during this period of the year but there is one specific individual who is the most occupied than any other , 

Lara has been sleeping in her office for the whole week looking at the reports of the entire year in every company and department under her,

Although her hair was rather messy and visual bags under her eyes she was still accepting reports from her skilled right-hand woman. Secretary Park, " I'm listening why did you stop midway? ", she asked calmly when she heard a silence from secretary park,

" Chairwoman!, It's about your mother ",

She looked a little worried. The taekwondo child prigody from Korea, is one of the smartest in her homeland with the best score in the toughest college entrance exam in the world. Her name is Park Soo-Hyun, well known as secretary Park

Lara frowned and answered casually like it was something of no importance" What with her? Is she dead? "

" No "

" That old wrench has a long life ", She makes sighed relief like someone who wasn't sure if she wanted her dead or not. She then shrouded her shoulder like the matter was concluded, " What? I don't want to hear a thing about her "

" Fine but everyone is waiting for your call, what are we going to do in this season? " Secretary Park asked with a face full of worries and expectations, apart from being the chairwoman, Lara is also the brain behind every project in her companies,

All ideas come from her and her minion's task is to follow her lead and get the work done, it has always been that way but recently she is running out of ideas. There is this block she is having and it driving her insane,

" I sent fresh meat last night, didn't you find anyone who can be of use?"

Lara rolled her eyes like someone who is trying to recall something unpleasant ' They are so boring ' she murmured under her breath and all Secretary Park could hear was a heavy sigh from her!

" I don't choose a muse, they are not necessarily supposed to be pretty or attractive. They should be able to make me feel something but other than disgust. I felt nothing at all ", She explained as she tried so hard to maintain her composure,

" Is it because of that girl?... I mean the one from the hospital "

The images of Kyle flashed in Lara's mind and all that could be seen was the darkness that covered her goddess-like features. It was indeed true, from the moment their eyes met again her past ways didn't work anymore. No woman can satisfy her needs and lust but her

This author recalled from five years ago, when her father's lawyer came to her, at that time she was a promising startup business owner admired by many,

" You are the only family he had. And that is his last will ", It wasn't a little money. Her father was a multimillionaire and she was young and creative, 

Someone who never let go of opportunities, Lara wasn't a person of many words but she surely knows good stuff, She can smell talents

" Let's conquer the world together ". Just like that she started to build her army,

she is controlling everything behind the scene and destroyed every competitor and that's how she becomes the sole owner of every major social media,

But not many knew about her little secret, the place where all her ideas are coming from, the muse that turned a normal girl into a tycoon in the business world,

Lara looked at Secretary Park as her thoughts were far away in the space. And like she remembered something she suddenly asked, " How much is the cost of her hospital bills ?"

" Quick math!! It's about 14000 dollars "

A faint cold smirk appeared on her face like she had some unholy thoughts "Count everything she uses, make sure her debts keep getting bigger and bigger, and don't go easy on her "

Secretary Park was a little shocked, she never imagined that one day she will witness this side of her boss, she meekly opened her mouth and commented " That is a wicked way to treat the girl that loves you, just one word and she will come to you running "

Lara found herself throwing a glass of water to Miss Park but thankfully it only scratched her a little on the face and crashed on the wall. Lara can be a jerk sometimes but she always has a soft spot for her but this time she knew she crossed the line she wasn't supposed to,

" You don't know what she did to me, just don't take her side in front of me," Lara said coldly as she waved her hand giving her a sign to get out for her own good,

A few hours later she felt guilty for scaring Secretary Park so she decided to give it a go and visit Kyle at the hospital but when the results turned unexpected, which proves her point...she was right...Kyle didn't change a bit...

Kyle's Pov

" Fuvk, Are you doing this to me because I took your virginity? Don't be so old-fashioned we were just f* buddies, isn't like we were in love, were we? "

I raised my head, shockingly, is she for real? " Take that back? " I sneered, she was going too far, how could she degrade my love like that? I loved her, and she loved me, We both burned for each other, Was It a lie?

My whole body was trembling as the mixed feelings keep flooding in my mind but there was one thing that I was pretty sure about; this person and I will never go back to how we used to be anymore,

" The choice is yours but If you don't accept my kindness now, next time you will beg this chance on your knees "

" How much do I owe you again? "

" Mmmh! Let me see, with 1000$ interest a day and hospital bills, the total will be something you will never be able to pay so stop being stubborn " She said mockingly, forcing me to believe that I can never clear my debt, She is a little too suspicious for someone who doesn't want me,

" Give me three days, and within that time I'll pay you everything " I just blurted out casually to get rid of her, I wasn't in the mood to argue with her, all I needed was a little space,

She didn't say anything afterwards. She just gave me a cold stare and turned her back on me, she must be thinking something indecent but I didn't want to care however when she reached the door she paused and her unexpected response froze me,

" You are just a tainted little maiden, spreading them for me won't make any different " she slammed the door afterwards.

Her words keeps echoing in my mind not want to believe what I just heard from her " Maybe she is just drunk!, Yes, she has to be ", I defended her claims, My Lara is not someone to say such words,

" It seems like unrequited love to me " A soft and smooth voice startled me. I suddenly looked up.