58 The Girl Copied Me

Emilia's pov

Watching Klaus easily defeat Ron, I couldn't control the trembling that overcame me.

In this moment, the once mighty image of Ron was completely shattered in my mind. I finally realized just how innocent my parents were to have died at the hands of such a despicable and incompetent waste.

I've never hated myself like this before. How I wished the old me had realized my own weakness, realized that I needed to become stronger to protect my family. Despite being the daughter of an alpha, I didn't inherit my father's strength; instead, I became a burden to them. The image of my father standing in front of me, my mother lying in a pool of blood—it tore at my heart like a knife.

Klaus effortlessly accomplished what I couldn't. As he turned to walk towards the king, I murmured softly, "Klaus."