88 You Need Me

Cecilia’s POV

The whip lashed out with the swiftness of a striking hawk, wrapping around the giant serpent's head with a force that couldn’t be ignored. With a powerful yank, I hurled the serpent to the ground.

“Who gave you the audacity to ambush me? Can’t you see the royal crest on the guards’ armor?!” I jumped out of the car, my voice sharp with authority. Since the car had been discovered, it was no longer safe to stay inside.

“You’re exiled werewolves, aren’t you? If you back off now, I, as a royal princess, will guarantee your return to your pack.”

I fixed my gaze on the ragged figures before me, carefully assessing them. With the guards still unaware of their fate, facing these werewolves alone was a battle with slim odds. I wasn’t keen on engaging them unless absolutely necessary. I needed to wait until Emilia emerged from the Wolf’s Den.