Chapter 82 one round

"Yes, I'm scared. I'm so scared I'll win all your money and have you weeping on my floor." The blonde human had a huge sweatdrop on his head.

"My Naruto-chan, such arrogance."Gaia's interest piqued when she heard a game of poker.

"It's not arrogance. I'm just extremely lucky at poker."

"Really? Let's play poker." Gaia knew this was a game she could win. She had extreme luck herself and Naruto might be over exaggerating.

"I'll be the dealer!"Kuroka said.

"Alright. Time to go find that deck of cards!" He yelled with enthusiasm looking forward to crushing the supernatural duo.

He fumbled around the house looking for playing cards. "Huh, I thought I had one... Oh well." Naruto did a crosshand sign and poof, the blonde's clone had already sped off to the closest store in search of playing cards. The clone hiraishined back home a minute later complaining about stupid errands and his short existence before he dispelled.

"They look new," Kuroka noticed the cards were in pristine condition.

"Yeah I just bought them" Naruto replied casually.

"How? You were inside your room a minute ago" Kuroka said

Naruto raised an eyebrow at her question and nonetheless, he didn't justify her question with an answer.

The black Nekoshou swiftly opened the pack and shuffled them with a dealer's grace. She then dealt two cards face down to both players.

Both players had 7,000yen cash on the table. They had to make do with yen. No chips available.

The minimum bet was 50yen.

Naruto puts in a small blind of 50yen.

Gaia takes the big blind.

"Floop." Kuroka called as she dealt out three cards, face up, for both players .

An Ace, a 10 and a 9 on the center of the table for both contestants to see.

Naruto was all fired up and ready for the game. When was the last time he played poker? He knew he had good luck but how would he fare against a goddess? Was she subjectible to his insane luck? Naruto was about to find out.

"I raise 100," Naruto puts in 100yen.

"I raise 250," Gaia raised Naruto by 150yen.

"Call," Naruto matched her raise.

650yen in the pot.


Kuroka placed a King of spades on the table.

Gaia took a quick look at her hand.

"I raise 150yen," Naruto raised without looking at his cards.

"I call," Gaia's expression didn't betray anything. She had a good poker face on.

"River," Kuroka placed the last card on the table which was a Queen.

"Raise 100," Naruto raised.

"Hold on a minute. You don't know if you have a good hand," She warned.

"What? You scared?" He taunted.

Gaia narrowed her eyes and replies, "I call."

With 1,200 yen in the pot, Gaia dropped a 9 and 8 on the table.

"You lose."

Naruto slammed his cards on the table, A king and a Queen.

Naruto wins with two pairs.

Kuroka collected the cards and took her time to shuffle them this time around. She was rooting for Gaia this round -well, she was rooting for Gaia in every round - Naruto Uzumaki must be brought down.

Gaia placed the small blind and Naruto automatically took the big blind, 50 and a 100 respectively. "Goodluck, Gaia."

Kuroka's slim digits placed three cards on the table ignoring Naruto's incredulous look. An 8, 6 and 5.

Naruto, like the shinobi he was, peeked at his hand discreetly.

"I raise 100," Gaia raised with an unreadable expression rivaling Naruto's.



A 7 appeared on the table.

"Check,"Gaia knocked the table for emphasis.

Naruto glanced at her.

"A little cautious, are we?"Naruto said pondering for a while before he made his decision. "I Check."

350 yen in the pot.


The last community card was a queen.

"I bet 100,"Gaia was highly optimistic about this round.

"Raise 150!"Naruto raised by a 50.

"Call."Gaia said calmly.

Naruto knew he'd win anyway so he reached out for the pot. Gaia slapped Naruto's hands away, earning a glare from the blonde man. "Let's see your cards."

Naruto sighed a bit irked by Gaia's intrusion. Both players flipped their cards over at lightning speed at the same time. Naruto's blonde eyebrows shot to his hairline at the cards Gaia had in her possession.

"It's a draw," Gaia had a little smirk of her own.

Both players had a flush. A 9 and a 10.

400yen for each player.

"Not bad for a goddess..."

A sudden silence descended on the blonde ninja's living room.

Naruto only realized his lapsus when Gaia gave him a wtf look. Fortunately, Kuroka didn't notice a thing because she was too busy reshuffling the cards.

"Phew!" Naruto breathed out a sigh of relief.

Round 3.


"I fold," Naruto ended the game prematurely.

They continue playing for a while.

Naruto: 4- 0 Gaia.

"See, I told you. I'm unbeatable." He gloated.

"I wish I could join in." Kuroka had a pout on her features.


A clone poofed into existence beside Kuroka.

"Oh, I totally forgot about this ability nya."

"Dumbass." Naruto remarked under his breath.

"What did you say?!" A furious Kuroka asked.

Naruto picked his ear with his pinky totally ignoring her.

"The more the merrier," Gaia said, pulling out a seat for Kuroka.

"It wouldn't hurt to have another loser join the game. That means more money for me." Naruto snickered with a little smirk directed at Kuroka.

"It's on Uzumaki!"Kuroka cracked her knuckles accepting the challenge.




One hour later.

"We haven't won a single game!" Kuroka wailed and for some reason Naruto felt gratified seeing her like that.

"He's good alright," Gaia said, equally exasperated at Naruto's unreal luck before gulping down a cup of water.

"Please just one round nya. Just one round!" She begged him with both hands joined together.

"Kekeke, Despair weaklings!"

Naruto had a crazed gleam on his face behind the pile of his winnings, lightning flashing in the background and his dentition was somehow replaced with a sharks. He really enjoyed teasing the black cat.

"Weakling huh? Let's play one more round." Gaia had a gleam in her eyes that reminded Naruto of her status as a goddess.

Fun Fact: Naruto Uzumaki is the only ninja to have ever played poker with a divine being.

"No problem," Naruto said, leaning back on his chair.

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