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As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, Win found himself awakening from a dream, one where he and Nib were frolicking along the sandy shores, immersed in shared laughter, kisses, and tender embraces. It was a dream that perfectly mirrored their blissful reality.Yet, a tinge of excitement tingled in Win's heart, for the approaching day bore immense significance. Tomorrow marked the completion of their first month together, and he was determined to make it unforgettable. Thoughts of selecting the perfect gift for Nib danced in his mind for hours, and after an exhaustive search, he finally uncovered the gem he sought.In the evening, he ventured to the bustling MBK Center, a labyrinth of choices. Just as he stepped into the mall, Win's phone chimed with Nib's call. A sense of longing and urgency permeated Nib's voice, but the weight of his mission kept Win occupied. With a heavy heart, he declined Nib's request to meet and ended the call, leaving Nib puzzled by this uncharacteristic response.In the depths of the night, sleep eluded Win. Instead, he lay there, the pillow cradled in his arms as he replayed his cherished moments with Nib in his mind. A rosy blush painted his cheeks as he mused, "How did I fall for him? I cannot fathom the depths of my love. I yearn to spend my life by his side, to cherish every moment with him."Meanwhile, Nib sat alone on the balcony under the starry night's embrace, a wistful smile gracing his lips. "I never imagined I could love this profoundly," he whispered to the night. "From the very first moment our eyes met, there was an undeniable magnetic pull, an enchantment that left me spellbound. That day, I was entangled in a web of obligations, yet I couldn't bear the thought of inconveniencing Win. I paid his fare, not realizing that this simple act would change my life. I yearned to see him again, my thoughts consumed by his very essence.The following day, destiny intervened. Our fates collided, and though I tried to resist, my heart had already chosen its path. I was bewildered by the intensity of these emotions, but in the end, resistance proved futile. With every attempt to distance myself, I found myself drawn even closer to him," Nib confessed, his heart soaring with love and longing.Emerging from his lecture, Win scanned the scene before him. There was Nib, immersed in a lively chat with his friends, his laughter contagious. Win's eyes, brimming with affection, never wavered from Nib. A serendipitous moment occurred as Nib turned and locked eyes with him, reciprocating his warm smile. Nib's friends couldn't resist teasing him, encouraging their union.They ventured into an unoccupied classroom, and Nib reclined, resting his head on Win's lap. Win, confident that Nib also remembered their one-month anniversary, tentatively inquired, "Is something slipping your mind?"Nib paused, his eyes betraying a glimmer of hope. "I think," he began, "I haven't kissed you in precisely 23 hours, 3 minutes, and 57 seconds."A sense of gravity settled over Win. He mused privately, "He remembers the minutes since our last kiss but forgets this momentous day."Sensing Win's solemnity, Nib grew concerned. "What's on your mind? Is there an issue?"Win responded tersely, his tone weighty, "Nothing." Internally, he couldn't help but think, "I'm the only one investing in our relationship. I anticipated celebrating together, but he appears to have forgotten our special day. Perhaps I was naive."Nib persisted, "What's bothering you? Please, share with me."In response, Win smiled ruefully and informed Nib that he had urgent matters to attend to. With that, he headed for the exit, deaf to Nib's calls for him to stop. Left alone, Nib found himself reflecting, "Irrespective of one's partner's gender, comprehending their emotions can be a formidable challenge." He sighed, his hands cradling his head, lost in thought.Win stormed into his room, flinging his bag and the carefully selected gifts onto his bed. As his phone rang with Nib's persistent calls, Win deliberated but eventually decided to ignore them. Yet, doubt soon crept into his mind; it was 8:15 p.m., and Nib hadn't attempted to reach out again. He pondered, "Perhaps I overreacted. I should call him."Upon dialing Nib's number, Win was greeted with music and the distant voices of girls calling out to Nib. His anger flared, and he demanded, "Where are you? And who are those girls, Nib?"Before Nib could reply, he abruptly ended the call. Win seethed, "How could he? I thought he'd be upset, but he's out enjoying himself..." He flung his phone in frustration.Restless and unable to shake off his gnawing curiosity, Win paced around, consumed by thoughts of Nib's whereabouts and his company. He contemplated calling Pit, certain that his friend would have answers. After a relentless search under his bed, he finally located his phone and dialed Pit's number, only for it to be met with the same abrupt disconnection.Waterlogged with stress, Win's patience waned. It was 11:14 p.m., and he decided to lie down, finally succumbing to fatigue. Midnight struck, and it was then that he heard someone calling his name. The voice sounded unmistakably like Nib's, but Win convinced himself that Nib was likely still occupied with those "hot chicks" and shut his eyes in response.However, the calls persisted. Wearily, Win dragged himself to the balcony and was taken aback to find Nib waiting in a car. Confusion swirled within him as he inquired, "What are you doing here?"Nib's reply was simple and enigmatic, "Come..."Refusing, Win declared, "I won't, I'm sleepy..."Nib, an inscrutable smile on his face, issued a veiled warning, "Come, or else..."Win was intrigued, "Or else what?"With a wicked grin, Nib teased, "I'll raise my voice, louder this time. Your neighbors and, most importantly, Kimsy will wake up."Knowing he couldn't underestimate Nib's determination, Win sighed and, albeit reluctantly, agreed to accompany him. Nib, still saying nothing, began guiding Win toward the waiting car. Win, still bewildered, resisted, insisting, "Let me go; I won't go anywhere."Nib's grin grew more cunning, and he uttered a chilling ultimatum, "You have no choice."Both of them settled into the car. Win's thoughts swirled with anger and curiosity; he couldn't fathom where Nib was leading him in the dead of night. He chose to stay silent, gazing out of the car window before eventually drifting off to sleep. Meanwhile, Nib kept a watchful eye on Win, intuitively understanding the maelstrom of emotions that had taken root in his mind.Four hours later, their journey came to a halt. The clock read 4:23 a.m., and Win was roused from his slumber by the sound of waves caressing the shoreline. Groggy, he peered outside to find himself at Bangsaen Beach. However, Nib was no longer beside him. As Win's eyes fluttered open, the car door swung ajar, and Nib extended his hand with a gentle smile. Unable to resist, Win grasped Nib's hand and emerged from the vehicle. To his astonishment, he discovered a path adorned with rose petals, leading him towards the beach.Win was on the verge of speaking, but Nib hushed him with a finger to his lips and a nod. With a tender hold on Win's hand, Nib guided him along the path of rose petals. Win couldn't tear his gaze away from Nib, and the world around them seemed to transform into a magical dreamscape. The sun was on the brink of ascending, casting a warm, golden glow over the surroundings.The rhythmic lull of the waves serenaded the beach, while the salt-kissed breeze whispered stories of distant adventures. Golden sands stretched to meet the azure horizon, beckoning them to walk barefoot. Above, seagulls painted the sky with their graceful dances, set against the backdrop of fiery morning hues.After a while, they reached their destination, and Win's eyes widened in disbelief. Beneath an elegant shamiana beside the tranquil ocean, romance took center stage. Billowing curtains stirred gently in the morning breeze, creating an ethereal ambiance. Soft, warm lights suspended overhead, casting a gentle, inviting glow. Plush pillows and cushions nestled on a Persian rug, forming a cozy enclave. A table for two, adorned with white roses and flickering candles, stood at the heart of this enchanting setting. Everything felt like a surreal dream to Win, a dream he never imagined would come true. His heart swelled with emotion, and his eyes grew misty as he gazed into Nib's adoring eyes.Nib couldn't help but smile as he watched Win, happiness radiating from him. "I'd do anything to see that precious smile of yours, Win," he whispered.After a moment, Win became aware of Nib's tender gaze and couldn't resist the pull. He rushed into Nib's arms, their embrace so tight that they both tumbled onto the warm sand. Nib winced, "Ouch."Win, still entwined with Nib, inquired with concern, "Are you okay?"Nib, a mischievous grin on his face, replied, "If I'd known I'd get this..."But before Nib could finish his sentence, Win silenced him with a passionate kiss. Their lips met, and for the next five minutes, they were lost in the enchanting world they created together. When they finally parted, Win continued to gaze into Nib's wide-eyed astonishment, a contented smile gracing his lips. They shared a moment of blissful laughter before Win's expression turned serious."Why didn't you tell me earlier that you remembered our one-month anniversary?" Win demanded, gripping Nib's collar.Nib, brushing his hair aside, smiled warmly, "If I had told you, how could I have witnessed the happiness and love in your eyes for me? And if I had revealed my secret earlier, how could it be a surprise?"Win's eyes reflected a mixture of love and frustration as he continued to study Nib. Then, abruptly, Win got up, settling himself in the sand. Nib joined him, sitting beside him and asked, "Did I do something wrong?""I'm sorry," Win confessed, his voice filled with regret. "I got you a gift, but I assumed you had forgotten this special day. So, I didn't give it to you..."Nib, his eyes filled with affection, responded, "Isn't being together enough? Let's celebrate this day together..."Win smiled, and Nib's mischievous expression returned. "And there are still so many things you can give me," he teased.Their eyes locked, and Nib rose, extending his hand towards Win. Win took his hand, and they walked together under the elegant shamiana. It was like a scene from a beautiful dream, with billowing white curtains and red flowers adorning the surroundings. At the center, a red velvet cake stole the spotlight, bearing the inscription, "Happy one month of love."Win embraced Nib once more, and together they approached the cake. Win offered Nib a piece, but when it was Nib's turn, he playfully smeared a generous dollop of cream on Win's face, evoking a mix of laughter and annoyance. Win, ready to retaliate, grabbed some cream to return the favor, but Nib dashed away, prompting a spirited chase along the beach.Their laughter filled the air as they ran like carefree children. However, their playfulness took an unexpected turn when Win managed to catch Nib. In the heat of the moment, Nib's feet slipped, and they tumbled into the gentle, foamy embrace of the sea. Win found himself atop Nib, the sea's waves washing over them.Win had the perfect opportunity to apply the cream to Nib's face, which he did with a gleeful smile. As he prepared to get up, Nib's firm grip on his hand pulled him back to his chest. Their gazes locked, and the chilly sea and brisk winds couldn't dampen the intense heat between them. Win felt a hint of shyness under Nib's persistent gaze, yet he couldn't deny the mutual desire that coursed through them.Suddenly, Nib leaned in, and their lips met, igniting a fiery passion. They became completely lost in each other, their breaths growing shallow but their desire unwavering. Win's hand found its way into Nib's silky, saltwater-drenched hair, while the other traced the contours of Nib's back. Nib's lips roamed, gently nipping and kissing Win's neck, sending shivers of pleasure down his spine.Nib attempted to remove Win's T-shirt, but Win, mindful of their surroundings, hesitated. "I don't have any spare clothes," he murmured.Nib, his grip tightening, smiled like a predator. "Don't worry," he whispered, lifting Win's shirt and kissing his exposed skin. Win reciprocated by wrapping his legs around Nib's waist, their desire rising with each passing second.Win could feel Nib's undeniable arousal pressing against him, a powerful sensation that made their connection even more intense. Their breathing grew more rapid, and Win, unable to resist, attempted to open Nib's transparent shirt. Three buttons fell victim to their desire, exposing Nib's sculpted chest. Win explored Nib's chest with fervent kisses.Their desires were spiraling out of control as the waves washed over them, keeping their secret encounter hidden from the world. Nib relentlessly rubbed against Win, and they were inseparable, their bodies molding together.With urgency, Nib tried to remove Win's shorts, and though Win felt a mixture of shyness and desire, he couldn't deny his fantasies. He allowed Nib to proceed, and in one swift motion, Nib bared Win, leaving him blushing and breathless. Nib, understanding Win's hesitance, whispered in a husky tone, "Win, look at me."Win kept his eyes tightly shut, unable to meet Nib's intense gaze. Nevertheless, Nib continued to shower him with kisses all over. Finally, Nib unzipped his pants, releasing his manhood, and entered Win. The sensation was exquisite as if it were their first time. Win clung to Nib's back, occasionally slipping his hand into Nib's pants, caressing his firm buttocks, and pulling Nib closer.The waves of the ocean mirrored their passion, crashing against them relentlessly. Nib's fervent movements increased, and Win's pleasure mingled with a hint of pain. They were alone on the deserted beach, the world seemingly reduced to just the two of them.As they both reached the peak of ecstasy, they held each other tightly. After a lingering kiss, they separated and lay side by side, their eyes closed, and their breaths heavy. When they eventually gazed at each other, they were a beautiful mess. Their bodies were coated in sand, their hair disheveled, and Win's lips were swollen, adorned with love bites on his neck and collarbone. Win's T-shirt was torn and lifted to his belly, while his pants lay at his toes. Nib's transparent shirt clung to his muscular frame, three buttons missing, and a few nail marks on his back. Their lips were swollen, and Win felt a dull ache in his waist. Nib zipped up his pants and assisted Win in wearing his shorts.With genuine concern in his eyes, Nib inquired, "Are you alright, Win?"Win simply nodded, and without hesitation, Nib swept him up in his strong arms. Win suggested, "We're quite a mess; why don't we take a shower here?"Nib, with a sly smile, hinted at surprises in store, teasingly saying, "There are many surprises awaiting you; just wait and see."Inside the tent, Win was taken aback by what he found. There, a bathtub awaited them, filled with warm water and adorned with delicate rose petals. Win couldn't help but wonder, "Are we going to bathe together?"Nib, with a mischievous glint in his eye, confirmed it, leaving Win feeling a bit bashful. As Nib encouraged him to undress, he noticed the nervousness in Win's expression. Sensing his apprehension, Nib gently held his hand and asked, "Are you feeling shy?"Win, with a heartfelt smile, confessed, "Nervous, actually. Even though we've shared moments like this before, with you, it feels like a whole new experience. Thank you."Nib reassured him, "There are countless experiences we have yet to explore together. As for your body, I've explored every inch of it. There's nothing to hide."Win playfully tapped Nib's head, "You don't have to keep saying it."Before him, Nib stripped off his clothes, revealing his bare form to Win. As Win began undressing, his hands trembled with a mix of emotions. However, Nib couldn't help but admire the sight of Win, and as soon as he was also undressed, Nib took his hand, guiding them both into the inviting bath.Win nestled against Nib's chest, their connection intimate and tender. Nib kissed Win's hand, yet a thought began to circle in Win's mind. The bath area was shielded only by a few sheer white curtains, and the morning light was dawning. Their posture was undeniably intimate, and Win couldn't resist asking, "Nib, it's nearly morning. Do you think we should leave?"Confusion danced in Win's eyes as Nib chuckled. He explained, "You were sleeping, so you didn't notice, but this isn't a typical resort."Perplexed, Win questioned, "Then what is it?"Nib revealed, "It's my dad's farmhouse by Bangsaen Beach. You don't need to worry about modesty."Win was astonished, "What?"Nib's eyes sparkled with love as he said, "I wanted to bring you here earlier, but I waited for our one-month anniversary to surprise you."Overwhelmed with emotion, Win asked, "So you remembered for that long?"Nib, his voice filled with affection, replied, "I can't forget a single day of our love. Besides, you are the most precious thing in my life."In a tender gesture, Win took Nib's arms and wrapped them around himself. "Thank you, Nib."Nib smiled and corrected, "For the surprise?"Kissing Nib's hand, Win confessed, "For everything. I love you."Nib held him tightly, and together they left the bathtub. Bathrobes were thoughtfully prepared, and the clock read 6:10 a.m. As they entered the shamiana, a delicious breakfast awaited them. The table was adorned with an array of fresh fruits, juices, dumplings, and a selection of Thai traditional delicacies like "Khao Niew Mamuang" (Sticky rice with Mango), Khao Tom (Thai rice soup served with condiments like ginger, green onions, and sometimes minced pork or chicken), Khao Khai Jeow (Thai-style fried rice with a fried egg on top). Win was deeply touched.They both reclined on the bed, Win resting on Nib's chest, savoring the breathtaking beauty of the sunrise. Nib whispered, "Happy anniversary, Win."Win's smile radiated warmth as he replied, "Happy anniversary to us."Nib grinned and asked, "If you could make one wish, what would it be?"Nib shared his heart, saying, "To always be by your side for the rest of my life. And you?"Win's cheeks turned rosy as he admitted, "The same."With that, they savored their breakfast and embarked on three unforgettable days. They explored the local markets, captured countless pictures of their cherished moments, indulged in the finest foods, and reveled in each other's company. These days were, without a doubt, the most enchanting of their lives.