Chapter 30


" You seem confused!" She chuckled

"My bad! I meant to say that I like her and I want to have a blind date with her or maybe something more fun ".

Merlin shrouded her shoulders as her eyes intensely glared at Lara. ' Shameless ' that is what Kyle's expression screamed.

She wanted to jump and rip that old lady to pieces but held back when she heard Lara's laugh. 

"It seems like I'm not rich and powerful enough, seeing even pests are begging me to hook them up " She grumbled as she wore a bored face,

Her answer was unexpected, It was mostly like she would reject her but not in that kind of manner, kyle knew that if they stayed there one more minute they would snap each other's necks in no time so she pulled Lara away however before they got too far someone held her back,

" Hey! Maybe my cuz is in the wrong but you can't just grab my girlfriend the way you... ", - Clara who was somewhat pissed spilt it angrily but Kyle was even angrier than her.

" So what? It's not like she is your wife or something. And girlfriend? Does she know that she is your girlfriend? "

" Yo-!" Clara wanted to argue but Kyle stopped her with her hand.

" I'm not done talking but you spoiled my mood already so we will be taking our leave if you excuse us" she finished and started to pull Lara again and this time she didn't move an inch.

Kyle looked at her in surprise but Lara didn't say a word and took her hand off her instead. " Go home okay! I have something to discuss with Clara, I'll see you later "

" But I- "

" Kyle Angela, Know your place and do what you are told" Seeing that she was going to rebel Lara scolded her. Kyle knew better than being Clingy.

"Alright! But If you won't be back before ten I'll kill her "

"KYLE! "

" Okay! Okay!, bye!"

As Kyle took Lara's Maserati with her. Merlin was driving her car with Lara and Clara in the back seat. The atmosphere was gloomy and nobody wanted to start the conversation until Merlin coughed.

 " How lucky to have me as your chauffeur "

" I'm not here for this, What do you want this time Clara? "

Clara exclaimed. " What do I want? You have been ignoring me did you forget about the contract you are so proud of? "

Lara sneered " Maybe you forgot that the contract states five years and that will end tomorrow. Morning. Time surely flies "

There was a silence for a moment before Clara silently groaned. Alack! She completely forgot about it. That day five years ago when the heavy rain was pouring and the thunder was scolding her, an angel ascended from heaven and shielded her.


Five years ago

It wasn't a rainy season but that day was full of water and full of events coming and going one after another. Clara was on her way home after completing her studies at one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Harvard graduates sure had a high chance of success in the real world. She was pretty and was a good shape envied by many. You could say she was one of the lucky ones, well, she thought so too until she met her,

It was a silent Thursday, or you could say the calm before the storm.

Clara was in the car admiring the weather, everything looked glorious at night in York City, Not buildings or the curves on the road, one could say that it was a min-version of heaven,

And so an idea invaded her mind. I should blow off my mind one time now that I have been a good girl all these years for the family's sake. She wanted to have a little fun not knowing it was more than just a little fun.

" Hey! Mr Chauffeur, I heard there is a club called Lex, drop me there "

" But young Miss-"

" Fuvk off! I'm not begging, I'm informing you. Drive silent if you want to keep your pocket money " She said annoyingly as she lazily lay back on the seat.

It wasn't a long ride because in less than thirty minutes Clara was inside the infamous gay club in the city, deviously tweaking her tiny ass. Everything was great and fun.

Indeed it was fun until she bumped into her,

She froze as her eyes met those dark brown eyes that looked scarier under the club's dim light, Her fragrance was unique and captive. Her looks were unparalleled she wondered if God sometimes bragged about her to his angels.

" I..."

She wanted to say something but nothing could come out of her mouth. For the first time in her life she was being cowardly, That beautiful stranger kissed her out of nowhere but she didn't hate it, she kissed her back,

'Kaye' The Beautiful lady groaned in so much pain as if she could die that very moment. She looked painful and loathing,

Clara was displeased with her when she called another woman's name when she was in her embrace,

Clara knew better than to let her go, And so she trapped her into being her friend with benefits for five years thinking no matter how hard she was there was no way she wouldn't fall in love with her in those five years,

However,  what she didn't expect was every time she tried to make her fall for her touch all of Lara's thoughts were still on that unknown girl

As time passes Lara tells Clara that she is fine and that she moved on already. However, whenever she looked into her eyes she saw how deep she was diving and that she was with her only passing time in her arms. She was nothing but a replacement. She extended her hand to reach her heart but the heart was there no more.

There was nothing but... Longing

Clara recalled how they met and how things were going so far, she had gone through hell for the woman beside her. She did everything to protect her from the wind of high society, knowing and unknowingly, she has always been her secret heroine.

" To be honest I thought that we would be a little more than friends after all these years ". Clara said bitterly.

" We were never friends in the first place "

Lara answered carelessly as if she was forced to be there. Her eyes were looking at the window as in her mind she was pitting the woman beside her.

She knew about her feelings and that even money and fame couldn't buy a loyal dog like her. She was one of a kind, maybe she was indeed a friend and she didn't just want to admit but one thing was clear ' It was sad to end things this way '

" But what do friends do when they are breaking up, let's do that, " Lara said with a serious tone and Clara who was sad a minute ago chuckled.

 " Friends don't break up. They fight and make up, friends and are more like siblings than lovers "

She calmly explained as the car was parked. " Merlin, what are you doing? "

" I wanted to give you two space to figure your shit out. I'm tired of listening to your love quarrel " Merlin complained and unlocked the door.

The two headed to the restaurant and sat at the last table at the corner, the waiter came took their order and wrote it down before she headed back. " Thank you for making our breakup unforgettable "

" I'm glad you liked it but I did nothing "

" This is everything to me. Being here with you makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world, I just don't know why but even after everything I still trust you and you are still the one I love "

She explained calmly although Lara looked a little bit uncomfortable.

Their order came, Lara ordered Turkish tea while Clara ordered milk coffee with cake bread and peanuts on top,

" Can I get extra peanuts please! They are my favourite ".

Slowly she swallowed one thing after another as she kept explaining how deep her love was to Lara. The time goes and they were done with that one-sided conversation, Lara looked extremely exhausted so she quickly ran to pay the bills,

Her back was facing Clara when she felt a hot liquid on her neck. She turned back in fury just to see Clara's mouth covered by dark-coloured liquid. It was too dark to call it blood and she didn't have time to figure out what it was because at that moment she was in shock as well.

' This..., This is way too familiar ' she trembled.