Chapter 85 special day

"Yes, temporarily," Rossweisse said pointing at Issei's house.

Naruto's eyes followed her fingers, his eyes landing on Issei's house. "I see."

The both stood there awkwardly with Rossweisse looking somewhere else except Naruto's blue orbs and Naruto was trying to think of something to say. Finding none, he gave up. "Well, I'll see you around."

"Hm. You too," She replied.

Naruto had a thoughtful look on his face throughout the short trip back home which was really short as his house was next to Issei's.

"She looks familiar, somehow but I can't seem to remember where I know her from."

Rossweisse's green orbs followed Naruto's back till he was out of sight, a tiny smile on her features. She turned around to go inside before she saw Naruto's beer lying on the floor.

"He forgot to take that."




"How'd it go?"

"I hired them and they're coming to fix the broken window three days from now."

"That's great," Gaia said, looking out the broken window. "Azazel came to the Sekiryuutei's house while you were out."

"Really?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Why'd he visit?"

"Idk, with the crime rate and the attempted robbery, maybe Azazel wanted to check up on them." Gaia figured.

A knock at the front door cut their conversation short. Naruto gave Gaia a look and gestured to the door before he flopped on the couch face first. The mother goddess shot him a look before sighing. She opened the front door see a sliver-haired young woman.

"Oh, hello," Gaia greeted.

Rossweisse's green eyes widened a fraction when a female beauty opened the door. "Um, good day!" She greeted awkwardly. "Uzumaki-senpai forgot this outside," She said, extending the nylon bag.

"Uzumaki senpai?" Gaia repeated mentally. "Oh, thank you very kindly," The goddess took the bag.

"Do you live around here?"

"Yeah, we're neighbors actually," She replied.

"Would you like to come in for a…" she trailed off staring at Rossweisse.

"No, thank you."

"Oh," Gaia's face lit up when she finally figured Rossweisse out. She was talking to one of Odin's Valkarie. "How are you related to my little brother?"

"We're colleagues."

"I see… Well, I'll see you around," She said before shutting the door.

Naruto, still face down in the long chair, suddenly shot his head up, a look of terror on his face when he heard the door click shut. "Ah! My beer!"

Naruto's rushed attempt to go find his alcoholic beverage was cut short by Gaia.

"Looking for this?"

"How'd you know I was looking for that?"

"A lady brought it here, she said you forgot it outside, a colleague of yours. Didn't get to know her name."

"She's someone I know," Naruto snatched the bag from Gaia. "Want some?" He asked.

Naruto cleared the table, looking for a good movie to see while Gaia grabbed some snacks. Ten minutes into the movie, another knock on the front door called their attention.

Gaia narrowed her eyes at Naruto with her hands folded across her chest.

Naruto who had his mouth glued to a can of beer glanced at her discreetly hoping she would go answer the door if he drank the whole content of the can slowly but alas, another knock on the door foiled his plans.

Removing the can of beer from his mouth reluctantly, Naruto slammed it back on the table and shot Gaia a dry look. "I'll go get it," He said while mumbling about something under his breath.

The moment Naruto opened the door, his expression went from a dry one to a straight face back to his bored one.

"Hello, Naruto-san/Naruto-sensei," Two platinum blonde male and female greeted Naruto with smiles on their faces.




"So, lemme get this straight. This smoking hot woman," He said pointing a finger at Gaia. "Is your older sister?" He finished moving his finger towards Naruto.

"What? Don't we look alike?" Gaia questioned.

"How's this possible?!" John yelled out in disbelief.

"Big bro, stop prying OK. Just cause they don't look alike doesn't mean they are not siblings…?" Martha said, a bit confused.

"See! You partially agree with me!" John exclaimed.

"But for some reason, I get this feeling Gaia-san Isn't ordinary, like she's way above us," Martha beamed.

Naruto almost choked on his beer while Gaia shifted uncomfortably with a strained smile on her face.

"Huh, That's weird, I get the same feeling too. Maybe it's due to her heavenly beauty. Who knows, she might be a goddess in disguise," John said carefreely. He chuckled at his own joke and Martha joined in laughing with Naruto and Gaia laughing along awkwardly.

"Really Naruto-san, thank you for saving my little sister. If it weren't for you-"

"It's nothing, really." The blond house owner cut him off.

"If there's anyway I can repay you."

"Stop calling me Naruto-san. Naruto's just fine."

Gaia beside Naruto smiled at him. He might be a rude jerk sometimes but deep down, there's still that drive to protect those in danger inside him somewhere. Martha just beamed at Naruto with her chin resting on her intertwined fingers.

"Hm, Naruto," John said with a smile on his face.

They all sipped beer in silence except Martha who had a refill of orange juice.

Gaia suddenly broke the thickening silence. "Well since today's a special day-"

"Today's a special day?"Naruto asked, unaware.

"We rarely have visitors but today, we have two! And I'd like to prepare something nice for them."

"Oh, we wouldn't want to-"John wants to decline but Gaia was having none of that and Naruto cut him off.

"Don't worry, her food tastes heavenly… It's as if a goddess prepared it," He said with a smirk, loving the strained smile on the two platinum blonde haired humans and the huge sweat drop on Gaia's face. His fun was cut short when Gaia gripped his sleeves hard and yanked with enough force to knock him off balance. Luckily, Gaia pushed him back to balance before he fell.

"Naruto," She said through gritted teeth, "I need you to run to the store and get me-"

"There's never enough ingredients…" Naruto whispered, shaking his head with narrowed eyes zoned out staring at the distance.

"Oh and don't be late," She finished slapping his shoulder.

"I'll go with Naruto," John said. He saw the distant look on the blonde's face and figured he ignored what his sister said.

"Fine." Gaia replied.

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