Chapter 44

Lara was already annoyed and one wrong move she will lose it that very second. It was clear what that man was trying to do but because this is what she wanted , she couldn't even get angry.

For the great good comes a greater price indeed. ' I should be patient, patient! Patient, Lara, Patient '

She waited for Sébastien's reply which seems to come late, she looked at him and smirked mockingly, after all the item has already been sold and soon he will have to pay, willingly or unwillingly

Thinking about that Lara's mood became slightly better, She never wanted this engagement which she didn't even know existed until she become slightly well-off,

She was aware that if not for her money no one would remember she had such agreement with the man.

" Are you okay? " Kyle asked.

" And why wouldn't I be? " Lara said playfully before she added. " After tonight I want to give us a second chance, I know I have been an asshole but I hope we can forget about everything, Let's clear every misunderstanding we have and even if we won't end up together Let's be friends "

Kyle looked at Lara's hand that was brushing against hers. " If I were to say that I do not want you, will you let go of me "

" No! I'll lock you up and chain you on my bed , just so you know we will grew old together either way. You choose, hard way or easy way , which one? "

Kyle pushed her , " Lara...! " she gritted her teeth.

" What?"

" I know you want me to be like ' babe you know I love working you can't keep me locked up in your penthouse ' but you know what? This is not some Mr grey movie, so of course I won't mind, who would hate being..." Kyle couldn't finish the sentence and stated to giggle.

Lara rolled up her eyes " Dirty mind, dirty mind "

All this time they didn't pay attention to Sébastien who was glaring at them , he was so mad,

Like how could she ? How dare she put a green hat on his head?

Lara made him lose face , not just once and now she is having an affair in public, how could he let it be? .

His fist was clenched so hard as he glared furiously at her.

" Ain't you a way too dumb for your looks " Eva who was watching everything commented. She usually outspoken person , she will say what's in her heart which tends to anger a lot of people just like now ,

That little assistant and Sébastien both they were looking at her like they wanted to chew her, " Can you shut your mouth even once ? " Sébastien said angrily,

Eva folded her arms like she was ready to start a fight, " And what If I refuse ? "

" Eva " Sébastien grumbled.

" Yo-You know me ? Gosh are you stalking me ? Who would hav- umh umh!"

Eva just wanted to tease him but who would have thought that the man will claim her lips right there and then, Infront of so many people on top of that.

She didn't even get a chance to prepare herself because the kiss ended as soon as it's started, It was electric, addicted, it not that she was still in dazzle she could have pulled him for more , " What did you just do ?" Eva asked .

Sébastien chuckled and move closer to her and took the chance of her parted lips and shove his tongue for a deep kiss, he didn't get the resistance he expected, she seemed different but it looks like he was wrong she is just like any other girl,

However, she was nothing like what he had tasted before, she was addictive like drugs, the more he sucked the thirstier he got, This girl was driving her mad.

He was so very into that her forgot that they were in a public place, Thanks to the dim light they could barely seen,

Eva took a chance to grab her breath and pushed him away before she sneered, " That was the most awful kiss I ever had in my life " - She lied

" It can't be " Sébastien refused to believe.

" Believe what you want, I don't care but, This is the last time you do something like this, I don't appreciate sexual harassment, good night "

Eva stormed out angrily, not sure if she was mad at herself for liking an asshole or because she was mad at him, she made a call to her aunt telling her she will be home early today,

She walked hurriedly until she reach her car before she slumped down crying so badly,

In her memory, The man so godly looking was pumping into another man, those abs and that sweat looked so sexy in her eyes, she thought ' He is very handsome ' she completely ignored the existence of her boyfriend, who is currently cheating on her with the very same man she is admiring,

Suddenly, Her eyes that were focusing on the two reflection on the mirror met Sébastien's, Eva's heart trembled, at that moment she knew she fell and she fell so badly.

However she knew that, the man would never look at her he was after all , ' Gay'

" I will just go home and sleep then everything will be alright tomorrow, He is not worth it, No,No he is not "


Back to Lara

The phone rang and she checked the phone before smile spread across her face , Sébastien agreed to do the exchange but she will need to get up and meet him in person first after all he need to agree with the engagement annulment with his own mouth,

" Kyle call Soo, tell her the situation and tell her that I'll be in a presidential suit with Sébastien, she will know what to do "

Lara patted Kyle's hair before heading out, Kyle just nodded and took out her phone , she called Park Soo-Hyun, It rang a bit before the other side picked up.

[ What is it ? ] , Soo-Hyun said annoyingly.

" Sébastien come and stirred up trouble, Lara went to talk to her, it seems like they had some kind of deal "

[ How could that be ? ] Soo-Hyun exclaimed in disbelief, there is no way Lara would make a deal with someone like Sébastien, and it was more impossible that she didn't know about it,

" Just come here , I feel so out of a place here " Kyle said as she look around, Everyone was so extra even Eva who is now nowhere to be seen looked so beautiful when she saw her earlier.

[ Okay , come down, I'll be there in a minute] , Soo-Hyun assured her , Actually she wasn't really afraid but now that Lara who was shielding her is gone she saw how lonely and heavy this ceremony is.

After hanging up the phone she took a glass from a handsome waiter who passed right in time when she felt thirsty for something strong,

She continued to sip slowly as she look at her watch from time to time , and somehow that made her unaware of the preying eyes that were eyed to her, or maybe she did felt it but was too lazy and choose to ignore it,

All her life she ever loved one woman, if it was to her she could have give the world just to have her however her fate was never in her hands,

To her Lara is the sun that can't be reached or touched,

The existance that she wouldn't dare to covert and have her all by herself,

She was sure that all Lara has to her is lust and mere attraction that she could find it in any other woman,

She wasn't special , petite or rich. How can she dream of a happy life with her?,

The universe was against their Love, However...

Even with all of that, even if she is unworthy of her love she still wants her , her only light to her darkness,

Even if she doesn't love her , Kyle still wants to be with her,

With or without Love , they have to be together

She didn't like the predatory eyes the man had when he was looking at her woman,

" Sébastien, Sébastien, Off all the people, You dare to covert my woman "

" No, I can't let that happen, Either she is mine or no one else's, Lara can only belong to me, I'm that selfish, No one will ever take her away from me ever again " - Somehow she started to panic with all those thoughts,

She truly love the woman, she is insanely inlove with her but what will be their end? No body wants to hear the answer, and Kyle was dying thinking of it,

All this time she didn't notice that she walked out the hall and was randomly walking, even when a silhouette move and hit her with a baseball bat she didn't notice,

Only the cold touch from the bad and that helpless feeling,

The last memory she had was seeing a silhouette laughing so sinister however she didn't feel afraid but rather excited, the world went dark and she passed out.

The silhouette grabbed her and smirked, " Seven baby, aren't you so cute? ".