unending tale

"Long ago, Earth was changing quickly as humans invented new technology every year. Curious about the universe, humans studied everything from nearby planets to distant galaxies and came up with many theories about space. In 2022, Earth's top scientists held secret meetings to explore what lay beyond our world, including the possibility of aliens. Though there had been alien sightings over the years, the government always kept these encounters quiet, knowing more about aliens than they let on.

"My father was part of this secret organization, and so was I, though that too was a secret. He wasn't supposed to have children, yet here I was, one of three, though I never met my siblings," Sir David began, sharing his story with the Palmer family who listened intently.

Belle, full of questions, couldn't help but interrupt, "You had siblings and never knew them? How is that possible?"

"Let's not interrupt him, Belle," their mother, Elena, chided gently. "Keep your questions for later. Let's listen to your granddad now."

Continuing, Sir David said, "I was quite clever and good with technology, which helped me keep my true identity hidden within the organization. It was during this time that I first encountered an alien. It was confined to a metal crib, its skin white and eyes large and black, with thick black patterns around its body. They were experimenting on it, but my dad had a different plan. He wanted me to save the alien."

Sir David paused, the memory vivid in his mind. "The alien had shared visions of the future with my dad during a rare moment of physical contact. Before this, it spoke in a language we couldn't understand, but afterward that physical contact, it could speak ours. The only thing it told my dad was, 'Help me save your planet.'"

My father was forever changed by what the alien had shown him in those visions. He knew he had to act. Together, we formed a plan to free the alien, believing it was for the greater good. On that fateful day, I managed to sneak into the base and liberate the alien. It was a bit taller than an average human. Not long after I began my escape, the alarm blared. I knew that getting caught would mean certain death.

Thankfully, my father was controlling the security systems, allowing me to move without too much trouble. But the armed guards were faster than I had anticipated. As I reached the final exit, the door stood open in front of me. With the guards close behind and beginning to shoot, I ran as fast as I could, my heart pounding in my chest.

Then, I saw my dad behind me, using his body as a shield to protect me from the bullets. He didn't make it out, but his sacrifice allowed me to escape with the alien. We weren't far from the base, but we found a momentary refuge. The alien was hurt; one of the bullets had struck it, and its fine silver blood spilled out. I tried to save it, but it was too late. With its last breath, the alien grasped my hand and said, "Even if I fail, someone will always carry on my purpose in another life, thank you." Those were its final words before its body dissolved into glowing white dust and dispersed into the air.

Devastated, I fled as the secret organization intensified its search for me. My father was captured, and I went into hiding for two years. In 2024, I was shocked to learn that the government had approved the secret organization's project—the construction of Radio Sounder X Ultra, a massive machine powered by the alien's cosmic energy they are tapped two years earlier.

Some months before the Radio Sounder was to be launched, I heard a voice in my head. It was unmistakably my father's. Although I hadn't seen him for over two years, his warning was clear.

That day, the voice in my head, undoubtedly my father's, repeated six times, "Stop the launch." There was no mistaking his urgent message; he wanted me to halt the event. I wasn't sure how my dad had managed to communicate telepathically, but at that moment, my main concern wasn't deciphering this mystery—it was saving our world. However, I was alone in this mission with no one to aid me.

On September 4, 2024, the launch day arrived. The scene resembled a spacecraft being sent into space. They sent objects known as sonic amplifiers into orbit. I had devised a plan to disrupt the launch, but before I could execute it, the organization captured me.

Despite my efforts, the launch proceeded. The enormous machine emitted a beam of light that shot into space—not just any light, but radio waves. These waves were designed to hit the sonic amplifiers, increasing in speed until they surpassed the speed of light. There were six sonic amplifiers placed strategically in orbit, and the launch successfully made them operational. The goal was to establish contact with aliens, but they were wholly unprepared for the consequences.

Two years later, Earth encountered what came to be known as the Great Encounter, a pivotal event that would change everything.