Chapter 20 fight

Naruto, who was bare chested with a black, tight pants on, lowered his body a bit and waited for Yagi to charge at him. His punch was very sloppy and the shinobi easily ducked under it with a kunai in hand, ready to cut off the offending arm before he was forced to block a punch from the hooded guy. The latter went for a haymaker but Naruto brought his second hand to block again and Naruto was clinched. Yagi took this opportunity and brought down just transformed hand hard down on Naruto with a cry.

"Hn, not so tough now, are you?" Yagi asked as he expected to see a downed Naruto under his arm as the dust dissipated. He was dumbstruck when he found a log where Naruto was supposed to be.

"Futon: Renkudan!" Naruto went through hand seals and spat a cannonball shaped wind at them.

The black-hooded guy shot a ball of fire at the incoming wind and the fire attack gained more power as it flew at greater speed and size at Naruto.

Naruto backflipped out of its path as it set dozens of trees ablaze.

"A fire user?" Naruto noted as he dropped down. He went through another hand seals and he breathed in deeply. "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu," he called out the name of his technique as a truck-sized ball of fire came out of his mouth.

Yagi's eyes widened when the scorching flame came at them. The hooded guy responded with his own white flames, canceling both flames out.

"This guy is no pushover, Yagi, I suggest you become serious," the hooded guy admonished.

Yagi gritted his teeth out of frustration because he had to use his balance breaker.

His balance breaker allowed him to transform into any kind of mystic animal he wants.

He took the form of a red, six eyed Giant beast with white bone armor around it's mid section, arms and tails. He roared and charged at Naruto on all fours. The ground shook and trees toppled as he neared the blonde shinobi with both fist raised up and joined together. The shinobi took a massive leap over his hammer fist, easily avoiding the attack.

"Katon: Endan!" Naruto breathed a stream of fire on the beast while he was upside down in the air. The flames covered the red beast and it raged on as Naruto landed. Yagi transformed into a dragon-like beast with two pairs of insect wings as he fanned the fire away from his body.

"Aren't you forgetting about me?" The hooded guy threw a punch at Naruto which was ignited with white flames as a ball of flame passed through Naruto's face. He took a step back and brought his fist to block a jab, he redirected a palm strike and slapped a flaming punch away. He noticed his hands were singed off a bit even though he actively tried to avoid touching the cloaked man.

He jumped up and away and the cloak man followed. Caught up in his fast paced skirmish with the cloaked man, he notice the dragon beast tails its tails a tad late. He managed to turn in time and absorb most of the impact with his hands but he was rocketed forward by the force behind the tail, headed on a collision course with the Hooded guy.

He lit his fist up and buried it in Naruto's stomach, scoring a punch in.

Naruto coughed up blood and went on his knees, going through a fit of cough, gripping his stomach in pain.

"I don't have time for this," he said coldly.

Naruto chuckled let out a smirk and alarms went blaring in Perseus's mind.

"Art… is an explosion!" The shinobi did a one handed tiger seal and exploded right in front of the hooded guy who was sent skidding across the floor with his cloak burning off.

"He exploded?" A wide-eyed Perseus was having a hard time believing that the shinobi just committed suicide.

Just when he finally came to terms with the fact that Naruto was dead, a cry of "Futon: Kazekiri no Jutsu." made Yagi's blood run cold.

Wind-blades came out of Naruto's hands and cut off the limbs of Yagi's transformed state. He roared in pain as he fell without his limbs for support.

The down hooded man earlier stood up to receive the Uzumaki Rendan performed by the clones of Naruto.

Yagi transformed again into a huge snake this time as he charged at Naruto with his fangs dripping poison.

The charging snake reminded Naruto of a certain time in his youth. "I will not be swallowed by a snake again!" his eyes shoned in defiance.


Another clone of Naruto descended from above with a huge Rasengan which was big enough to cover the snake's head entirely as it grinded its skin to mush. The snake transformed back into a bleeding Yagi in the crater created by Naruto's attack.

Most of the forest had been destroyed and their fight was bound to attract attention without a barrier.

"This fight has gone on too long, Uzumaki Naruto," Perseus grimaced. "I'm afraid I am going to have to end this in an instant," he said as he unsheathe his sword.

Naruto had a feeling this guy was different from the other and he was proven right when he blurred into existence in front of him with his sword about to stab him through the heart. He quickly substituted with a log and he appeared behind Perseus with an Hiraishin kunai ready to pierce his spine. Perseus used his sword to slap Naruto's kunai away and he used his shield to block Naruto's haymaker. He kicked Naruto's unprotected midsection and Naruto flew back due to the power behind the kick. He righted himself mid-air and landed on both feet.

"Just come with us, Uzumaki-san," Perseus said.

"Why do you want me so bad?" the shinobi asked.

"Your abilities would be very useful for the Hero Faction" he answered.

"I'm sorry but I can't join you. I can't afford to join any organization," Naruto said.

"A shame really. Perhaps we can come to a negotiation?" he asked in hope.

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