Chapter 97 big guy

"Just cause I flashed a royale card doesn't mean they have to give me everything she wore or pointed at!" He raged mentally.

"Naruto-San, are you OK?" Martha stood beside the blonde with a sheepish expression on her face.

Naruto overdid himself this time around. There was a reason Golden Fabric gave a golden royale card to very few special people and all of them were men.

"I-I'll live." Naruto huffed.

"Hey, stop wasting my time and get your belongings off my car!" The Uber driver yelled honking furiously.

Naruto, still under the weather, mentally exhausted and highly irritable at the moment, snapped at the driver. "Shut the fuck up! I'll pay you double your money you fucker!"

"Naruto-san, it's rude to curse at others."

"You gotta fucking curse them to get your point across sometimes."

"Wait, Naruto, is that what i think it is?" Kuroka rushed out with stars in her eyes.

"That's... a lot of bags." Gaia, who was behind Kuroka, remarked.

"Hey, you better start unloading or I'm gonna drive away!" The uber driver yelled again.

"That's it, I'm leaving a bad review on your website!."

"Shut up, Blondie!"

"You wanna go, Uber driver?!" He asked, raising his fists like a boxer would.

Naruto and the driver started bickering back and forth before a blue magic circle appeared and the temperature dropped significantly. The driver went unconscious in an instant while Martha swayed on her feet.

"Naruto-san c-" Serafall stopped mid-sentence upon spotting Kuroka.

Kuroka seeing the devils paled significantly, and in the moment it took her to blink, a gust of wind blew past her. Orange filled her vision, Naruto's orange clad back. He had one of his hands in front of him and he was between her and a huge man she recognized as one of the top five strongest pawns in the underworld.

"Oi, what the fuck are you doing?" The shinobi asked.

Beowulf narrowed his eyes at Naruto. The lanky boy reacted as fast as he attacked and was able to stop his punch, nothing short of impressive.

Souji unsheathe his sword and a second later, he was behind Kuroka his sword raised up overhead.



Another Naruto stood between Kuroka and Souji holding Souji's blade back with a Kunai.

"You guys are overstepping your boundaries. Know your place." A faint aura of blue energy surrounds Naruto's kunai as he pushes Souji back.

Souji jumped back and so did Beowulf when they sensed the serious aura around Naruto.

"Leviathan, harbouring an SS-rank stray devil is punishable by death no matter the species right?" Souji asked, brandishing his sword.

Serafall sighed. "No, it's not."

"Lethal force can and will be used if the one who harbours them refuses to turn them over," Beowulf stated.

"SS-rank stray devil?" Martha mused, a bit scared. All she did was blink and now, there were two Naruto's guarding Kuroka.

"Naruto…" Kuroka looked down dejectedly before she took reluctant steps towards the devil group.

"You hate dealing with other's shit so let me take care of mine."

Her eyes were pleading for something to happen but at the same time, her rational side didn't want to bring harm to Naruto and Gaia. No one could fend off a Satan-class devil, the strongest queen of the underworld and two peerage members of the great Maou. She'd at least protect Naruto and the others if she surrendered.

"Oi, Kuroka." Naruto grabbed her shoulder.

"Let me go Naruto. I'm a criminal, an SS-rank devil who killed her master. Do you want to harbour a killer with a bounty from the underworld?!"

Martha blinked again and now, she was inside Naruto's compound sitting at the ongoing scene with clone Naruto beside her. She poked the other Naruto to confirm if he was an illusion but flinched under the glare of the clone.

"Shut your crap." Naruto's bangs cast a shadow over his eyes.

"What?" Kuroka strained her ears to listen to Naruto.

"I said, Shut it!"

Naruto picked her up and threw her into his compound. A faint glow covered the entrance blocking Kuroka's to come out.

"Naruto! Don't fight them. You can't handle them alone. Please let me out!"

"As long as you're my guest, I don't know about a pretty neko with a bounty on her head or an SS-stray whatever. Right now, you're Kuroka, a guest, a pest, a parasite living in the house of Naruto Uzumaki and nobody, I mean nobody messes with my guests!"

Naruto's loud declaration warmed Kuroka's heart like a bonfire and a tingling sensation shot down her spine. "Don't impress me Naruto, I don't think you can handle the aftermath," Kuroka whispered, staring at the blonde ninja. He looked so cool in Orange.

"What's this? I smell love In the air?" Gaia chuckled walking till she was beside Naruto.

"Gaia-san!/Stop, please," Martha and Kuroka called out.

Serafall blinked, her eyes reflecting confusion and wariness. She didn't notice the woman beside Naruto until she made her presence clear.

"Well well, looks like the human's fallen for the stray devil," Beowulf stated.

"Shut it, big guy." Naruto waved a punch threateningly at the big devil.

"Y'know, I've never seen you fight Naruto. Care to demonstrate?" Gaia asked.

"Gladly!" Souji materialized before Naruto and attempted to cut him into two. Naruto leaned back and had to fight the urge to blur through a series of handseals when he remembered his house was right there, beside him. The Naruto before Souji suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Souji, a Kunai at his neck, drawing a drop of blood.

"Naruto Uzumaki!" Serafall called the blonde who ignored her. "Hey, Naruto!"

Naruto turned around blasting them with KI to get his point across. "Take another step and I'm going to kill him. I'm in a bad mood right now. Don't disturb me," Warned Naruto.

Grayfia and Serafall sighed before the very ground Naruto, Gaia and Souji were standing on was covered with ice. Souji took the cue and escaped Naruto's hold.

"What the heck, why'd you let yourself be captured and by a human no less?" Beowulf berated.

Souji wasn't a pushover himself, he was just testing the waters to have a vague grasp on Naruto's speed and boy was it impressive.

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