Dancing with Desire


Inspector Thai found himself immersed in a grim investigation surrounding the deaths of thirty individuals within the city's gay community. After three long years, a glimmer of hope emerged for Bangkok's police force. A lead surfaced through an informant—a mysterious lady in a crimson gown, wielding a knife. Yet, the shroud of darkness had concealed her identity, leaving law enforcement with a haunting figure: a potential female serial killer. Though a semblance of progress was achieved, the city's unease persisted, for the elusive killer remained at large. Nighttime became a realm of caution as a decree resonated – no one, absolutely no one, could traverse the streets after dusk.

Amid the tension, Nine took the stage, orchestrating a momentous announcement. Win and Nib were summoned for a couple's dance, a prospect that ignited fervor within Nib while instilling a sense of bashfulness in Win. Stepping forward, Nib's firm grasp enveloped Win's hand, leading him onto the stage bathed in a radiant, white spotlight. Amidst the expectant crowd, Win's nerves quivered, until he sought solace in Nib's embrace. Their forms intertwined, a dance within the dance, illuminated by the spotlight's glow. It was a tender display of vulnerability, Win's trembling form seeking refuge within Nib's arms.

"Such an enchanting pair," Pillow and Shine remarked, their voices full of admiration.

Mew's internal turmoil heightened in response. Win's hushed confession reached Nib's ear, "I'm uncertain about dancing."

Nib's soothing words flowed, "Fear not, for I'm here."

Curiosity painted Win's voice, "What do you mean?"

A gentle smile curved Nib's lips as he replied, "Just relax. You needn't do a thing. Just gaze into my eyes."

Amidst the lighthearted ambiance, Jian interjected, "Had enough hugging, have you?"

Laughter rippled through the gathering. The strains of a romantic melody filled the air, and with the transition of notes, they stepped onto the dance floor.

Embraced by the elegant tune, Win and Nib began their ballroom dance, a seamless fusion of steps and heartbeats, their connection mirrored in every graceful movement. Win's gaze fixated on Nib's eyes, a world of emotions exchanged. Nib's hand found its place on the small of Win's back, guiding him closer. Win's fingers delicately settled upon Nib's nape. As their eyes remained locked, they embarked on their dance, a harmonious fusion of heartbeats and steps. In a moment of transcendence, Nib enfolded Win in his arms, prompting Win to extend his own and, in serene surrender, close his eyes.

A collective chorus of admiration resonated, "Such a lovely couple!"

Graced by radiant smiles, their dance drew to a close, an applause-filled finale. Amidst the ovation, Mew's emotional reservoir breached its limits. She hurriedly retreated her tears a torrent of pent-up turmoil.

Observing Mew's hasty departure, Jian swiftly followed suit, stepping outside. In a reverse sequence, Mew reappeared, and Jian gently reached out, his hand finding her shoulder in a tender gesture. Concern laced his inquiry, "Are you alright, Mew?"

The moment their connection solidified, a sudden surge of emotion overcame Mew, and she instinctively sought solace, her arms enveloping Jian in an unanticipated embrace.

Tears streamed down Mew's cheeks as she uttered her heartache, her voice wavering, "Why must everything befall me, Nib? I've never wished harm on anyone, so why did God take my beloved away? First, my parents divorced when I was just nine, and now you've also departed. I'm left with no one I can truly call my own."

In a gentle murmur, Jian replied, his tone softened, "There are many, though you might have only closed your eyes to them."

Suddenly, Mew was jolted back to the present, their eyes locked once again, the weight of their shared emotions suspended between them.

In the fragile intimacy of that moment, their lips were poised to meet, the air thick with anticipation. But the universe had other plans. A sudden, forceful push from Mew shattered the spell, propelling her away from Jian. Without a moment's hesitation, she dashed back indoors.

Within the confines of the room, an unexpected encounter sent Mew and Nib on a collision course. Yet, as fate would have it, just in the nick of time, Nib's stalwart presence intervened. With grace and strength, he caught her, his arms a secure haven that cradled her in a protective embrace.

Their gazes locked, and an unspoken understanding passed between them. Meanwhile, Win, a silent observer of the poignant moment, discerned the depth of their connection. With a quiet resolve, he turned away, leaving the festive gathering behind.

On a desolate stretch of road, a lady draped in crimson wandered, a solitary figure lost in thought. Nib's voice broke the silence, concern lacing his words, "Mew, are you alright? Were you crying?"

Mew's retort held a mix of skepticism and pain, "Perhaps you're a skilled actor or a handsome deceiver."

She moved to walk away, but Nib's grip tightened on her hand, a silent plea for her to stay.

Defiance marked Mew's voice, "You've no right to hold my hand now. Let me go."

Determination edged Nib's tone, "No, I won't. You can't keep fleeing from your emotions. When you left me after seeing me with Win, I wasn't in love with him. Yet, you didn't listen and walked away, labeling me a cheater."

Mew's voice wavered with tears, "Then I vow I won't abandon you again. Please, accept me. I can't bear to live without you."

Nib's response held a bittersweet truth, "It's not possible now. I've grown to love Win more than life itself. Our happiness is entwined. I want you to find happiness too. I can't let you ruin your life for me."

Mew's silence hung in the air.

Nib's voice softened, "After you left, I realized you were a dear friend, and your attraction to me was only that. I know you deserve someone who cherishes you. While none may match my looks, I assure you that the one who pampers you will be a thousand times more handsome than me."

A hint of a smile graced Mew's lips at his words.

Her reply carried a touch of playfulness, "Not a thousand, but a trillion times better."

Nib's pleased smile deepened, "Indeed."

Mew's voice turned earnest, "Promise me, Nib, that you'll remain my best friend forever."

"Always," Nib affirmed, and in that heartfelt moment, they embraced.

In search of Win, Nib traversed the party area, discovering his absence. Queries to several individuals led him to the knowledge that Win had ventured outside. Following that trail, Nib stepped into the open air, his gaze eventually alighting upon Win, seated contemplatively on a bench, his attention captured by the moon's luminous glow. Without hesitation, Nib approached and tenderly covered Win's eyes with his hands behind.

His voice dipped into a playful timbre, Nib inquired, "What might you be up to?"

Win's response was subdued, "Nib, I'm just not in the mood..."

Unveiling his eyes, Nib chided, "It's not quite fair to recognize me so quickly."

Win's retort was assured, "Even in the midst of a thousand, I'd know you."

A knowing smile curved Nib's lips, though he redirected their conversation, "Why are you here, then?"

With a hint of resignation, Win confessed, "The enclosed ambiance inside was stifling. So, I sought the open air."

Nib voiced his concern, "You could have called me. I could have accompanied you."

A sense of distance crept into Win's reply, "You were engrossed with Mew. I didn't want to intrude."

Curiosity etched Nib's tone, "Do you hold resentment seeing me with her?"

Win's response was candid, "No, not resentment. Just a touch of melancholy. Knowing that my presence brought her suffering, that she had to leave her cherished friendships and college behind."

Nib offered reassurance, "Don't place blame on yourself. And if you seek a culprit, let it be me."

Win's protest was swift, "Don't you dare. If anyone is to bear the blame, it's me."

A grateful smile curled Nib's lips as he held Win's hand, his words laced with emotion, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

Win questioned the reason, prompting Nib to elaborate, "For trusting me, for standing by me, for being my boyfriend, and..."

Win encouraged him, "And?"

Nib's voice turned earnest, "For walking into my life."

Their gazes locked, a profound connection passing between them. Slowly, they gravitated towards one another, their intent clear as they drew closer, a magnetic pull guiding them inexorably toward a kiss.

At the stroke of 12:30 am, Inspector Thai and his team patrolled the road adjacent to the college, drawn by the cacophony that echoed through the night air. Swiftly, he ordered the driver to steer their vehicle towards Bangkok University. Stepping onto the scene, their eyes fell upon the intimate tableau—a kiss shared between Win and Nib. Among the constables, one remarked with a teasing tone, "A truly romantic moment."

Another voice chimed in with a hint of judgment, "Yet, it's quite shameless."