Chapter 71 lucky

In Issei's mind, a chaotic storm was rising with the power of an F-5 storm ripping and tossing around violently, the little pieces of ideas Issei thought were answers to the questions he was faced with.

"Ddraig? A little help buddy" Issei tried to consult the ancient dragon residing in his sacred gear.

"Sorry partner, if this was a fight scene then I would have definitely offered my assistance. You're on your own" Ddraig said regrettably.

"What do I do? At this rate, I'm not gonna write anything!"

Issei's inner turmoil was interrupted when a slim fair hand grabbed his sheet and placed another in its place. Issei traced the hand to its owner and was faced with Asia's warm smile. She bent her neck a bit, widening her smile further before she turned around.

"Pulling a stunt like that when I'm present? She had more spunk than I thought… Or are her feelings for the pervert that strong?"

The rest of the exams duration passed in decorum. Naruto glanced at his wrist watch now and then with his legs crossed.

"Times up brats!"

Naruto stood behind the yellow table as the kids dropped their sheets. Naruto picked up Asia's sheet and wrote a minus ten on it, doing the same with Issei's times 2.

"You're lucky I'm letting you go with a slap on your wrist" Naruto told Issei when Asia was out of earshot making the Sekiryuutei gulp nervously.

Soon, the students left the classroom and Naruto was left alone. It took a while before he rearranged the papers and kept them in a file.

Naruto was three feet away before he heard a commotion downstairs. He could sense Issei's anger and wondered if he was venting it out on a poor student. The shinobi's trained ears picked up the whispers of the students below.

"Oh my God, why would he steal Asia's stuff from her locker? That girl is the gentlest soul I've ever known"

"What a jerk"

"He deserves what happened to him"

"I hope Issei breaks his bones"

Naruro resumed his walk back to the staff room wanting the day to end quickly.

Rias had a good time answering all of her questions. As expected, she had to keep her reputation as the great onee-sama of Kuoh Academy. Akeno, Sona, and Tsubaki walked alongside her. Her mind wandered to her perverted pawn Issei, she wondered about him a lot recently, his likes, his dislikes and the rest. These days, she found herself wanting to know every little detail about him, making a little blush stain her cheeks. Her mood soured though when she spotted Naruto's unique shade of blonde hair.

Naruto's mood dampened all of a sudden when he saw Rias's red hair and his face morphed to his extremely bored one.

They both walked faster wanting to go past each other. Naruto went past her brushing his shoulders with her. A simple brush for him but for Rias, she almost tripped and fell. The red haired girl turned around and leveled a hate filled blazing glare at the back of Naruto's head. The students in the hallway stopped and the students had looks of surprise on their faces as her glare was quite menacing and it was directed at none other than the resident Madao, Naruto-Sensei, the stoned face cold jerk.

Naruto stopped in his tracks feeling Rias's gaze. He turned around and frowned at Rias's glare. He pointed his index and middle finger at His eyes and redirected them at Rias before drawing a vertical imaginary line down. The effect did the opposite of what it was supposed to do as Rias's glare intensified.

"You got a problem with me?" Naruto asked.

Whispers burst out of the surrounding students before he knew it, wondering what the heck was going on between their beloved onee-sama and the snobbish Teacher. Rias only doubled her effort letting everyone know she was glaring at the blonde teacher.

"Tsk, lower your gaze, bat" Naruto placed one hand on his waist and pointed the other at Rias repeating the same motion he did earlier.

"Buchou" Akeno whispered in worry looking from her King to Naruto. Right now, Naruto wasn't someone they could take on, Akeno knew and accepted that fact but Rias's ego wouldn't let her and add in the fact that Naruto was in her territory and I just got so much worse.

"I'm sorry Sensei, she's just under the weather, the questions you set were quite hard" Sona diffused the situation grabbing a hold of Rias's shoulders pushing her along. The ruin princess glared at Naruto till they moved out of sight.

"Tsk, Bratty bat ruining my mood" Naruto complained. "What are y'all looking at! Get busy!" Naruto yelled at the students in the hallway resuming his walk back to the staff room.




"God! -Ow, I just can't stand him sometimes!" Rias screamed in anger. She dropped heavily into a chair pushing it backwards.

"Buchou, what was that?" Akeno asked worriedly.

"I'm really starting to dislike Naruto Uzumaki." She tightened her fist glaring at the walls.

"Rias, I'd advise you not to do anything rash. That man respected us enough to stay out of our business and he helped defeat Kokabiel - single handedly - saving Kuoh and Kuoh Academy '' Sona warned.

"He could become a nuisance if left alone, Buchou," Tsubaki said, staring at her King.

"Just Lea…"

"We're coming in!" The rest of the ORC walked in. The gloomy look on Issei's face made Rias uncomfortable.

"Ise, is everything alright?" She said

"Buchou! I… I think I'm gonna fail!" He wailed releasing anime tears.

"Oh Ise, don't worry, you're going to pass. I believe in you" She encouraged.

"I ended up dragging Asia into my mess again. I'm so sorry Asia" Issei grabbed her hands and laid his forehead on it.

"Issei-san?" Asia said, confused.

"I'm so sorry, Asia, if you hadn't exchanged papers with me Sensei wouldn't have given you a minus ten."

"What?!" Xenovia screamed.

"And me, a minus 20" Issei said, totally defeated. That means if he had a forty then it's gonna be reduced to twenty!

"Minus 20!" Rias yelled shocked. "I'm going to Rip that blondie to shreds. Who does he think he is?" She was angry and an angry Rias cannot be reasoned with.

"Stop Rias, I think they deserved it." Sona said. Asia bowed her head in shame.

"You think? Whose side are you on?" Rias queried, stomping her foot.

"Well… I think you guys were lucky. That was just a slap on the wrist" A voice said suddenly.

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