within darkness

Lang had been unease since the dream he had a few weeks ago. He knew he had to protect his sister and friends no matter what. Now, in the ancient sun temple in Jalal, Japan, Lang sat near the huge trees, isolating himself from the others. He had been doing this ever since he had that strange dream. He refused to sleep for days.

Lang also refused to tell Mika, who was very close to him. He chose to keep it to himself, believing it was the only way to ensure their safety.

The other monks in the temple didn't really care about what was going on with Lang. They mind their own business, except for Master Sin Su, who held and cherished Lang like a precious gem.

Master Sin Su walked up to Lang, who was sitting in a certain spot outside the temple's sanctuary, near some trees with fine yellow leaves. He sat with his legs crossed, relaxed on the ground.


Lang looked up and was surprised to see Master Sin Su approaching from behind. Master Sin Su wore the white and grey robes of the senior monks, his eyes fixed on the surroundings meanwhile lang wore the yellow and red monks clothing.

"Can I sit here?" Master Sin Su asked as he came closer.

Lang quickly stood up and took a small bow.

"Oh, you don't have to do that every time you see me, Lang. Let's sit," Master Sin Su said, putting a hand on Lang's shoulder.

"Sure, Master," Lang replied, and they both sat down.

"So, what is it that's been bothering you lately, my child?" Master Sin Su asked.

"I feel that it's my responsibility to protect the people I love and cherish. I have to watch everything around me carefully because we don't know what might happen next," Lang explained.

"I see, responsibility, you say. Was it a responsibility someone gave you, or one you chose to bear alone?" Master Sin Su asked


"I think with the kind of power I have, it would make more sense if I used it to protect those I cherish the most. I've lost too many people already," Lang explained.

"Then what will you do if the power you have isn't enough to protect the people you love?" Master Sin Su asked.

"Then I will have to gain more power by all means possible. I don't lose, I win," Lang said firmly.

"Protecting the people you love is a good reason. But what about the people outside this space?" Master Sin Su asked.

"I don't have anything to do with those people. I work within my space," Lang replied.

"Hmm, how interesting. If you lose those you care about, would you blame the rest of the world or the people outside this space?" Master Sin Su asked, looking at Lang carefully as he held a tree branch in his left hand.

"The world will suffer then, as long as I don't interfere with whatever they do. They have no right to take what doesn't belong to them. I won't just let them go free. They would have to pay," Lang said as he crushed the small tree branch in his left hand.

"Very well then. Our drive towards something, a goal, is what shapes our personality. Uncertain events reveal what lies within our hearts," Master Sin Su said.

"I don't know, but I feel that the only way I can achieve my goal is by protecting my friends," Lang said.

"That's your will, Lang. I cannot change that for now. If it was bound to be changed at all, it will not be by me. It would be by yourself, the events, and the possibilities that lies ahead. But you should also not allow the burden of responsibility to drive people away from you. Just be the person you are, and everything should be fine," Master Sin Su said.

"Is that my purpose, sensei? The responsibility to protect?" Lang asked.

"Your power is your responsibility. Use it well and do what is right and best. Do not fall under the craving for vengeance. If you do, you will begin to lose the people you care about. It will only lead to darkness, a kind of darkness you will not be able to escape easily. Follow the essence of light," Master Sin Su said.

"Follow the essence of light? What does that mean?" Lang asked.

"When the time comes, you will understand and see the essence of light yourself," Master Sin Su said.

"I seriously do not understand what he means by that 'essence of light,'" Lang thought to himself.

Master Sin Su soon stood up from the fine yellow and orange leaves that were scattered all around the ground where they sat.

"Your friends will be waiting for you. Go to them, Don't act boring. You should have some fun sometimes," Master Sin Su said as he left Lang's presence.

Lang looked around for a while and saw Mika, who wasn't too far from where he was. Mika, too, had been watching Lang. Lang stood up and walked towards where she stood.

Mika noticed and began to adjust as he came close.

"Hey," Lang called out to Mika.

"Hi," Mika replied, holding her hair as she began to blush due to his presence.

"Mind if we go out on a stroll to the flower valley?" Lang asked calmly.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind at all. Let's go for a stroll then," Mika said.

Soon, after a while, it was already late at night. Both Lang and Mika were holding hands, returning from the flower valley.

Lang held Mika firmly at her waist as they walked back.

They were very close.

"What if I disappear before you wake up? What will you do then?" Mika asked as she smiled, looking directly at Lang.

"Then I would scatter the earth to find you. You are not going anywhere," Lang said as they slowly joined their lips and kissed.

After a while, they headed for the temple and went to the outside rooms where they would sleep.

Lang went straight to check up on Mei, his younger sister, who was fast asleep.

Soon, Lang went into his room to sleep for the night.

After some hours into midnight, Mei was constantly disturbed by a weird noise she had been hearing from the woods. She stood up, curious, and left her room. The sound she was hearing sounded like a calling. She took out a small coat and began heading into the woods.

Mika, who was half awake, saw when Mei left but wasn't sure if it was Mei.

Mei had gone deep into the woods, following the sound she was hearing. Mika had already sighted Mei entering the woods and decided to go after her immediately.

"Mei, Mei! Where are you going? Come back!" Mika shouted at the top of her voice.

Mika ran, following where she was hearing Mei's faint voice.

"I'm over here. Follow my voice," Mei called out.

"Mei, this isn't funny. Come back! Why did you enter the woods?" Mika screamed, her voice echoing through the darkness.

Mei was following a small blue light floating ahead. She didn't even know how far she had walked into the woods, but she wanted to know what was in front of her and what she was following.

After a while, the small blue light Mei was following vanished. That was when Mika joined in, as she finally caught up with Mei.

"Alright, Mei, no more games. Let's go back now. You don't want big bro to catch you here, come on now, let's go," Mika said, panting heavily.

"We are not alone," Mei said as she looked around and between the trees.

"Mei, we don't have time for this. No more jokes now, let's go back home," Mika said forcefully, as they began to move. Not too long, Mika began to hear what sounded like a tiger growling.

Mika was shocked and held Mei, looking wildly. There was a red eye moving across the trees some distance away from them.

Mika was terrified, same with Mei, as they both gave a loud scream and began to run.

The echoes of their scream traveled throughout the forest until Lang heard it in his room very faintly.


Lang jumped from his bed and looked around. He just wanted to be sure he wasn't in a dream this time.

He rushed out, went to both Mei and Mika's rooms, but they were not there. Without wasting much time, Lang dashed into the woods with the assistance of his gravitational powers.

Meanwhile, Mei and Mika were being chased by a black panther with glowing red eyes. Mika was constantly looking back and screaming as she heard Lang's voice.

She heard Mei on her arms as she ran while the Panther was closing in. Mika tripped and fell all the way down the slope.

"Lang, over here, help us please," Mika cried out as she saw the huge animal above her and Mei.

After a while, Lang lost the sound of their voices. The last thing he heard was like they were being attacked by something.

With a spark in his brain, Lang dashed further into the woods even faster, tearing the trees apart.

Soon Lang got to the spot where the surface turned red for him. He couldn't believe what he was looking at. His heart skipped for a second. He was staring at the destroyed bodies of Mei and Mika. Mika's head lay close to his feet.

Not too long, the same panther rushed towards Lang and was ready to pounce on him. Suddenly, Lang gave a loud scream with a very powerful gravitational push, an explosion that tore the entire forest down within seconds, his izigans tattoos shined bright blue during this incident as he continued to emit powerful gravitational force.

"What is this? Just who is this guy? I can't take over his body. He is too strong," something said within Lang.