A Mysterious Attack in the Hospital

On the grand staircase of the hospital, Win broke the silence between them."Nib," he began hesitantly.Nib turned his gaze towards Win, offering a quiet acknowledgment, "Hmmm?""Nib, can we come back here tomorrow?" Win's request held a sense of vulnerability. "Actually, I want to spend the entire night with you, please."Nib, ever perceptive to Win's emotions, understood the underlying meaning behind Win's words. He responded with a mixture of sympathy and determination, "Win, I know why you're asking this. But in life, there are certain moments that we must confront head-on. So, why not today? I can see the pain in your eyes whenever you mention Brother Joy. I want your thoughts of him to bring happiness to your eyes, not sorrow."Win attempted to protest again, "But..."Nib interrupted gently but firmly, "No 'buts,' Win. We're going inside. So, keep your finger on your lips."Reluctantly, Win followed Nib as they entered the hospital. It was midnight, and the hospital's corridors were sparsely populated. Nib held Win's hand, leading him to the reception area, where a lady was seated behind the counter.Nib politely addressed the receptionist, "Sawaat dee kharap, Ms... Can you provide us with some information?"The receptionist inquired, "About what, sir?"Nib turned to Win for the answer, and Win responded, "Khunpol, Brother Joy's boyfriend."Nib nodded in acknowledgment and turned back to the receptionist, "Yes, Khunpol."The receptionist seemed puzzled, "You didn't tell me, how can I help you, sir."Nib explained, "We need some information about one of your patients."The receptionist hesitated, "Sorry, sir, but that goes against our hospital's policy."Win turned to Nib, seeking guidance, and Nib made a decision, "Win, call Inspector Thai and ask him to handle this receptionist his own way."Win smiled and agreed, "Okay, sir."Meanwhile, the mysterious lady made her way to Shine's cabin. A constable sat by his room, dozing off, making it easy for her to slip inside unnoticed.Back at the reception desk, the receptionist panicked and pleaded with Nib, "Win, sir, please don't call Inspector Thai. If you'd told me earlier, you wouldn't need to involve him. Tell me what you want to know."Nib responded, "On February 18, 2018, there was an accident on Sukhumvit Road involving two individuals, Joy Vichayawannakul and Khunpol. We need their biodata and reports."The receptionist hesitated but finally said, "Alright, sir. However, we can't provide you with the file right now. It's midnight, and all our data personnel have left. My shift will end in an hour as well. I promise to send all the information to your email tomorrow."Nib accepted her offer, saying, "Okay, if that's the case..."The receptionist asked for Nib's email, to which he replied, "thenibwinvicha2038@gmail.com, will that work?"She requested his phone number, but before Nib could respond, Win interjected with a firm "no."Both Nib and the receptionist looked at Win inquisitively.Win explained, "If you send us an email, that should suffice. We need to leave now."Win then took Nib's hand and led him towards Shine's cabin. As they left, the receptionist called out, "Sir, please, your phone number?"She muttered to herself with a flirtatious smile, "Uff, he was quite attractive."Nib, still smiling, teased Win, "I think my charm has possessed you."Win playfully denied it, "No, it hasn't."Nib persisted, "Yes, it has."Win shook his head, feeling slightly possessive, "Think what you want, but I didn't like the way she was looking at you. And you were flirting with her!"Nib tried to clarify, "No, I was just..."Win interrupted him, "Fine, we'll discuss this later. Let's focus on Shine for now."As they entered Shine's room...The mysterious woman swiftly removed Shine's oxygen mask and injected a high dose of Amilin 50 into his trembling nerve. The room seemed silent, except for the faint hissing of the escaping gas. She had just enough time to hear approaching footsteps before she made a desperate dash for the door.As Win and Nib entered the room, they were met with a horrifying sight. Shine was writhing in pain, gasping for breath. Through the window, Nib spotted a fleeting figure making an escape. Without hesitation, he turned to Win and urged, "It's not the time to get emotional. Call the doctor. I'm going after her. I won't let her escape so easily."Win tightened his grip on Nib's hand, his eyes filled with anxiety, but he nodded his agreement. Nib rushed to the window, preparing to jump out in pursuit of the mysterious woman.Meanwhile, inside the room, Shine continued to fight for his life. Win was overwhelmed, unsure of what to do to help his friend. The scene in front of him triggered painful memories of his own brother's struggle for life. Panic surged within him, and he burst out of the room, desperately shouting for assistance."Doctor! Nurse! Is anyone here? Doctor, please!" Win's voice echoed through the empty corridors. He rushed toward the reception area, but to his dismay, it was also vacant. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him as he stood there, completely bewildered.