Chapter 36

The night was at its peak but the city was nowhere near asleep. There were club lights decorated the night sky and cars roaming back and forth on the road however somewhere outside the city was deadly silent and a familiar silhouette in black was seen moving at an insane pace,

Her whole body was covered but her deep cold eyes.

When she moved every living being ran away from her, the bloodlust she was exuding was terrifying and murderous, Not even demons would dare to approach.

A few meters away in the winding area that was surrounded by bushes there was a laying black figure watching the lady from afar, moving from one place to another as they watched her searching,

It was a cat-and-mouse game.

The silhouette moved and so did the black figure but alas! They couldn't keep up for long and the silhouette appeared in front of them just when they were to move again. The lady silhouette grabbed the black figure by the collar and rolled it over,

" Caught you! " The lady's voice was heard.

" As expected from you junior sister but did you think I'll have started it if I'm planning to go down like this?".

When the sentence ended another black figure appeared however the lady was so calm as if she knew there was some other rat in hiding,

The smirk appeared on the lady's face before it turned into a big laughter. She looked at the familiar silhouette of the new arrival and spoke

" Ten and Nine you shiny little weaklings, I knew you would pull something like this but do you think that's all it takes to bring me down ? ".

" Many things have changed for the past two years since we left the camp to get strong, I still can't forgive you for killing our brother, you destroyed the trio formation but you know what? I never felt more powerful in my life,"

" Wow! That's awesome. You went to strengthen your dick and you got some balls too, very well. Well Done!. Now shall we? Let's not waste time"

The lady spoke as she raised her hand as if she was begging for someone to grab it, the two black figures looked at each other and nodded but before they could even react a big scream was heard. Nine's right hand was on the ground. Everything happened so fast before the two of them could react,

Seeing that their sworn sister wasn't just playing samba all this time they were apart, the two silhouettes were starting to get serious. Although they were two on one they were barely keeping up with the junior sister,

As the both of them use their deadly final moves that took them years to cultivate to perfection the other side seems to only dodge those fatal blows,

" Senior brother something doesn't feel right "

" I sense it too! ".

It took them half an hour to figure out that the lady in front of them was just toying with them. They were nowhere near her strength or agility. It has always been that way. She was the most feared number of all Ten Curses Of Black Mount. She was indeed the infamous Seven.

" You know the rule of black mount, It's survival of the fittest, If I kill your brother that's because he was weak, It's his fault, not mine just like the way It's your fault for dying today as well ".

The bloodthirsty aura covered the lady, It has been quite some time ever since she showered her heart with hot blood. She wanted to take a break a live a normal life like everybody else but it seemed impossible.

Knowing that they don't stand a chance the two black figures kneel and prostrate in front of her, their heads on the ground licking the wet soil of an abandoned forest.

Seeing that sight seven wasn't happy at all, she looked at them in disgust and thought ' What is there to expect from a thief and a prostitute? ',

It's true that she was planning to kill them and either way they would die but she was expecting them to at least entertain her for a bit, those two were no fun at all just like their late brother.

As she kept staring at them coldly Nine thought that was his chance to attack her when she wasn't expecting

Little did he know the lady in front of him was just waiting for one of them to make a slight mistake so that she will know who to kill first,

Before he could draw his poisoned dagger his spinal cord got disfigured followed by every born in his body, all of that happened in a matter of a mere half a minute. The dead body fell but there was no trace of wound or poison and that was the end of the most cunning thief in the world,

" It's a pity things turn out like this . And you sister so now behave or I'll kill "

" This lowly one understands sister ".

With the Warning Seven disappeared leaving number ten standing with a big victorious smile on her face.She didn't care that her sworn brother just died,

Her whole body was crimson red, ' I knew you were awesome Old Seventh, No wonder my heart beats abnormally fast every time I see you. I will have you. I'll kill everyone who comes between us, starting with that bitch "

" I knew you love me too, or else you wouldn't have let me live , I love you too babe "

Her eyes turn blood red as she thoughts of her sadistic hobbies, forgetting the Warning she just received because in her mind she concluded that,

" My love, this is her way of showing affection, and it turns me so on. Why else would she spare me twice if it's not love? Before her I never believed in fate but if this isn't love then what is this? "

She took a last glance at her brother's cold body and sneered.

' Weakling! '


The darkness was chased away by the enchanting sun and morning arrived, Clara was in the hospital room staring at the window emotionlessness. It was just yesterday when she would get angry or frown when she was mad however all those emotions disappeared with the darkness of the night.

As her eyes focused solely on one place her mind was in chaos that she didn't notice that there was another presence in the room until the voice spoke,

" Ma'am! I was told to abort the mission but I'm nowhere near half of it "

Clara snapped her head and stared at the young man in front of him. Yes! He is her spy and an ally, many things he has done were indeed per her order. Knowing that there was always someone there for her Clara looked at the young man with admiration.

" You came. I'm glad you did! "

Clara spoke calmly as she returned her focus to the window.

" What we have been doing so far is useless we must take the matter into our own hands or else she will never come to me willingly ".

" It's good that you have your people in the company. She indeed is the major shareholder but she is not even the CEO, she doesn't hold actual power, say a word and I'll commence the plan "

Clara thought for a while then shook her head.

" I can't let her know about us, she is clever, she might have a card or two up her sleeve if we attack straight forward so right now contact Assassin guild and finish that leech off her ".

" Yes! Ma'am "

The young man spoke his voice was as nonchalant as himself. After that small conversation, the young man bid her farewell and went on his way, It was around lunchtime so the sooner her guest arrived,

Speaking of the devil, The door opened and Lara entered holding a tray with different kinds of food and placed it on the table,

" I hope you are doing okay "

" It's all thanks to god's grace "

" Well, that's good because this is my last day coming here "

Lara looked annoyed as if she was forced to come, she somehow looked uncomfortable.

As she was sitting there she noticed something unusual and unhesitantly asked, " Did someone come here before me? "

Clara was startled for a bit and then she quickly hid her emotions, she put on a warm smile and then replied meekly.

"This is the hospital, there are nurses, patients, and friends who come to visit, don't tell me you are jealous. "

" No that's not it, I smell a familiar cologne, where have I smelled it...?

"You might be mist-,"

" Aaron! "

" What? "

" It's Aaron's, I'm I right?".