Chapter 5: Meeting Again

Chapter 5: Meeting Again

Aria's eyes widened in surprise as she met his gaze, "Do I... know you?" she asked tentatively with a look of confusion.

As Orion heard Aria's response, a pang of disappointment flickering across his features. Despite the passage of time, Aria didn't seem to remember their shared moments on the basketball court.

"We used to play basketball at the local court in NHA," Orion explained, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "Palagi tayo nagbabasketball noon."

Aria's brow furrowed as she racked her brain, trying to recall any memories of their past encounters. Slowly, fragments of their shared moments began to resurface, like pieces of a puzzle coming together.

Recognition dawned in her eyes as she finally pieced it together. "Kuya Orion...?" she whispered.

Orion's heart swelled with relief as Aria uttered his name, a glimmer of recognition flickering in her eyes. He nodded eagerly, flashing his charming smile.

"Yeah, it's me," he confirmed, his voice tinged with excitement.

Her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and realization. "Ikaw ba talaga yan Kuya Orion?"

'Ang laki ng pinagbago ni kuya..' Aria thought and continued, 'Kaya pala ang pamilyar niya! The way he dribbled is something na palagi kong nakikita during my elementary days'

"Yeah, di mo ko marecognize?" Orion chuckled and continued, "Mataba na pogi ako nuon eh, ngayon mas pumogi," he said as he smiled widely, exposing his cute braced teeth.

Aria's laughter bubbled up at Orion's playful remark, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "No wonder hindi kita agad nakilala!" she quipped, a grin spreading across her face. "Busy siguro ako nagkeep up with your dribbling skills."

Orion chuckled, his braces glinting as he flashed a wide smile. "Well, I guess my 'pogi' moves were too much for you to handle," he teased back.

The friendly banter between them bringing back a flood of cherished memories.

Orion's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he looked at Aria. "By the way, Ba't ka nandito?" he asked, genuinely interested in catching up with his long-lost friend.

"I'm an architecture freshman actually in this university," Aria replied.

"Ahh goodluck sa course mo Aria, rinig ko wala kayong tulog eh," Orion teased.

Aria chuckled at Orion's teasing remark, a playful glint in her eyes. "Thanks, kuya Orion. First week ko palang and I think we're going to practically seat and sketch all day," she joked, shaking her head with mock exasperation.

Orion grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well, at least passionate ka about what you're studying," he remarked, genuine admiration lacing his words. "I'm sure you'll do great. Ikaw pa naman Ari, napaka hardworking,"

Aria's smile widened at Orion's encouraging words, a warmth spreading through her chest. "Thanks, kuya Orion. I appreciate the vote of confidence," she said gratefully.

Curiosity tugging at her, Aria shifted the conversation. "So, what about you, kuya Orion? Ano course at year mo ngayon?" she inquired, genuinely interested in learning more about her old friend's life.

Orion's grin widened at Aria's question. "I'm majoring in Computer Engineering, and I'm a sophomore," he replied, a hint of pride in his voice. "But enough about me." Orion passes the ball to Aria.

"How about we relive some of our old basketball glory days? Pwede ba kaming sumali ng friend ko, si Keith?" Orion continued, looking at his friend beside him.

"Pwede2, wait ask ko muna sila," Aria agreed eagerly, turning to her friends who were watching nearby.

"Hey, guys, mind if Orion and his friend join us for a game?" she called out, gesturing to her childhood friend.

Her friends nodded enthusiastically, welcoming Orion onto the court with open arms.

With her friends' enthusiastic approval, Aria grinned and turned back to Orion, gesturing for him to join them on the court. "Pwede daw kuya, ta laro tayo," she said.

Orion nodded, a wide smile spreading across his face as he stepped onto the court

As Orion and his friend warmed up on the court, Aria couldn't resist teasing Orion. "You better watch out, kuya. umimprove skills ko since the last time we played together," she joked, a playful glint in her eyes.

Orion laughed, a twinkle of competitiveness in his gaze. "Is that so? Well, I've been practicing too, you know," he replied with a grin. "Let's see what you've got," He continued.

As Orion finished warming up, he glanced at Aria with a playful smirk. "Alright, let's see if you can keep up," he challenged, dribbling the ball with practiced ease.

Aria grinned in response, her competitive spirit igniting. "Bring it on, kuya," she retorted, determination gleaming in her eyes as she prepared to face off against her childhood friend.

As the game intensified, Aria found herself locked in a one-on-one showdown with Orion. With a burst of speed, she dribbled past him. But Orion was quick to recover, his defense strong as he blocked her path to the basket.

"Natatakot ka mag-drive noon, ngayon sanay ka na ah. Galing mo na, Aria." Orion complimented, a grin playing on his lips as they jostled for position on the court.

Aria nodded, a competitive fire burning in her eyes. "Thanks, kuya. Pero hindi ako mag-go easy sayo!" she retorted.

With a flick of her wrist, Aria launched the ball towards the hoop, landing perfectly in the net with a satisfying swish. The game ended with her triumphant shot, earning cheers from both teams.

Orion grinned proudly at Aria's accomplishment. "Parang ang teachings ko from before are paying off," he remarked with a sense of satisfaction evident in his voice.

As they made their way back to the sideline, where Emily was waiting, Orion and Keith, Orion's friend, took the opportunity to introduce themselves to Aria's classmates.

"I'm Orion, Aria's childhood friend," Orion said warmly, extending his hand in greeting. "And this is Keith, another friend of mine. It's nice to meet you all."

"Aiden, Aiden Lehmann" Aiden said as he shaked Orion's hand.

Marcus, ever the charmer, flashed a charming smile as he introduced himself. "I'm Marcus, classmate of Aria,"

Emily chimed in, her warm demeanor putting everyone at ease. "I'm Emily, Aria's friend and classmate," she continued, "And these are James, Kon, and Rufus, our classmates in architecture."

"Nice to meet you all," James said with a friendly nod, adjusting his backpack.

Kon offered a warm smile as he wiped his forehead with a towel while Rufus just raised his thumb, busy changing his sweaty clothes.

Orion glanced at Aria, a smile playing on his lips. "Antagal na since nung last tayo naglaro," he remarked, his tone laced with nostalgia. "Mabuti at nagkita tayo rito."

Aria nodded, a sense of warmth filling her heart. "Yeah, me too," she agreed, her eyes meeting Orion's with a mixture of fondness and gratitude.

Their friends listened with interest, intrigued by the connection between Orion and Aria.

As Aria exchanged playful banter with Orion and their friends, she couldn't shake the flutter in her chest. Despite the years apart, her feelings for Orion had never truly faded.

She regarded Orion as someone more than a brother and a mentor.

'Kala ko naka move on na ako kay kuya Orion. Nakita ko lang siya ulit, tiklop nanaman ako,' Aria thought as she steal glances at Orion when she thought he wasn't looking.

Orion, too, couldn't deny the warmth he felt being around Aria again. She was like a little sister to him, someone he cared for deeply.
