Love's Battlefield

The canteen buzzed with curious gazes fixed upon them, an astonished audience to their captivating display. Amidst the mesmerized crowd, Jian's presence loomed large, his voice reverberating as he confronted Win with a thunderous rebuke, "Your disdain for Nib is apparent, but recurring insults won't be tolerated."The room fell silent, everyone's attention on the spectacle unfolding. A mixture of anger and disbelief hung in the air as the accusations hung heavy. Yet, Win and Nib, in a world of their own, shared a silent exchange, their gazes tender, impervious to the clamor around them.Jian's patience waned as Win's unyielding silence tested his restraint. His anger swelled, a hand poised to strike, only to be thwarted by Nib's swift intervention. Nib's grip on Win's arm was firm, eyes aflame with fury, a warning etched into every fiber of his being, "Today, you transgressed, but heed my words - such folly won't be tolerated in the future."Jian's glare bore into Win as he stormed out, Nine trailing behind. Pit stood by, arms folded, resigned to the certainty that Nib's actions were his own domain. Amidst the turmoil, Win's expression remained inscrutable, his gaze unwavering upon Nib, a connection unbroken. Oblivious to the chatter around them, Win was ensnared by Nib's presence, every other concern fading into insignificance.Nib's focus shifted, a reproachful gaze directed at the onlookers. The room stirred, conversations resuming their hum, drawn curtains to their private encounter. In the aftermath, Win blinked, guilt etched on his features as his remorseful gaze found Nib's jacket. "I didn't intend for that to happen," he confessed, his voice a regretful whisper."Rùn phī̀ (Senior brother)," Win's words hung in the air, heavy with an unspoken sentiment. Nib's ire flared, his patience waning at the sound of that familiar address from Win's lips. He tilted his head, a hiss escaping, summoning Win to his side. Win's response was measured, a polite bow, a refusal veiled in icy detachment. He would not be moved. Nib's chair scraped back, determination propelling him as he approached Win. His grip on Win's wrist was unyielding, teeth bared in a silent warning, "Don't force me to do some unappropriate in public. Just Accompany me."A sigh, laden with frustration, was drawn from Nib as he observed Win, his tone laced with exasperation. Win asked, "But where...?"With a resolute air, Nib commanded, "Get up!" his tone icy. "Let's take care of my clothes."Guiding Win to the washroom adjacent to the first-floor library, Win made a hurried suggestion, "Ummm, Nib, how about you give me your jacket? I'll wash it at home."Nib's response was swift, laced with a hint of challenge, "Or I could buy you a new one, just like this."A conflicted expression played on Win's face as he stammered, "But I don't want to accompany you to the washroom..." His voice trailed off, the tension palpable.Unfazed by Win's words, Nib's grip on his hand tightened, resolute. Win struggled to extricate his hand, a plea for release woven into his pained words, "Nibbb, let go! You're hurting me."However, Nib's focus remained steadfast. As they reached the washroom, Win's hand bore the brunt of Nib's grip, his discomfort evident. "Let go, Nib!" Win's plea held a mixture of agony and frustration, but Nib seemed impervious.Elsewhere, Jian and Nine were ensnared in a heated exchange within the boy's locker room. Jian's anger was palpable, his frustration manifesting in the form of hitting the wall and furniture. Nine's attempts at restraint proved futile. Amidst this tumult, Sky, Nib's teammate and confidant, entered the scene, embracing Jian, a plea for calm in his touch. Nine recounted the events, Sky absorbing the narrative.Jian's voice was sharp as he uttered his condemnation, "That f****k Win will shatter our friend, Nib, one day." His hand rose to his head, determination etched on his features. "I won't let him toy with Nib's emotions so recklessly."Sky intervened, his hand resting on Jian's shoulder, urging reason, "What's the plan now?"Nine chimed in, echoing Sky's sentiment, "Jian, listen to Sky brother. Let's not involve Uncle in this."Jian, however, was resolute, disregarding the council of his companions. Dialing his phone, he initiated a call to Mr. Vichayaporn, Nib's father. Nine and Sky's gestures went unnoticed by Jian, who relayed the entire incident to Mr. Vichayaporn. The mention of his son being targeted stirred Mr. Vichayaporn's anger, promising action despite his current absence from Bangkok due to pressing commitments.Jian hung up, a triumphant smile gracing his lips, savoring his initiative.Into the washroom Nib ushered Win. Amidst a flurry of activities, someone washing their face, another using the bathroom, and yet another urinating, none lingered to witness Nib's simmering anger. They fled as if the room was ablaze, leaving Nib's wrath unobserved. Even someone in mid-urination bolted out in haste, urgency surpassing dignity. The washroom emptied, and Nib firmly shut the door behind him, his demeanor a blend of intensity and contained frustration.Within the confined space, a peculiar tranquility hung in the air, akin to the deceptive calm before a tempest. Win nursed his aching wrist with his free hand, defiantly meeting Nib's gaze. With a hint of nonchalance, Win spoke, the words almost breezy, "I did say I'd get you a new jacket," a wince punctuating his exclamation, "Ufff."Beyond the washroom's walls, the corridors buzzed with whispers as students attempted to eavesdrop on the impending confrontation. Swiftly, Nib removed his jacket, casting it aside with a resolute gesture, the fabric landing at his feet. Win, taken aback by this display of emotion, implored, "Nib, let me go!"A calm before the storm reigned, interrupted only by Nib's hushed voice as he laid out his intent, "Of course, you can go. But not before addressing my inquiries."Inwardly, Win speculated, "He must want to discuss the events from earlier," a cold nod sealing his tacit agreement.Nib's gaze bore into Win, a question poised on his lips, "What were you doing with Inspector Thai?"The unexpected mention of Inspector Thai's name caught Win off guard. His anticipation had been centered around discussing the noon incident, rendering him momentarily uncertain. Caught in the turmoil of his thoughts, he offered no immediate reply.Nib's patience frayed, his voice a furious cry, "Answer me!"Win's response was a nod, his countenance almost blending with the very air. Not driven by fear, but rather by the pursuit of understanding.Approaching him, Nib positioned himself squarely, unwavering in his gaze. "So, you're always vocal about lofty ideals. What went awry today?"Win's stare met Nib's head-on, determination gleaming in his eyes. "And if I choose not to respond?"Nib's hands found solace behind his back, a resolute stance assumed. "Then, consider yourself confined here."Unyielding, Win uttered, "I extended an invitation to him for lunch."Jaws clenched, Nib persisted, "For what reason?"Win's voice hovered in a pause, his reply a withheld breath.Nib mirrored the silence, a challenge evident in his demeanor.Finally, Win spoke, his tone measured, "Because... he aided us that night."A thoughtful hum escaped Nib, his grip on Win's shoulder a gesture of intrigue. "Hmm, and how long have you been acquainted with him?"Engulfed in silence, Win's response remained withheld.Resolute, Nib interjected, "Let me enlighten you. You've known him for a mere night. Meanwhile, I've been a part of your life for precisely 72 hours, 32 minutes, and 56 seconds. It's disheartening that despite this duration, you've never asked me out for coffee."Win's reply was absent, lost to contemplation.An eruption of Nib's voice followed, "Answer me this: I treat you to ice cream, and yet, you exclude him. Why should he enjoy the privilege alone? You should have informed me; I would have offered him an entire coffee jar. Then, he could have coffee at his beck and call."A surge of frustration overcame Win, his voice raised against the onslaught, "Stop masquerading as my boyfriend. I never declared you as such. You declared that you'd refrain from disturbing me if I hung up."Undeterred, Nib's retort came swift, "But you approached me first today..."Win retorted, his gaze defiant, "I merely came to return your jacket."Nib's accusation was sharp, "Don't lie. Your anger flared when you saw me with that girl. And when Professor Nin restrained me, your agitation was undeniable."Win's gaze lowered, emotions hidden.Nib pressed on, "Anyone can discern your affection for me at a glance."A wry smile escaped Win, his retort tinged with irony, "Senior brother, you've gone mad."At Win's declaration, Nib's hand struck a bottle of handwash, its clatter resonating. Seizing Win's arm, he guided him before a mirror, desperation lacing his voice. He pointed to his own reflection in the glass, words desperate, "This boy wasn't like this four days ago. His hair wasn't disheveled, his eyes weren't tear-filled, the buttons of his shirt weren't undone.""You're the catalyst for this madness."Loudly spoken, Nib's voice held an edge, "Winnn, you've set my world spinning, driven me insane."With a twist of his hands, Nib trapped Win against himself. Their bodies collided, their proximity undeniable. Win sensed the unyielding hardness of Nib, an uncomfortable sensation. A moan of discomfort escaped him, along with a warning, "Nibbb, you're exceeding limits. Release me..."A wistful smile graced Nib's lips, his response unwavering, "There are no limits to madness. And now that you've labeled me mad, I'll embrace pushing those boundaries." Nib's hand cupped Win's jaw, a declaration in his touch. "Henceforth, I won't tolerate seeing you with any guy. I'll..."Win's question held defiance, "What will you do?"Desperation tinged Nib's voice, "I'll subject you to humiliation. I'll circulate our private moments. Let's see who would embrace you then, be it a man or a woman, Winnn..."Fueled by Nib's declaration, Win wrenched himself free, poised to strike. Nib's hand pressed onto the mirror, desperation in his voice, "Ahh...ahh, Win, don't take this course!""Don't coerce me today, for actions today may echo into tomorrow..."Win's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he stared at Nib. The memories of their noon encounter resurfaced, an undercurrent in his mind. He distanced himself, his words a lament, "Only your mind could manifest such impure thoughts."Nib's bloodshot eyes bore into Win, a gasp escaping him.Win's words continued a relentless flow, "Yesterday, you gained your answer. Why torment me anew today?" With hands wiping his face, the struggle was evident. "I despise you. Each touch of yours breeds loathing. I hate myself for succumbing, for enduring..."Nib's grip returned, a piercing gaze capturing Win. Desperation punctuated his plea, his voice raised, "Oh, so my touch induces blisters? But when that Thai touches you, you revel in it." Nib's touch turned demanding, gesturing across his body. "Tell me, where does he touch you, here or there..."Win's hand recoiled, poised for a strike, yet faltered before making contact. Nib's challenge hung in the air, "Why hesitate? I won't halt you this time.""Hit me, come on! Give it your best shot, Winnnn..."With a slight frown, Win lowered his hand, his voice tinged with frustration, "Speaking with you is utterly futile."He turned to leave, but Nib stood in his path, blocking the exit. A push from Win led to the door, but an unexpected figure awaited outside – Pit. Eavesdropping ears were drawn to the washroom's commotion, igniting various speculations."They're quarreling...""No, they're sharing a private moment...""Is Nib forcing Win?""It seems Nib is quite angry with Winn."Voices murmured, mixing fact with rumor.Pit hastened to convey the scenario to Jian, Nine, and Sky. Urgency propelled them to the washroom door, their knocks resounding, "Nibbb, open up!""What's happening in there?""Nibbbb... Winnnn..."Their calls echoed unanswered.Inside, Nib's voice implored, "Winn, wait! I haven't finished..."Unheeding, Win struggled with the latch. Nib acted swiftly, pulling him and pinning him to the wall. "Win Vichayawannakul, you can't repeatedly push me away like a stray dog."Pressed against the wall, Win found his hands held in place. Nib's voice held a desperate plea, "You can't be with Inspector Thai.""Why does this even concern you when you promised not to trouble me?" Inquisitiveness filled Win's gaze as he met Nib's eyes.Gradually, Nib closed the gap between their faces. His bloodshot eyes bore into Win's, his hand sliding from Win's hand to his shoulder, igniting a sense of intimacy. Win's heart raced. Proximity erased all attempts at distancing.Nib gripped Win's arm firmly, brushing his lips sensually against Win's forehead, pausing at the edge of his lips. Win's eyes clenched shut, tears slipping free. Nib's eyes mirrored the emotion, his voice tender, breath mingling, "Don't misconstrue my tenderness for weakness. Loving you doesn't exempt me from causing pain.""You are causing pain, Nib," Win's voice quivered in response.Nib's voice held an ache, "Mphh... ahh, I apologize. But still, consider this a warning. If you don't want to love me, it's your prerogative.""If you choose to date a girl, that's fine.""But dare to look at another guy, and my patience will evaporate."With a push, Nib released Win and swung the door open, exiting. As Nib stepped out, normalcy resumed among the onlookers. Jian and Sky sought answers, but Nib left without a word. Moments later, Win emerged, Nib's jacket in hand. Stormed with inquiries, he ignored them and walked away.Night descended. At the dinner table, Win picked at his food, distracted. Kimsy noticed, concern tinting her inquiry, "Win, are you alright?""Your jaw and hands bear marks. Did you get into a fight?"Win averted his gaze, unable to deceive Kimsy's perceptive eyes. He crossed his fingers, stammering, "I... I joined the basketball team today. So..."Kimsy's encouragement flowed, "You don't have to explain, Win. I understand. I'm proud of you."Win managed a smirk.Kimsy persisted, "Did you bring it?""What..." Win's curiosity rose."The item I asked you to fetch?"Win's silence betrayed him, met by Kimsy's awaiting gaze.Suddenly remembering, his throat tightened. Crossed fingers came to his rescue once more, "Umm, Nib didn't come to college today..."Kimsy's disappointment was palpable, but Win made amends, "Kimsy, I promise you, if Nib doesn't come tomorrow, I'll visit his house and get a photo for you."A smile returned to Kimsy's face, "Good boy..."After dinner, Win attended to the kitchenware before retiring to his room. The prospect of studying held no allure; instead, he aimlessly paced his room, the echoes of Nib's words resounding relentlessly. Restlessness gnawed at him.Meanwhile, Nib's state remained fragile. Concerned friends, including Sky, Jian, Pit, Nine, and Tine, gathered at his condo. Seated on the floor, they immersed themselves in TV entertainment. Inviting Nib to join, they received a refusal. He continued his restless perambulation, eyes fixated on his phone. In an abrupt interjection, Pit addressed Nib, "If you're contemplating calling Win, why overthink it?""I have no desire to call anyone," Nib retorted before retreating to his room.Jian playfully rebuked Pit, "Do you really think Nib wants to chat about Win?"Pit stammered, "I was jus—""Enough," Sky interjected, seizing the Sprite bottle from Pit's grasp.The phone fell onto Nib's bed. Frustration gripped him as he clutched his head, his inner turmoil intensifying. "I-I just h...! I-I just ha...""No, I can't harbor hatred for him.""Win Vichayawannakul, I'm simply overwhelmed by you...""I'm aware you won't reach out, yet I remain transfixed by my phone's screen."In a surge of irritation, Nib powered off his phone and collapsed onto the bed, cocooning himself with a blanket.In another corner, Win's gaze flickered over his phone, self-questioning his behavior. "Why am I ensnared by my phone's glow?""I explicitly expressed my lack of affection for him, so why?""Nibbbb..." He shouted in exasperation, a wave of annoyance washing over him...His gaze landed on Nib's jacket draping the balcony railing, prompting a swift smile. Just as he moved towards the balcony, his phone chimed abruptly. A flicker of hope surged, but it deflated upon seeing Strom's name. He hesitated for a moment before answering."Hey Win, everything okay?" Strom's concern was palpable.With casual nonchalance, Win replied, "Yeah, I'm fine."Silence followed."Strom..."Strom's voice carried a weight, "What are your thoughts about Nib?"A sigh escaped Win. "Look, Strom, if this is about Nib, I might as well hang up right now.""Nooo...noo, I'm talking about you. I'm saying you should give him a chance."The words grated on Win's ears. "You're still at it? Do you even know what he said to me?""He said something about 'rapee'," Strom admitted.Surprise colored Win's voice, "Nib told you this?""We were all at the washroom door, listening to you both."Win's astonishment gave way to frustration, "Are you all out of your minds?"Strom brushed it off, "The details don't matter. What matters is that you heard Nib's words, but you missed the meaning behind them.""He had tears in his eyes when he left the washroom. I've never seen Nib cry for anyone before."Win fell silent.Strom continued, "He's crazily in love with you.""Please don't continue pushing him away like this."Before Win could respond, Strom hung up. He stood there, staring at the balcony with a mixture of anticipation and contemplation. Win picked up the phone, his sigh echoing as he gazed at Nib's name on the contact list.Just as he pressed the call button, a sudden shout from Kimsy rang through the air, "Winnn, sonnn..."Startled, Win inadvertently activated the call. He emerged from his room, asking, "Kimsyy, did you call me?"Kimsy's voice came from the kitchen, "Would you like some corn soup? I just made it."Win politely declined, "Thank you for offering, Kimsy! But I think I indulged a bit too much at dinner.""Enjoyyy it if you change your mind.""Alright, I've left your portion in the fridge. If you feel like it later, help yourself," Kimsy informed him.Win nodded, "...," and began to re-enter his room. However, he noticed the flashing phone and paused midway. Contemplating for a moment, he blinked, then proceeded to his bed. Eventually, thoughts of Nib enveloped him as he drifted off into sleep, his lips curling into a faint smile.Meanwhile, Nib wrestled with insomnia, his gaze locked onto his phone. Muscles tense, he leaned against his bed, determination fueling his intent to call Win. Upon unlocking his phone, he spotted a missed call from Win, prompting relief to soften his facial expression. In a surge of joy, he exclaimed, "Oooooo, finallyyyy..."Startled by Nib's exuberant shouts, his friends rushed into his room, finding him elated and donning a jacket. Pit muttered skeptically, "Is he okay?"Gazing at Nib with a mixture of curiosity and concern, Nine responded, "Seems like Win called him..."Astonished and intrigued, Sky addressed Nib, "Nibb, where are you rushing off to all dressed up like this?"With a radiant smile, Nib glanced at himself in the mirror, smoothing down his hair. "I'm going to Winnn..."Pit questioned, "What happened in such a short time?"Nine added, "Last I heard, Win wasn't exactly fond of you."Jian wore a contemplative expression, "..."Nib retorted with a playful glint, "Now, close your mouths full of curses...""Or else, I might just rearrange your faces.".....................................................As Nib approached the door, Jian grabbed his arm. "Nibb, maybe it's not the best time to go out."Frowning, Nib shrugged off Jian's grip, "Quit acting like my overbearing spouse."Jian nodded in frustration, "..."Sky chimed in, "Jian might have a point."Nine added, "Don't be hasty. Remember what happened in Bangkok City that night?"Jian's voice thundered, "Your heart might break again. Can you handle that?"After a thoughtful pause, Nib raised his head, met their gaze, and answered resolutely, "I can."And with that, he dashed off to see Win.Late at night, Inspector Thai sat at his desk in an atmosphere of profound silence. Yet, an inexplicable restlessness seemed to pervade his heart. He stared at his hand with a contemplative gaze, the same hand that had been held by Win earlier.With a weary sigh, he rolled his eyes, as if attempting to quell an impending urge. It was as though he battled to restrain himself from a certain course of action.