Chapter 19

Third Person's Pov

Next Morning.

Lara woke up in hospital bed hugging a thin and cold body, Her eyes lazily opened and saw kyle wrapped in her arms, they must have been cuddling for the entire night. She looked at her sleeping face and remembered the days when they were young,

The memories she considered useless but wouldn't dare to forget. She scanned Kyle's entire body until her eyes stuck on her wet pink lips. She then swallowed as she resisted the urge to sucked them until they are stone-cold dry.

She could feel her stomach colliding with her brain and the things between her legs twitching. Her face reddened when she thoughts of undressing her that very moment and started to lick her just for Kyle to wake up and found her between her legs,

That's what her body wanted but the other side of her disagree with the idea.

She shook her head to calm herself down, It wasn't what she had planned. the thought of her wanting Kyle make her pity herself, ' I'm never going to drink again , Love, romance, I don't want any of that bullshit '

She thought as she scolded herself furiously. She believes that good girl is gone and didn't want her back for she was stupid and foolish enough to believe in fairy-tales.

Lara took another glace at kyle as she wore her long black Jacket and headed out without saying a word, her memories of last night were blurry but she remembered sensing something murderous and passed out afterwards.

It wasn't a first time someone tried to kill her but something about last night was off, It was like she was missing out an important part and she wasn't going to let it go.

Lara walked out hurriedly until she reached her car and found her driver sleeping in the front seat, she could have pitted him but she is paying him a way too much to go easy on him. She knocked on the window and Uncle Roger suddenly woke up and opened the door for her.

" Good morning, Ma'am! "

" Home! " She said coldly. Not even ask him about his night after making him sleep inside the car.

Back to the hospital room.

As soon as Lara left Kyle opened her eyes dissapointingly , she caressed Lara side of the bed and smiled " It's warm " She said.

She wake up early and found herself in Lara's embrace. She was hugged so tight that she prayed that moment would last forever, The strawberry scent mixture with vanilla was one of her weaknesses. She was caught by her again,

And so, she act as if she was asleep and wait for her to wake up just to be left alone by her without a word.

Kyle grabbed the pillow that Lara was using and hugged it " So cruel " , She called her out but her face was full of joy and goosebumps. It has been so long since she was embraced by Lara like that , she wanted it to last a little longer, however unlike her wishes she was now alone.

The morning routine was like usual, the cleaners came in then the doctors and breakfast after that. She was sitting with her caretaker eating her porridge quietly. The silence was boring to kyle and she felt like she could use a friend.

" I don't even know your name " She spoke calmly.

The lady was sitting on the couch. She had short grey hair and dull blue eyes, just by one glance you could tell that she was one of those ladies who knows how to take good care of themselves.

Upon hearing kyle question she chuckled. She never thought she would be asked about her name any time soon because not many cared enough to want to know about it.

" Maria Rodriguez but just call me Maria "

" Miss Rodriguez, nice to meet you! "

" It's Maria, I feel more comfortable that way "

She shrugged, acting mad and laughed afterwards, they both did,

" Okay, Just Maria. Can I ask you something?"

" Yes! yes!, Sure ? "

" Why did you let in that Ayra girl yesterday, isn't like you were sure that I helped her, what makes you believe that she helped me "

Her faced dropped down , she seems to regret whatsoever she thoughts she did wrong but that wasn't what kyle wanted. " I'm sorry " She spoke calmly.

" No! I'm just asking because I'm curious ".

" Well! It was Ayra, she wouldn't just visit anyone so I thought it's true that you helped her in the past , wasn't that the case?"

Kyle was even more confused by her statement " Is that Ayra someone rich or something like that? "

" Morningstar's sisters, don't you know about dream girls?, don't you know the song , I'm a survivor, I'm gonna make it. I'm not gonna give up...."

" Oooooh! Wait...?"

Kyle exclaimed, she was a little startled. Of course she knew that song because Eva would stop singing it in their time when they were teammates back in the military camp, " You mean that huge star was the one who came to visit me ? " she asked in shock.

" She is not the diva she use to be but yes. It's her "

Kyle was lost of words thinking the way she rejected her offer. Being her manager would make her a decent amount of money enough to pay Lara but then she wouldn't be having the incident like cuddling with her or living in the same house.

As much as she hated her perverted-ness she wanted her that badly. It doesn't matter now that she was away from those psychopaths from the military and Lara's mother wasn't around she could at least enjoy it a little bit .

" Eva would worshipp her if they were to meet, she said that she would be here today".

She smiled thinking about asking Ayra for her autograph when she came back because.

She could have told eva but looking at her state she gave up the Idea.

She didn't want Eva to see her in that state , barely escape death.

Kyle put down her empty bowl but her stomach was still growling, she came to like Maria's porridge so much and craved for more each time.

Her eyes looked at the window and saw the dark clouds, she smiled. " It's going to rain again today " . She spoke.

Back to Lara.

" As I mentioned earlier, this year's theme is Romance and Passion, I know we always go with hard boiled themes but I want it to be different this year so here are the suggestions that goes with... "

Lara was in meetings with her team leaders, 

she woke up with flooded tons of ideas and the first thing she did after her quick shower was a meeting. She gave them what she think will go well with Romance and passion then makes the teams complete with each other's.

" I'm giving you a week to give me the results, be late, you will be eliminated, missing document, you are out, until there is only one man standing "

They all agreed with her , it was a time for everyone to prove their competence infront of their boss , there was no other good chance than this. As they were all about to disperse one team leader from team E raised a hand.

Lara was astonished by his guts and let him speak.

" I know we are getting paid pretty well but don't we need some kind of spur to make this exciting, I mean people wouldn't be eager to win like this"

" Aaron Hamilton, right? " Lara asked as she scanned his file. " Yes! Aaron Hamilton is who Iam "

If eyes could stabs Aaron would have been bleeding right now, the other team leaders hates him for a reason. He was ambitious who never really cared what it would take to get what he wanted.

Just six months ago he was an intern and two months after he was a contracted employee and now in a blink of an eyes he is as the same position as them which he got from selling out his previous team leader.

Although team E is the weakest among the five team but that Aaron boy is the threat even for them.

" Thanks Mr. Hamilton. I almost forgot the prize . This challenge will decided the hierarchy system of the company. It survivor of the fittest , the more competent will rule ". Lara spoke in command but all the eyes were on Aaron.

Disdain was written in everyone's face.