Chapter 14

" Anything? Do you mean It? "

" Anything " I said as her soft hand reached out to me and gently caressed my messy hair. I was so confident that I could do it. I have been having these mixed feelings for so long but now I'm sure about what I want and what I have been needing,

At this moment what is right in front of me is what I truly want. Her to be mine again, that's what I want.

" I would rather you hurt me instead " I said without thinking twice, there wasn't anything to think about, my heart is too heavy to carry anything more.

She chuckled and let go of me, her pitiful expression disappeared in an instant and placed with a cold one, Lara looked at me like I'm some kind of insect before a large blast of a laugh escaped her mouth,

" T-that was funny..." 

Lara laughed again before continuing " Look who pity who now? Do you think you have a right to pity me you little thing? " She barked out angrily and all I could do was shake in fear as I focus my gaze elsewhere, she was playing me,

" You see this shirt? You are no different from it, you are just one property of mine. you pathetic little thing "

She grumbled in a scary tone as her hand folded on the back of my neck, she grabbed my hair and pull back my head, she move her lips closer to my ear and whispered in a soft yet threatening tone. " Be a good girl ". Then she looked startled and glanced at the door before she sneered angrily,

" Clara! I can see you ".

As soon as she finished her sentence a lady with long blonde hair entered, she was wearing a short red dress and a black pair of red bottom heels. Her exotic figure that held her champagne dress tightly makes her be seen as the goddess of seduction, so she was the girl from that day and the one I saw this morning.

" We sure have a weird way of meeting, " The blonde Clara said as she gave me a faint smirk but I shyly looked away because I how I looked, I don't like it when other people see my nakedness. " I can take it from here, go and take some rest "

The girl added but I didn't want to, I looked at Lara who wasn't even looking at me but she felt my gaze and replied " Get out! ", It was a cold voice which always strikes my heart like thunder, I knew I wasn't supposed to be there so I quietly walked away not even looking back once,

Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I run down the hall, she told me to be a good girl so I should be one but I can't help it when my heart is saying otherwise I opened the door of my bedroom and jumped on my king sized bed without a second thought,

My head was facing the roof and familiar sealing makes me remember the past, The memories I tried so hard to forget rushed towards my mind like a tsunami,

Ten years ago,

" This card has five million dollars, take it and leave I don't want to see you near my daughter " Mother said coldly as she hand a golden card to me,

I was sitting at the dining table facing my mother whose face was reddened from anger, I'm in my last year of high school I can't even transfer to another school at this time of the year, If I were to leave that means I should drop out completely but I can't,

" Mother..."

I slumped down on my knees as I pleaded to her " Please I will stop seeing her just don't send me away, I only have the two of you"

She chuckled loudly as she moves closer to me and kneel beside me, She wrapped her hands around my shoulders and said calmly " Well! I can let you stay but I have a condition " It ended with a whisper and a little bite on my ear,


I called as I felt the warm hand rushing all over my body. She touched me here and there, but I didn't have the strength to fight her, " Mother stop! " I cried as she pushed me down angrily,

" Get out of my house you ungrateful piece of trash, I feed you and raised but now you grow thorns in that little empty head of yours, get out go! "

Just like that, I was thrown out of the building I considered my home.

Next morning

Nothing much happened in particular just a few paper works and errands for my so-called jerk boss, we haven't had a proper conversation yet and it seems like she had no intention of starting one so I just played along with it.

It was around 11:23 am, seven minutes before the boss's hot coffee so I was rushing in the elevator because I might be late if I go any slower, the door of her private elevator opened and I hoped in that instant, as I think of this and that the next moment I knew I was already on the ground floor,

I rushed out quickly when I met a large crowd of people. 

' This building of thirty-five floors has three companies resided in it, fourteen upper floors are used by Empire Group, Eight floors are rented by Echo (The telecommunication company), twelve of them are rented by Mo group and the ground floor is a green zone for all the companies upstairs,

In general, this towel is called Golden Castle solely owned by the head of Empire Group chairwoman'

The noises were so loud and it wasn't easy to know which company are they from so I tried to make my way past them since I had no time to waste with such trivial matters,

I pushed my way through until I saw the entrance but it was blocked by two women who were arguing, the older woman was shouting at the younger one as the flood of slaps followed on top of her head,

"You monster after killing my child you dared to make a comeback, I'll kill you, Die! Die! Die bitch! " The woman screamed, nobody was doing anything other than whispering,

I looked at her, she was just like me, alone and out of a place, I know that I don't deserve to pity another but something always pushes me to my limit when It comes to helping others even though I'm useless myself.

Whispers from west to south were making me sick and all I wanted was to pass through that door they are blocking, " You know there are charges after causing commotion here, right? "

Suddenly there was silence and every eye was on me ' I didn't want this ' But I can't turn back in time, can I? Absolutely no!

I walked closer to them and spoke in a low and calm tone,

" It's better to argue outside, It's..." Before I could finish my sentence a slap fell on my face, this woman is crazy, totally insane. I looked at her angrily and wanted to fight back but someone pulled me back,

' She is the cousin of Madam Mo, Don't get yourself killed ' She whispered in a voice that only the two of us could hear.

"Oooh!" I exclaimed. No wonder no one interrupted her, she is that infamous cousin of Madam Mo, Lidia the psycho, It wasn't funny but I found myself laughing " So you are that psychopath who can't control her anger issues? "

" What did you just say? ", she barked as she slowly walked towards me, her eyes were popping out and her fist was hard clenched

And at that moment I knew that I fucked up, " You started it first how can you just slap an innocent person " I spoke angrily, If I'm gonna be blacklisted I should also teach her a lesson for good.

She sneered as she snatched someone else's purse on the other hand " What is there to be reasonable for when disciplining a Livestock "

Everyone was in awe upon hearing that, she wasn't just talking about me but everyone there but even with that no one will dare to confront her, No one will help me any way so If anything happens I better eat my fill full first,

" If we are livestock then what are you, a peasant, Farmer, a trash what does that make you? It looks likes we ain't that much different anyway "

" Say it again, repeat it loudly this time b* " She was in a rage and all she wanted is for me to click that switch so that she would erupt, every ear was waiting for my response when another voice interrupted authoritatively,

" What is there to repeat? "

A woman's voice. Soft and majestic enough to silence everyone in the room, I snapped my head and saw a goddess-like figure approaching, magnificent from head to toe, the woman whose presence is the definition of power.

Who is she?