19 What Do I Do

"Klaus! Alpha Klaus!"

I hastily dismounted from the horse to check on him. Klaus lay unconscious on the ground, his face pallid, his eyes shut tight, showing no response to my calls.

"What do I do? Klaus, what do I do?" I muttered to myself.

I held his body tightly. Unlike before, his skin now felt cold, devoid of the previous warmth, making my trembling hands shiver. I touched the wound on his back, where the blood had dried into purple scabs. If not for the faint but steady rise and fall of his chest, I would have thought I was holding a corpse.

But I knew that even though he was an Alpha, his body wouldn't hold up for much longer.

I had to help him. It was as if someone had given me an irresistible command in my mind. I didn't know why I thought like this, but... I just knew I couldn't abandon him out here in the wilderness. It was no different from killing him.

"Where are we? Is anyone there?" I shouted as loud as I could, but the vast mountains echoed no response.