Chapter 16 Issei screamed

"You seem a bit annoyed, Naruto-sensei. This is not something to scoff at. You refused to help a student in need of your expertise and other students complain about your lukewarm attitude in class. You are one of the most intelligent teachers in school, having graduated from a prestigious University with a ph.D. And you also..."

Naruto couldn't help but yawn because of the current situation he found himself in, the girl wouldn't just shut up.

"Yeah, so all you're trying to say is that I should smile more right?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto—" Whatever she was about to say was interrupted when Naruto stood up from the chair he was in and made his way towards the door.

"I get it, glasses-chan. I promise to be a good teacher from now on," Naruto said as he exited the room.

"What a Madao," Tsubaki scoffed.

Souna stared at her queen and couldn't help but give a nod of agreement. "I think he's aware of the supernatural, Buchou. There's something about him that keeps me on edge."

"Who knows, maybe he possess a low-level Sacred Gear," Souna said. She remembered her new pawn, Saji, was ready to have a familiar and wondered if Rias wanted a familiar for her pawn too.

(Scene change: Kuoh park)

"Stupid humans of this dimension!" Naruto grabbed his hair and yanked at it in exasperation.

Today was quite like any other day except he had to introduce a new student to his homeroom class, Asia Argento, and it turns out that she knew the Hyoudou kid. The boys wouldn't shut about how cute Asia was and even some female students thought he was in a relationship with her.

Naruto cursed as he walked around the park and couldn't help but notice that the section he was in seemed empty. Like, he couldn't sense any human nearby.

That only meant one thing; A magic barrier had been set up.

As he was wondering who would place a magic barrier in a park of all places and why, his analysis was interrupted by a certain cat.

"Uzumaki Naruto!" Kuroka screamed out as she emerged from a magic circle,

The blonde shinobi couldn't help but groan in exasperation. "What is it with you Cat-woman?!" he asked, clearly frustrated.

"Fight me!" Kuroka took off at Naruto with her fist balled up and her cat-tails and ears out.

The ninja easily sidestepped her attempt letting her sail past him. "I don't have the time for this Cat-woman," he said.

Kuroka's pride took a blow when he not only refused her attempt to teach him how to control chakra but also turned her attempt at teaching him senjutsu. That was unacceptable and when she's done with him, he'd regret not letting her teach him.

"Come at me Naruto!" she rushed at him this time with a war cry, intending to get a punch in but all her attempts to cause bodily harm to Naruto were futile. The Blondie just dodged all her attempts with a bored face on.

Frustrated, she jumped back to create distance between them and cast a fire spell at Naruto. Said shinobi stood idly looking at the ball of doom coming at him with a bored face on.

Kuroka's eyes widened when he didn't move from his position and a second later, Her flames exploded upon contact with it's target and a cloud of dust kicked up from the impact.

Kuroka waited with bated breath for Naruto and as the dust cleared out, she saw him inside a sand construct relatively unharmed.

She knew it was going to take more than that to defeat him. She was merely testing the waters before she launched a full-scale assault.

"Last warning, Kuroka, I don't have time for this," Naruto warned, getting slightly serious.

Kuroka gritted her teeth and took off at him again but this time, she created four illusions of herself and they all surrounded him.

Naruto chuckled at the illusions and took a deep breath before he summoned four shuriken and threw them at all four Kurokas and did a one-handed tiger seal.

"Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." the projectiles multiplied and took out the illusions while the real Kuroka charged up a lightning spell. As she was about to take aim, a tendril of sand wrapped around her feet before she could react and threw her at a tree.

The huge tree cracked in two was Kuroka hit the trunck of the tree, small spliters flying around in the air as Naruto appeared in front of her face with a kunai in hand.

She thought she had him put under an illusion but it seems that he broke out of it easily.

"How?" she asked in shock before she passed out, courtesy of a karate chop to the neck.

"Troublesome woman," the ramen-loving blonde sighed. Now he had to take care of her unconscious body. He carried her body bridal style and was about to Hiraishin her home before he heard the familiar voice of a certain student.

"Naruto-sensei! What are you doing here with an unconscious woman?" Issei noticed it was an extremely hot woman. He curse his luck in tears.

"Someone I know," Naruto sighed at the current situation before he walked away from the park.

"You have a hot friend, Sensei?" Issei asked.


"What happened to her?" The brown-haired pervert asked curiously.

"She tripped and fell," Naruto answered.

Issei faceplanted at the sheer absurdity of his reply. "How can a trip knock someone unconscious?"

"You ask too many questions, Hyoudou. What happened to you?" The blond teacher inquired about the current condition of Issei. He looked like he just went through hell.

"Oh, I was training," Issei answered with pride.

"Why did you train?" Naruto asked. "What is your purpose for training? What drives you?"

For some reason, he immediately regretted asking that question.

"I want to become the harem-king!" Issei screamed in glee.

He was the weakest member in Rias's peerage and only high-class devils were eligible to have a harem. That's why he desired to power, strife harder to reach his goal.

Naruto facepalmed when he heard his reasons. "Why did I ask anyway?" He picked up his pace.

"Wait for me, Sensei. let's go home together." The brown-haired pervert ran towards his Sensei.

(Scene change: Uzumaki Mansion.)

The time read 5:15pm when a ding rang from the kitchen and Kuroka woke up with a gasp. She wondered where she was before she remembered what happened In the park.

Come here guys for the extra chapters.

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