102 I Like You

Emilia’s POV

“What’s your relationship with Prince Carlos?!”

Klaus's tone was sharp, and the suspicion that had momentarily subsided now surged back, even stronger than before.

“W-What?” I stared at him, completely confused. Who was Prince Carlos? I had never heard of him.

Seeing the dark look on Klaus’s face, a thought struck me. Perhaps Carlos was the key to understanding the crystal ball.

So, I spoke up. “I don’t know Prince Carlos, but could you help me meet him?”

Klaus’s expression turned even darker.

If his expression before had been a stormy sky, now it was a full-blown thunderstorm.

“So, I underestimated you. Your goal is the prince,” Klaus sneered, his lips curling coldly.

I was at a loss for words. How could I explain this? I had no one else I could trust except Klaus.

In a desperate attempt, I tried to reason with him. “No, Klaus, it’s not like that. I really need his help. This crystal ball is important to me, but I don’t even know what it is.”