Chapter 76 strange kid

Naruto made an 'o' with his mouth when he finally figured why Issei decided to see him."So that's why you're here? Nope, I'm not going to the underworld" Naruto said.

"Issei, I think it's high time we left." Kiba whispered to Issei.

Issei stood up, composed himself and cleared his throat."Well then, Sensei, Sensei's sister-"

"Call me Gaia."

"My Goddess" Issei yelled and kneeled before her making Gaia somehow uncomfortable. "I've never had this kind of courage but Please, Give me your number!"

Naruto grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and kicked his ass out of the house.

"I'll sue you for sexual harassment!" He yelled behind Issei.

Kiba Scurried behind Naruto and bowed at both adults before he exited the house.

"What a strange kid." Gaia said after the whole ordeal.

"He's a good kid but his perverted tendencies are over the top." Naruto sighed. Issei talked about the holidays with Naruto and when he learnt of Naruto's plan for the holidays - Naruto had no plan at all - He decided to extend an invitation to Naruto. The blonde turned him down but Issei told him to think about it

"He might corrupt you."

"Ha! That's impossible. I was trained by a self-proclaimed super perverted for three years" Naruto said with pride on his face.

"So that makes you a pervert?"

Naruto deadpanned. "Do I look like a pervert to you?"

"Was your sensei more perverted than your student?"

"He's the author of a best-selling erotic series in my homeworld tittled, Icha Icha and he forcibly made me the chief editor when I was just thirteen. He shamelessly proclaimed himself a super pervert and he peeped on women justifying his acts as 'research' for the next erotica he'd write"

"He's that much of a perv?"


"What was his name?"

"One of the legendary three sannin, The toad sage, Jiraiya" Naruro said with a small nostalgic smile.



"Tell me more about him…"

And so, Naruto told of his escapades with Jiraiya putting a smile on her face. She laughed at the funny stories he told and the weird things they did together. Night came and they had dinner before saying their goodbyes retiring to their individual rooms.

Alright, That's it.

Announcement: From today till late October or early November I'm going to take a quick hiatus cause I have exams, a month long exams. I wanted to drop two chapters but I fell and unfortunately, I couldn't complete the second one so I'm going to leave a preview of sorts.


"Get that off my face" Naruto said, leveling a glare at the huge man standing in front of him. Said huge man laughed out loud poking Naruto's forehead with an Uzi. "What are you going to do, pretty boy?" He sneered looming over Naruto.




Twin blue pistols pulsated a deep blue aura lifting off the ground, levitating in the air. "Balance brea-" Someone tried to say

"Funk no, you don't" Naruto sucker punched him in the face sending him crashing out.




"Naruto el ramen" A handcuffed Naruto replied looking around the police station.




"Do you think this increase In crime rate is ordinary?" Gaia asked Naruto who was busy doing nothing. Just lying face down in a long chair.

"Don't know. That's bat business"




The blonde shinobi walked in, a frown on his face, blood stains on his knuckles and clothes.

"Naruto! Why'd you run away all of a sudden?!" Kuroka yelled upset, standing beside the window holding a broken shard.

"Naruto?" Gaia stared at the blood stains on his body.

"It happened again…" He said staring at Gaia.




"Do you know us?" A possessed child slammed over a wall asked with a disembodied voice, his eyes glowing a sinister red.

"Oh my God!" A human behind Naruto exclaimed, full of fear, for the child had his neck bent at impossible angles, sharp claws replaced fingers, green veins spread across his neck.

"Get out of that child" Naruto ordered with a calm face. The child's feet dangling in the air as it struggled against Naruto's hold.

"Silence, Lowly human! Your likes can't order me" The possessed child clawed at Naruto's face trying to break free. The grip around his neck tightened the more he tried to break. The more Naruto tightened his grip. His fingers dug deep into Naruto's Hand injecting him with black viscous liquid in the process.

"N-naruto-san, w-what- a-are you going to-" He couldn't believe it but for the first time in his life, he was in a dilemma very few are faced with. His hands shaking uncontrollably, he took aim, the trigger squeezed halfway. His conscience wouldn't allow it but Naruto's grip on the child's neck was so tight the child could choke to death. His glowing red eyes softened, the madness in it gone like it was never there before, eyes misty with unshed tears pleaded to be freed and right there, he made a decision that would haunt him for the rest of his life. He closed his eyes and hoped his baby sister would forgive him.



"Hmm... Miso, beef or pork ramen?"

A tall handsome blond man mused, staring at the rows upon rows of instant Ramen. A stack that promised the heavenly delicious taste of Ramen. The stylish package gave off a glorious glow which beckoned him and he obeyed.

Now what to do? There are so many flavours of ramen to choose from in here.

Naruto's eyelids narrowed, leveling a heated glare at the stack of instant noodles, eyes dashing back and forth, a bead of sweat cascaded down the side of his face, his eyes twitched every now and then, his lips thinned, his brows furrowed, his brain going through a world war trying to remember, to access, to ascertain… To choose one, out of the many packages of deliciousness right in front of him. His jaws tightened as the internal tug of war rose to unbearable lengths. His fingers scrambled around, gliding over the surfaces of all the different brands of instant noodles, trying to pick one but failing miserably. He went through a panicking frenzy and was this close to exploding before he suddenly got a revelation which brought a startling relief and he almost facepalmed at his stupidity.

"Meh, I'll take it all"

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