Chapter 46

" You know, we trained together back in the days,

I know her better than anyone else, this bitch knows how to pretend ,

She gave me so hard time back then but now she crossed the line , how dare she kill Eight " The girl said neither cold nor calm but the voice couldn't hide her malicious intent.

" Six what are you trying to do? " 

Seeing that the girl was getting out of control Clara was becoming wary of her, after all, Her madness rank the 3rd among the ten, If not that she wanted her help she wouldn't want to get entangled with her at all.

" Also I don't believe she is the seven I grew up admiring, I have loved her for so long to be mistaken, It's Lara I'm sure of it " Clara was still in denial.

How could she easily accept that she had been licking the wrong person's butts?

Six was looking at her unamused , she might be sneak and cunning and she might lie from time to time but how dare she doesn't believe her ? It not she lie all the time, she speak half truth sometimes okay?

" Whatever! Believe what you want just don't forget my money! " Six said casually before she continued sipping her drink.

" I'll take this vodka too, Fuck! It's so damn awful, I love it ".

" Ain't you so complicated, did you love it or not? "

Six rolled her eyes " Not as complicated as your love life, No? " Clara glared at her. If not that she can't win over her she would have kill this annoying whore a long time ago.

Six didn't see how annoying Clara was and keeping laughing at her , " Hahahhhahah! I can't believe you have been fucking the wrong person for what..1...2..3 years, Bitch , it's three fucking years are you dumb? " Six almost chocked but she couldn't help herself, she is just like that, she loves seeing other people miserable.

" I know you are strong but I have my pride too and I just can't let you tramp on it " Clara stated.

For a moment Six stopped but then laughed even harder. " Hahhahhahah".

Clara's muscles where about to pop up. She always heard about how bitchy these upper numbers can be but she never thought they will be like this. She is used to trample on Nine's feelings, she thought it would be the same with the others and it is just now that she realized how very wrong she was.

At the thought of that she started to rethink of her decisions to strike a deal with her,and if what she say is true. Could it be that the idol she worshipped all this time wasn't her seven? But she had the same necklace as seven and that very necklace is an ancient artifact there can never be two such necklace, can they?.

" Considering how close they have been she could have gifted her , maybe I miscalculated the whole thing " Clara mumbled as she came to the realization,

Kyle might be the Seven that brought nightmare to the whole underworld but why is she acting weak right now, " Six , I'm not doubting you but if she is true seven there is no way we could have abducted her this easily , are you perhaps mistaken? " She warily asked respectful not to anger her again.

Six was just casually scrolling on her insta account and she wasn't paying attention to her so when she spoke she didn't hear her " Uh..? " She asked.

Clara bited the conner of her lips, something about Six was sending the chill down her spine but she refused to let her see how weak and terrified she was so she firmly gazed at her and spoke again.

" How come she was easily abducted, if she is truly the might Seven even twenty of us might not be able to, so maybe you forgot about her since it have been a such long time"

Six smirk, seeing the girl so afraid but act tough, she likes people like her. They are fun to bully however since they made a deal she will of course help her as much as she can.

" Seven is not bound by rules, she is unpredictable, and totally insane, there is nothing she can't do, she is that fearless " Said the Six but Clara didn't seem to buy it,

" If it's like that why did you take a risk of being her enemy and helped me , Don't you afraid she will come after you? "

" Who knows " Six shrugged.

Then she added" Maybe I missed her and I felt like stirring some trouble, besides I only promised to help you abduct her, I can just stab you in the back if things don't go my way "

Clara become furious. ' How dare she ' she wanted to cuss her out loud but she swallowed that lump down her throat after all she wasn't that fearless.

" Ain't you a way too honest? " She asked and Six chuckled before a loud laugh was heard.

" Well! It's not like I'm afraid of you , do I have to mind my tongue? " She then asked playfully.

Clara gritted her teeth. ' This bitch '

Six had trampled even the last tiny spec of dignity she had left, That was her bottom line and she wasn't going to just let it happen, so what if she is strong or so what if she can easily kill her , If she, herself were to go all out even if she will lose her life Six won't left unscattered as well.

Clara looked around to calculate her move, she decided that even if she were to die she won't live in disgrace anymore,

Six was looking at her like she was no one, she could see Clara's intentions but just like she said , she is not putting her in the eyes , she ignore her gaze and add some liquor to her glass before she continued sipping lazily.

" I know you looked down on me but we are partners so you have to show me some respect " Clara stated as she clenched her fist hard ready to start a fight. Only to stop when she heard Six's sentence , " Respect my foot!"

Clara puked blood without even being punched. 

If she wanted to fight her before, right now she wanted to kill her, she was going all out however before she made her move she heard someone coughing.

Kyle woke up in an unfamiliar room, there was a heavy smell of alcohol and gloomy atmosphere, she sat down on the floor and glared at the two women whose attentions was on her,

She knew Clara so she was a little puzzled why is she in such place with her, And the other woman...?

That face looked awfully familiar however she couldn't recall when she could have seen it. She could feel an intense pressure from her, she may look skinny bones but she has so much power that is hard not to notice.

The girl smiled at her, she was so pretty and charming, if not for her dark aura one would mistake her for a saint.

" Where am I ? "

Seeing the two are starring and her she decided to break the ice and asked. The other woman walked towards her and extend her hand for support. 

" Call me Six or Yours if you like "

Six flirted as she helped her up, but before she could stand she let go of her hand , Kyle slipped and was going to fall down hard but Six grabbed her quickly.

" Sorry, I was so stunned by your beauty " She whispered but the voice was so loud for Clara to hear.

Kyle frowned and pushed her away. " Don't need your help, and stop with those old school flirty, it's not going to work on me "

Six was stunned for a second, then she smiled before she laughed so hard , Clara was smiling as well , I mean she has been tormented by the witch since morning so when there is someone to avenge for her she was so very glad for that.

" As expected from you, you always know how to make me happy " Six declared.

Kyle "...? "

When did I make you happy?

Clara "...! "

Is that how to make you happy? Why didn't you say so?, you could have been the happiest person in the world by now.

Everyone had their own thoughts but no one voiced them out.

Six stopped laughing and her face turned stone cold, Clara had shiver run down her spine and Kyle was looking at her cautiously.

" Seven stop it, The lady wants you back to the camp " Six spoke in a serious tone but Kyle seem puzzled as if she didn't know what the woman was saying.

" You had a wrong person, sorry I have to go " she spoke calmly and turned ready to leave but Clara grabbed her.

" You should stop your act and come with us, We know that you are seven stop this act please or else I won't be as nice " Clara threatened.

Kyle looked at her more confused, " You are sick, I don't want anything to do with you, boo byee!" she pushed Clara but she wouldn't move, she was like a stone wall.

Clara smirked, " The lady said in a week if you didn't wrap up your mission she will consider you a deserted, you know what that means , right?"

Kyle flinched. She seem to remember something.

" Don't move! " Clara shouted. Kyle was already at the door and she was already opened it half way , on her chest there was a red dot, her eyes turned cold as she looked infront of her.