Chapter 41

" Are you going to force yourself on me ? "

Ayra who was laying on the bed asked in serious tone however she was neither cold nor serious just a peculiar face that showed no emotion,

Her gaze was focusing on the woman in front of her like she wanted to surrender her whole self to her but she wasn't going to show how willing she was,

What's fun in that anyway?

But that was all in her head, how could smart Soo-Hyun not see through her facade?

Holding on her racing heart Soo-Hyun smirked. Somehow deep inside her she was so enchanted by the woman in front of her , ' How cute! " She thought.

" If this is forcing you then, yes! , I'm gonna force my way to you, In you . Until we become one , Until there is no YOU and I just US!" She replied.

" I'm madly afraid, I'm so insecure but my heart beats so fast right now that I can barely breathe, from the moment I saw you in that museum you stole my heart, I just needed time to realize it,even though it's a little late , Baby! I love you " She added.

The she moved closer to the bed and kneel before Ayra " Baby, I Said I love you,I love you so much and I'm not saying this thoughtlessly, I love you from the bottom of my heart . I'm utterly, completely into you , I don't need three dates to know that I love you, you won baby. I surrender to you, I'm so madly in love"

Without waiting for a reply she moved closer and hugged Ayra, she didn't want to hear her say a word in case she changed her mind. She hugged her so tightly as if she wanted their body to become one.

Everything was new to Soo-Hyun, she never had a lover and this is her first time, she is ignorant of this kind of love but she is ready to learn to play house if that's why this woman wants,

As long as she is with her there is nothing she wouldn't do.

Ayra suddenly broke off the hug and locked eyes with her " What if I don't love you? " She asked as she observed Soo-Hyun, there were a glimpse of murder intent but it disappeared as quickly as it came,

She hugged Ayra again, tighter this time, " I'll take you right here, right now, for the whole night and I'll not stopping until you fall for me too . It's your fault , you seduced me first "

Ayra "..."

Then she snapped " You hooligan! Didn't you just say that you fall for me the moment you saw me "

" Yes! That's when you seduced me "

" I was just looking at the painting , what's seductive about that "

" Just you, your whole being is seductive, you are even seducing me right now. You are going to be the death of me you little vixen" said Soo-Hyun as she bit her cheek.

Ayra strongly refuted pushing that hooligan awat, " You are a vixen, you're whole family is a vixen, call me names again then I won't talk to you ever again"

Soo-Hyun " ..."

' But baby that was supposed to be sexy' She cried out in her heart but nothing comes out her mouth, her little maiden was so innocent, that make her so happy.

Ayra was furiously as she gave up and watched Soo-Hyun kisses every part of her body. She knew that today she wouldn't be able to save her acupoint from being eaten, however she wasn't mad, this is what she has been waiting for her entire life

" Baby! I want to hear you say you love me too, just lie to me " refusing to let her go Soo-Hyun persisted on " Just lie to me . As long as you do and promise not to attract bees and butterflies, I will spare you for now"

" Miss Park! "

Ayra pouted " What do you mean for now? What are you going to do later? "

" Who knows? " Soo-Hyun shrouded her shoulders, she then raised her eyes and met Ayra's

" Tell me!"

Not wanting to argue with her Ayra smiled, " I was the one who wanted you first, I liked you from the moment I saw you kissing that woman that night.

In my life I have a family and many people around me but I have none to call my own, I never even cared about love until I saw you that night,

You were so beautiful. And your eyes make my heart trembles, That moment I knew I have fallen and so I make a vow to myself,

That woman should belong to me . My Love! I don't know how to explain this feeling but a mere word of four letters can't tell what I have in my heart,

My dearest! I adore you completely, I love you like a madman , I don't care of what you are I still love you and remember one thing, my heart is as frail as a bubblegum , please love me, love me more and more every day, I can only love you in this life ". Ayra confessed.

" I love you baby. I love you so fucking much "

Soo-Hyun hugged her tightly as if to prove to her how much she was in love with her . She wanted every one to know how much she love this woman, And to mark every inch of her body so that no body will dare covert her ever again,

" Are we going to do it now? " Ayra asked.

" I was planning to , but you deserve so much more than this " Soo-Hyun answered. 

The excitement on Ayra's face faded, she was ready to give herself to Soo-Hyun but the former seem to be holding back, she tightened her hands which was holding her, reluctant to let go,

" Don't be like that, Let's do it in my place so that we will comfortable to do anything we want, we don't know how many slept on this bed let alone their unspeakable deeds. Every second and everything about our first time must be clean and pure " Soo-Hyun stated.

" Except you , isn't it? " Ayra replied playfully before she stamped her lips into Soo-Hyun's.

Meeting with the resistance as she was trying to penetrate her tongue deep inside Ayra frowned. " Let me in " She asked.

" No!mmh! "

The moment Soo-Hyun tried to answer her, Ayra took that chance to shove her tongue into Soo-Hyun's mouth as she explored it impentiently,

The two kissed as they caressed each other's even Soo-Hyun who was reluctant at first has now lost herself in the hot and intense kiss

She felt so good never before, every touch and every move was making her lose her strength and her legs turn jelly until she let Ayra take the lead,

This was her first time being dominated like this but what surprised her the most was she didn't hate it instead she was loving every single bit of it.

Although Ayra was dominating the former her strength was not a match to Soo-Hyun's, so slowly she started to lose her breath which makes the former to stop,

" You did well baby, you are so good in this but that's enough for today, Okay" Soo-Hyun said as she patted Ayra's head .

Before Ayra could answer , Soo-Hyun's phone rang, She took a look on the screen and raised her brow . It was a call from Kyle, she had a feeling that something had happened so she pick it up quickly.

" What is it ? "

" How could that be? "

" Okay, calm down , I'll be there in a minute "

Then she hung up a give a peck to Ayra's forehead. " Baby rest here for the time being. I'm going to take care of some matters quickly and I'll come to pick you up , be good this time , Okay? "

" Uhn! " Ayra nodded.

Soo-Hyun stood up and walked to the door, but before she could open it and left she walked back and held her waist giving her a hard , mind blowing deep kiss to Ayra

Just a moment ago Ayra was suffocating by that man absurdity. She thought she hated when others touched her but she didn't hate it when her woman misbehave with her,

She didn't want her to go, If it was for her she would have make her stay and never let go. She wanted her right now and all to herself but she knew that Soo-Hyun has a life, and so much to worry about.

As the kiss intensified the phone rang again but this time makes Soo-Hyun's body weak and her soul trembles, It has been a long time since she got a call from her , so why now?

' Lady In Veil!' She mumbled coldly.