Chapter 10 devils

Naruto travelled away from civilization, jumping across the skyscrappers on the streets till he reached the massive forest in the distance.

"Kurama? You there?" Naruto tried contacting his partner when he landed on the forest floor but received no reply from the giant fox.

"Kurama? Gyūki? Son?" Still no reply from the Bijūs.

Fearing the worst, Naruto dived into his mindscape only to see all the Tailed Beasts were asleep. He breathed out a sigh of relief.

The fight with Kaguya was no doubt the hardest fight he's ever had. The fight with Nagato, Jyuubi-obito, and Six Path Madara paled in comparison to the scale of destruction they left in the wake of their clash.

The current state of the Bijūs might be due to chakra exhaustion. Maybe they spent the last of their reserves into healing his body.

Naruto exited the seal and sat in the lotus position on the floor of the forest, ready to draw in nature's energy before—


Naruto's blue orbs widened to epic proportions.

This wasn't right, this should not have been possible. The amount of malice he felt from drawing nature's energy wasn't supposed to be there at all. The hate wasn't on the level Kurama had before they became friends but this caused great concern for Naruto.

Nature was warm and kind back in the elemental nation. The aliens/supernaturals on this planet have managed to piss off nature.

Naruto's musings were cut short when his battle instincts screamed at him to dodge.

The blonde ninja rolled away from the position he was into a defensive stance when the position he was in exploded into debris.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" He yelled at the hostile intruders.

A monster walked out of the forest and into the clearing Naruto was standing on.

"Another pathetic human." The monster looked like a combination of a goat and a man.

'The hell are you?" He bristled. Naruto had never seen something like this in his life. A creature with a human's upper body and lower body had the resemblance of a goat.

"Since you are going to die anyway, I am the stray devil that haunts these very woods you're in."

"A supernatural being." The bit of information he got from Takasugi's soul had details mostly about the Hero Faction and he was a low ranked member of the organization

"I have eaten lots of unfortunate children who were unfortunate to have crossed my path and..." Whatever it was going to saw was interrupted by a Rasengan to the head courtesy of Naruto.

'I don't have time for this." Naruto was on the stray devil's decapitated body of the stray devil.

Naruto heard ruffling sounds coming from all directions.

"There's more of them?" Naruto noted.

A Dozen of stray devils busted from all around with one goal in mind: to avenge their fallen comrade.

Naruto closed his eyes and blurred out of sight and four strays fell to the ground, dead. He reappeared behind another stray with his legs raised for an axe kick that cracked the skull of the current stray he was facing.

Landing on his feet with 5 dead strays. He quickly disposed of the rest using the Hiraishin kunai.

A clapping sound filled the silent forest.

"That was a most impressive display, for a human." A humanoid figure walked out of the place he was observing the blonde human take out the strays.

"Looks like your Sacred Gear was not only for high-speed regeneration but also grants increased speed and strength," the stranger analysed. "Your abilities would prove useful. Work with us and we will teach you how to release the full potential of your Sacred Gear," the green-haired man tried to cajole Naruto.

"I don't need you guys to teach me anything," Naruto snarled at the greenette.

"Well, then, I guess I'll have to use lethal force," he said casually with a poker face. "Before we fight, let's exchange names. I'm Daisuke."

Daisuke unsheathe a green, two edged blade from its black scabbard which had a dark silver hilt.

Naruto didn't give out his name but rushed at his opponent with a Hiraishin kunai in hand. Daisuke charged at him and they met in the middle. As both blades collided with each other, Naruto's eyes widened when the green blade sliced through his like butter and was headed for his shoulder. With the agility worthy of a ninja, Naruto shifted his body away from the path of the blade.

"Hn, My blade is my Sacred Gear. It has the ability to cut through metals," Daisuke boasted. Naruto just scoffed and brought out another Hiraishin kunai but this time, he coated it with a layer of wind chakra and threw it at the green-haired villain. Daisuke brought his sword up, ready to slap the little blade away before it was his turn to be surprised when Naruto flashed right in front of him with a blue, spinning orb in hand with said orb near his face.


Naruto screamed out the name of his technique but Daisuke reacted fast and used the flat side of his sword like a shield against the spinning orb.

The orb and blade battled for dominance in a second and it looked like the Rasengan was winning the war before it exploded outward with a blast of chakra kicking up dust.

Daisuke skidded to a halt while his clothes were singed here and there. The greenette was on alert because the blonde wasn't in front of him anymore.

He looked right, left front and back but saw no sign of the blonde before he looked up and there was still no sign of the blonde then that means... Daisuke backflipped away in time just before a kunai pierced his chin but his face was met with a vicious chakra-enhanced kick from another blonde which sent him crashing through the forest and toppling trees.

"This kid is stronger than expected. I have to get serious." Daisuke knew not to underestimate the blonde Uzumaki anymore.

The green-haired swordsman took in a deep breath and inhaled out and uttered two words,

"Balance Break."

A green aura surrounded him while his sword took on a more titanic size and, as for the swordsman, he now had green skin.

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