77 You Are Not Alone

Eileen’s POV

The morning sunlight filtered through the clouds, casting a soft glow over the courtyard. I hurried down the quiet palace corridor, carrying Princess Cecilia’s daily rose dew. The palace was just waking up, with changing guards nodding at me as I passed.

"Eileen, why are you up so early today?" a familiar guard asked as I rounded a corner.

"The Princess hasn't been sleeping well lately. I thought I'd attend to her earlier," I replied with a smile.

"Ah, the palace hasn't been peaceful recently," the guard sighed. He lifted his silver faceplate and hesitated before speaking in a low voice, "Eileen, the king had another episode last night."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

While the king's health was a secret to the outside world, it was an open secret among the palace staff.