Chapter 21

Kyle's Pov

I grabbed my phone and slides left, It have been a long time since the last time I saw the nameless number on my broken screen so I just assumed----or so hoped , in my head that, that person would be her. The woman who drives me insane and sane as the same time,

As I put that old thing near my ear I increased the volume,

Although, even I wasn't sure why I did it but I just did, maybe I thought it would be better not to miss every single thing she says to me or it just that I was that nervous,

I waited but it was silent, like she was waiting for me to speak first which I surely did ,

" Hello! "

In a calmly voice I spoke yet I was impatient to hear her voice. I wanted it to be her so badly, however...

It was only my wishful thinking.

" You never called me once you ungrateful piece of whatever, do you know how worried I was about you. Where are you , tell me now before I filed the missing report "

Didn't know I should be happy or what? , I was gladly that a friend remembered the invisible me but she sounded really pissed,

Not sure why? .

 Eva and I stayed together for one month and we were close back in the days although I can't really say we were really friends.

Maybe ' people who cares for each other but never crossed a certain line ' will do, I can't explain our relationship in one word, to make it simple we do like our company together but not closer enough to pity one another that's why she didn't hesitate to kick me out of her house,

I'm not complaining, not at all, but friends don't do that to each other, if Lara didn't took me in I'm not sure what could have happened to me, Anyway , me homeless is totally my fault I can't blame her and I shouldn't,

" I'm sorry my work is keeping me busy "

Apologizing, I knew it was unnecessary, she needed a space with her boyfriend and I gave her a whole bunch of it, but she is someone a little more special than a stranger to me that's why I did it ,

" Kyle...? "

She busted out crying my name,

" Baby what's wrong? Did something happened with that Mr. Boyfriend of yours? "

She swallowed hard enough for me to hear on the other side, not that I hate it but it felt like she is going through hell,

" I have so much but I can't say everything on the phone, I can really use a shoulder right now, please "

I wanted to run to her that very moment however I'm not all well and have a job that i wasn't able to attend to for the past few days and I can't just ask for a leave today,

 " Eva sweetheart can I came over tomorrow morning, we are in the middle of something I can't skip "

My heart ached for her, burned in her stead. Although she didn't say exactly what she is going through I can tell that it is hurting her like hell and she needs someone however I couldn't do much.

" Cry as much as you can today, and then sleep it out, I'll be there first thing in the morning when you are less frustrated and less confused, can you do that for me darling?,

" I'll try " She answered.

" Good! Lock your doors and stay inside, okay? "

" Okay "

We bid farewell and our car was infront of the gate just behind another car which I'm sure it was Lara's, I watched her as she get off and walked towards us , without even been told Nancy unlocked the door and Lara stood there infront of me ,

" How are you doing? "

" I'm good? " I answered as I shyly smiled, she asked me how I am doing, she wanted to know about me . I looked at her and again in a spur of moment I saw the expression that I can't read but who cares when she solely focusing on me right now,

She extended her hand and grabbed me princess style, I wrapped my hands around her shoulders and let her take me anywhere, she could kidnap me and I wouldn't even scream the way I love the feeling of me in her arms,

Lara walked with her eyes focusing ahead of her, I wished I could be that focused but I wasn't, I was just another coward out here waiting for a chance to runaway " Thank you! "

It's all thanks to her that I'm even a person, back then and now even though she is a little rough with me but I'm still thankful that she wouldn't let anything hurt me, anything but her,

" Why thanking me? "

She asked casually, at least she wasn't as cold as she use to be when we met again for the first time , my heart was a little moved.

" carrying me on your wings, protecting me and yet I can't even do one thing properly "

She chuckled and I regretted being on the wrong side because I couldn't get to see her dimple, she glanced at me and spoke calmly " Do good from now on ". Of course I will.

I shyly looked away didn't want her to see my blushing face , " I know I have done so many unforgivable sins to many people but I only regret one if not two, Lara..."

She blocked my mouth with her lips not giving me a chance to say more, I wanted to tell her the truthful of how I felt and what truly happened back then maybe she would hate me less if not more but no!

Her warm tongue was exploring my mouth like a tomb rider, she squeezed every drop in my mouth while walking towards the entrance, she didn't care about which door I'm walking in, all she need and all I need was to get inside, As fast as we could.

We walked past the main door to Lara's garden which I didn't get to set my feet on, there were few workers who were watering the plants and when they saw us they run away not even trying to take a peek,

Lara slowly put me down and held my cheeks not letting my mouth go like they were glued to each other. Her hands moved gently on my back until they reached my bra, she unlocked it and threw it away, our eyes met and she chuckled, 

" It was bothering me "

It was bothering me too but I didn't get to say it because her hands were on my boobs squeezing them like avocados in streets market, It was hurting a little but it also felt so good, enough to die for.

She carried me again to the one of the tea table in the garden, I was a little scared for my soul when she make me lay on it ,

" What are you doing? " I asked nervously.

" Pleasing you ! " , She was serious about it , she is doing all of this to me , I'm always on the receiving side why not the other way around? I hated it , I hated the way things goes,

" This is my thanks or would you like money instead? " . Absolutely not!

" Be gentle please " I smile shyly,

 " I'm always gentle " . She smirked evily which made my heart trembled in fear, 

I know she didn't really mean it, since when she become gentle?. Or is she somehow possessed and the woman in front of me is nothing but a ghost , that could explain the intimacy all over sudden.

" Kay...? "

She called me as she pressed her body against mine,

" Kay? "

She whispered in my ear as our chests rubbed against each other's,

She was shirtless and I don't even remembered when she undressed but all I could see was her bare boobs which were red and milk-full pushing against mine. 

" Tell me! " she groaned,

" Should I take it off ? your top? "

I nodded, I wanted her as much as she wanted me maybe even more, I wanted her tongue to touch every part of me , I wanted her to bite me and mark me so that everyone will know that I belongs to her, and it was like she was on my mind,

Lara's tongue draw a line from my ear to my mouth until she reached my chest , she stopped and glanced at me who was waiting for whatever surprise she had,

" Should I stop here or do you want me to go down? " She asked me in a mostly embarrassing way, I want both and I wasn't ready to choose,

" Leave down for later do something about my nipples they are itching " I demanded shamelessly,

 I wanted everything, all of it not just this leave that. She smirked, I knew she liked the idea too, the girl grew up and so is her greed , I'm not saying it's a bad, It just so so... , I want it to be just for me ,

The warm sensation followed by a little bit of blow mind sweet-pain cause by Lara as she bites my nipples. That brought me back to where I was, On top of the table and Lara's body on top of mine.

I could feel the quiver and deep inside, between my legs started to harden, I wanted more, I wanted something more rough before my release and I'm glad she sensed it too because she was starting to moved her tongue down my stomach,

 " Lara...? If you move like that I'll be done in a second, j-just go down there " Again with my demands,

She stood up ready to fulfill it , I wanted her to do it so badly and her eyes were telling me she wanted this as much as I do. She bend down a little making a space for her head and then looking up to me ,

" Can I remove your underwear? "