Chapter 16

Kyle's Pov

At The Hospital

When I opened my eyes I was staring at the unfamiliar white roof, I could tell right away it was a hospital judging by the smell of drugs that was all over the large space. Although my whole body was aching all over I didn't want to sleep any longer so I tried to sat when a warm hands held me back,

" You should rest a little longer "

Unfamiliar voice and unfamiliar golden eyes. I don't know this person but I admit she is gorgeous sonovabitch. she might be one of the company workers seeing that no one is here except for her.

" Ooh! My bad , I should have introduced myself earlier, my name is Ayra, you saved me yesterday from that witch...sorry I'm talking too much ", She blushed shyly as she sat accross the hospital bed.

I guess I was staring too much too.

Anyway, I don't even remember her so I just listened to her stories so that I could kill time, I heard that there was a caretaker but she went out to have lunch so this beauty was looking after me until she get back.

" You really don't have to, I'm good " I insisted.

She suddenly grabbed my hands and pleaded " I'm not here because of that either I have something personal to ask you since you seems like a reliable person "

What could possibly be, she doesn't even know me and she wants to ask me a favor. I mean me of all the reliable people out there? ." Can't you see I'm sick? , Make it short " I grumbled as my eyes were focusing elsewhere.

I felt the changes in her mood and the silent gaze was irritating me It felt a little bit hesitant as I could feel the tension and worries from her but still I couldn't care less, I'm the patient here , Ain't I?.

" Okay, 1...2...3...

Be my manager " she screamed nervously, It seems she wasn't used in asking favors and It took her courage but still I was stunned by it. She wasn't normal at all.

It heard her perfectly clear but I wanted to hear it again from her mouth so I asked her , Loudly and persistently " What? "

" What did you just say now? "

There was a silence for a while so I turned my gaze and looked at her . She looked down and a little bit dissapointed her eyes were teary as she slowly let go of my hands. " You might think I'm talking nonsense, right? " She spoke calmly as tears were wetting her shirt.

She paused for a while and continued, " It's just that , it has been a long time since someone took my side so I was fluttered and wanted to keep you close to me, I'm sorry If I make you uncomfortable "

I didn't have a strength to rejected her while looking at her , I snapped my heard , looked at the window and saw a dark clouds covered the sky. " It's going to rain heavily tonight " I said calmly.

" Yeah! " She replied with a cracked voice but I didn't bat an eye and continued, " I don't really know your situation and I'm not sure if I want to but there is one thing that I know, Miss Ayra, I can't work for you "

" Well, that is expected but It's still so hurtful, you know "

We both laughed. " But , I wasn't done yet, Listen what I'm going to say, I know we have so many bad people but there are good people as well, I don't know what you do but don't focus on success rather enjoy the process and do what you couldn't "

" I haven't thought that much yet , Now that I think of it..." she spoke then mumbled in her breath ' enjoy the process '

" What ? " I asked curiously because she paused for a long time, after five minutes in her own mind she suddenly stood up strongly and smiled, she grabbed my shoulders tightly and hugged me.

" Thank you, I know what I'm supposed to do , thank you so much kyle, I gotta go but I'll be here tomorrow, see you "

She placed a kiss on my cheek and run out hurriedly, I admit It was kinda cute and somehow I felt like some kind of master who make a disciple breakthrough after few words of realization.

Ten minutes later, a middle-aged woman came back with tray of food , There were steak , salad, pasta for her and porridge for me . I looked at her food and swallowed hard enough for her to hear my hunger, It was tempting and I do love meat than anything. But of course 'Anything ' doesn't include Lara,

" Can I have some " I begged but she strongly refuses," Nope! Doctor said that you won't be able to eat normal food for about a week or two "

" Kill me already " I cried and my stomach followed as well, I was starving and didn't want to be picky until I Starved to death. I picked up a spoon of porridge and put it on my mouth, It was a little sour but mostly sweet , the aroma and the sensation was rich and magical,

One spoon turn into two and two led to ten until to bowl was empty. " Can I get some more? " I begged. " please!"

Park Soo-Hyun's Pov

If you ask people what's is the worst thing in the world, some will say money and other will say the devil or hatred or something closer to that, we define things from our point of views that is why if you ask me what is the worst thing in the world ? Probably without a doubt I would say people.

Everything about people, People's words,People's business, People's expectations, People's greed. People are what destroy other people. People are the villain of the universe.

But of course, that doesn't include my boss. Without her extending a hand for me that day I can't imagine what kind of monster I would have grown to be, though I still am a monster now at least I am a rich and a well tamed one,

I was on the front sit with the driver as my eyes were prying on the boss in the back seat from time to time . She looked so impatient and angry, It's rarely to see her out of control like this , that young lady affects her so much that I'm starting to worry,

What is their bond and story behind the love hate relationship between them. They want each other's but still can't admit it. Would they be each other's swords or destruction is a mystery that even I the " problem solver" can't solve.

After five hours long drive the car packed and headed to the abandoned building were our people are holding 'our' dear Maggie, we walked unhurried climbing one stair after another, we reached the third flow and met with Seven who was the squad leader of team 2. With eight other members, 

" She is inside, Ma'am! " He explained after the greetings, we entered inside and she was there tied up on the chair with her both hands and limbs still intact which somehow bothered me.

" You sure don't know how to have fun, wait outside we gonna take take of it "

He went out leaving just me and Lara who was abnormally quiet, upon seeing out presence the girl laughed which irritated me even more " Do you think you will get me to to open my mouth? " she said arrogantly.

My head was exploding in fury but I try so hard to hide it however that attitude shouldn't go unpunished, I grabbed a pipe and headed infront of her ready to smash her head, unexpectedly Lara stopped me, " I will do it myself ", she said calmly.

Maggie laughed again and repeated her sentence, " Do you really think you can make me talk? "

" Who said want's to make you talk, It doesn't really matter " She grabbed her and her chair, she raised her her to the max and dropped her down " Either way, I'm going to be your damnation "

This time she grabbed her and slammed her on the wall and the chair broke into pieces, seeing that she wasn't satisfied she grabbed and started to break one finger after another, she girl cried and begged for mercy but Lara didn't badge.

" I'm going to talk, I will say everything " she cried but Lara wasn't paying attention, probably didn't care at all about the reason, She looked calmly but she was out of control. " It's Megan, Megan Han ! "

" Didn't I say that I don't care. I'm going to make an example out of you, No! I'm going to kill each one of you"

She is going to kill her at this rate. She sound calm and unbothered but she is breaking inside , I watched her as her expression turn dark. Like she is being devoured by something monstrous and horrifying. It can't be it again, Is It?.