Intimacy in Routine

One month had passed since Win last stepped into the university, and as he walked through its bustling halls, he couldn't help but reflect."One month has changed my life, but it seems the university remains untouched, still cradling so many dreams in its bustling embrace. Strange, nhh?"As Win gazed around the university, he found himself lost in the usual hustle and bustle. Classmates were engrossed in various activities, some chatting, others eating, a few buried in their books, and many wandering aimlessly. However, Nib was conspicuously absent from the crowd, leaving Win with a lingering sense of disappointment.Just then, his classmate Pi Xi approached him with concern in her voice.Pi Xi, "Hey, Win, what's up? It's been about a month since I saw you. Is everything alright?"Win, distracted by his thoughts, replied, "Hmm? Actually, I was off the beaten track for a while, but now I'm back."Pi Xi nodded with relief, saying, "Thankfully, Excuse me."Win watched the diverse activities in the university surroundings, pondering the essence of life. Amidst the bustling environment, he heard someone calling his name with a familiar smile. It was Som, who beckoned him to come to class. Win responded, "Yeah, I'm coming."In the hushed confines of the locker room, Inspector Thai approached Mew with a demeanor that bespoke a gravity of purpose."Mew, are you alright?" his voice, a measured cadence, held a genuine concern.Mew, caught in a moment of uncertainty, responded with a hesitant, "Umm."Inspector Thai, undeterred, pressed on, "You were right; there's someone else behind all of this. However..."A palpable anticipation lingered in Mew's gaze as he interjected, "But what?"The seasoned inspector chose his words carefully, "But we can't release you just yet. We lack concrete evidence, and the prevailing perception still casts doubt on your innocence. Releasing you now could potentially put you in harm's way. It's safer for you to remain here. Within these walls, you're shielded from external threats. Your safety is our top priority."Having delivered his message with a stoic resolve, Inspector Thai turned to depart. Mew, a sense of gratitude welling within him, couldn't help but voice his appreciation."Thank you," Mew's words echoed in the quiet space.Inspector Thai, in a brief moment of pause, acknowledged the sentiment with a nod before continuing on his path. Meanwhile, in the classroom, Win sat amidst Professor Mihok's lecture, but his mind was far away, dwelling on thoughts of Nib.Professor Mihok couldn't help but notice that Win was completely disengaged from his lecture. He decided to challenge Win's apparent lack of focus by asking him questions related to the class material. To everyone's surprise, Win answered with such brilliance that it left the professor impressed. However, the professor took a rather unconventional step.Prof. Mihok, "You're such a brilliant student...I don't think you need to hear my lecture anymore. So, Mr. Win, you can leave now..."Win began to protest, "But sir, I wa—"Prof. Mihok firmly cut him off, saying, "Leave now... I said."Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Win exited the classroom. Once outside, he decided to call Nib but received no response. Anxious thoughts filled his mind, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. As he stood there contemplating his next move, Pit and some friends passed by. Win approached Pit and inquired about Nib's whereabouts.Win, "Don't you really know... I thought you might know before us..."Pit responded, "About what?"Pit, "Actually, he's been unwell since morning... Maybe he didn't want to bother you, so..."Before Pit could finish, his friend called for him, and he left. Win immediately rushed to Nib's penthouse and knocked on the door. Nib opened the door, and their eyes locked in a deep connection. Meanwhile, Win finally broke the silence, his gaze intense and searching."Who am I to you?" he inquired, his voice betraying a mix of vulnerability and curiosity.Nib, wearing a soft smile that seemed to hold a universe of emotions, responded with poetic sincerity, "Instead of questioning who I am to you, perhaps you should ponder who you are not to me. Because, Win, you're my everything."Attempting to shield himself from the weight of those words, Win retorted with a feeble attempt at nonchalance, "Don't be overly sentimental. Is that why you made a hasty exit from my room this morning? And wipe that smile off your face. It's not the time for levity."Nib, undeterred, delicately placed a finger on Win's lips, silencing him with a gentle touch. "A smile is my remedy," Nib declared, their eyes locked. "Promise me, Win, that no matter how turbulent life becomes, you won't let adversity steal away your smile."Win enveloped Nib in a tight embrace, seeking solace in the warmth. Nib's laughter bubbled up in response, a melodic sound that filled the room, accompanied by a teasing remark, "Oh, Holy Christ, taking advantage of a debilitated, attractive man, are we?"Win, maintaining his playful demeanor, responded with a cheeky gesture, lifting his middle finger in a defiant display.Nib, visibly taken aback by Win's response, seized Win's hand with a mix of amusement and reproach, "Have you forgotten your manners?"In a mischievous twist, Nib added, "Or perhaps I need to educate you on proper behavior?" With that, Nib playfully took Win's middle finger into his mouth, applying a soft, teasing suction that left Win's cheeks tinged with a flush.Entering the room together, Nib couldn't contain his concerns any longer."But, Win, you shouldn't be here. I can take care of myself," Nib earnestly conveyed.Win, in his usual playful manner, responded with a hint of sarcasm, "Nice joke..."However, Nib remained resolute, insisting, "This time, I'm serious. I want to be your strength, not your weakness."Win's demeanor shifted, a rare moment of seriousness enveloping him as he posed a poignant question, "So, I have to be serious too... Answer my little question."Intrigued, Nib inquired, "What?"Win closed the distance between them, tenderly caressing Nib's cheek as he posed a scenario, "If I were in your place, what would you do? Can you truly let me face solitude?"Nib's gaze dropped, but Win gently lifted his chin with a delicate touch of his finger."You're my strength," Win declared with a quiet intensity. "You told me that you're within me, so how can there be a distinction between us? You must have recognized that we're not 'us'... we are 'I,' only 'I.'"Their eyes locked again, and the proximity between them intensified, their faces mere inches apart. Unable to resist any longer, Nib succumbed to the moment and kissed Win passionately. However, Win, with a gentle push, broke the kiss and quipped, "Don't tell me you've been neglecting your dental hygiene."Win chuckled, reaching out to take Nib's hand. "You always have a way of catching me off guard, Nib," he said affectionately. "How about I take care of your brushing today?"They ventured together into the bathroom, the soft glow of morning sunlight filtering through the curtains. Win, with a tenderness born of love, assumed the role of the dutiful caregiver, gently attending to Nib's oral hygiene.As Win diligently brushed Nib's teeth, Nib couldn't help but voice his boredom. "You know, Win," he mused, a spark of curiosity igniting his gaze, "morning routines can be so mundane. What if we introduced a touch of... excitement?"Intrigued, Win raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "How do you propose we do that?"Nib, wearing a sly smile, guided Win to sit on the basin. With a slow, deliberate motion, he parted Win's thigh, his fingers tracing a path that set Win's heart racing. Nib then gently but firmly secured Win's wrist, their proximity electrifying the air around them. They were so close that their breaths mingled, and every heartbeat seemed synchronized.Nib's voice, sultry and filled with desire, barely rose above a whisper. He breathed, "Winn, is how we infuse our morning with a different kind of intimacy."Win whispered gently, "You're not feeling well, are you?"Nib, his voice tender, replied, "I was... but since you arrived, I no longer feel unwell."Drawing their heads closer, they shared a smile that spoke volumes, their unspoken connection stronger than ever. Win, in his caring way, helped Nib with his morning routine, guiding him out of the bathroom. As Nib looked curious, Win couldn't help but tease, "Now, my love, you must rest a while. I have something special in store for you."Nib's curiosity piqued, and he inquired, "Special? What might that be?"Win, with a mischievous grin, replied, "Ah, it's a surprise."Leaving Nib with an air of intrigue, Win made his way to the kitchen to prepare a heartwarming Jungle curry. The memory of their playful bathroom scene brought a smile to his face, reminding him of the joyful moments they had shared. Once the curry was ready, he ladled a generous portion into a bowl and carried it into the room where Nib was resting.