Chapter 7: Catching Up Part II

Chapter 7: Catching Up Part II

Time seemed to pass quickly as they immersed themselves in their studies, but soon enough, 2 PM arrived. As Aria was walking out the campus, her phone buzzed with a message notification. She glanced at the screen to see a text from Orion.

"Where are you? Nandito na ako sa cafe." -Orion

Aria quickly checked her watch, realizing that it was indeed time for their planned meeting at the café.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, kuya Orion." -Aria

With a quick reply confirming her presence, she hurried her steps. Entering the café, Aria scanned the room until she spotted Orion sitting at a corner table, his gaze fixed on his phone. She made her way over to him, a mix of curiosity and nervousness swirling in her stomach.

"Hi, kuya Orion," Aria greeted as she approached the table.

"Hey Aria, thanks for coming," Orion looked up, offering her a small smile.

Aria took a seat opposite him. She couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at seeing him again. Their conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and reminiscence as they caught up on each other's lives.

Orion shared stories of his adventures and achievements over the past few years, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he spoke. Aria listened with genuine interest, feeling a sense of pride in her friend's accomplishments.

In turn, Aria shared her own experiences and challenges, grateful for Orion's attentive ear and supportive presence. They laughed over shared memories and inside jokes.

Their reunion at the café was filled with a blend of excitement and nostalgia, especially when their conversation turned to basketball, a shared passion that had once bonded them tightly.

"It's been ages since we talked about basketball! Chikahi ko sa basketball life mo ngayon kuya," Aria said as she sipped the Caramel Machiatto in her hand.

Orion's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, clearly thrilled to delve into their favorite topic.

"Aria, alam mo naman kung gaano ko ka love ang basketball. I've been hitting the courts whenever I can, trying to stay sharp." Orion said enthusiastically and continued, "By the way, part ako sa varsity dito sa USTP," Orion said, puffing out his chest with pride.

Aria's smile widened at Orion's display, his passion for basketball evident in every word he spoke.

"That's amazing, kuya Orion!" Aria exclaimed, "Varsity, huh? I'm not surprised at all. Noon palang, you always had serious skills on the court."

Orion beamed at the praise, his chest swelling with pride at the recognition.

"Thanks, Aria," he replied, his grin widening and then chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, what can I say? Pinanganak akong may natural talent sa basketball," he teased.

Aria rolled her eyes in mock exasperation, but a smile danced on her lips. "Oh, kuya Orion, feeling MVP ka na naman?" she teased, raising an eyebrow playfully. "Huwag kang assuming ha!"

"Di ako makapaghintay sa tryouts next week," Aria said, a spark of determination in her eyes. "I've been training hard, sana makuha ako,"

Orion's eyes lit up with encouragement. "I have no doubt you'll do great, Aria. Meron kang skills, dedication, at ako as your coach," he said with a chuckle, his tone brimming with confidence. "Just remember to stay focused and play your game."

Aria smiled, grateful for Orion's support. "Of course, kuya! Ako pa."

As their conversation continued, Orion eventually broached the subject that had been weighing on his mind.

"Aria, I've been wanting to ask you something," Orion began, his tone hesitant yet determined. "Bakit ka biglang nawala few years ago?"

Aria's heart skipped a beat at the question, her mind racing to find the right words to explain her absence. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before responding.

"Kuya Orion, I'm sorry na umalis ako ng hindi man lang nagsasabi. It's just... it's complicated," she started, her voice tinged with regret. "May family issues lang akong dineal with,"

Orion nodded, understanding evident in his expression. "I see," he said softly. "I'm glad we met again, Aria. Namiss kitang kasama sa court,"

Aria felt a wave of relief wash over her at his understanding. "Thank you, kuya Orion. I missed you too," she replied sincerely.

As Orion glanced at his watch, realization dawned on him. "Oh, 3:20 pm na pala. I need to head to class," he said, a hint of regret in his voice.

Aria's heart sank slightly at the thought of their conversation coming to an end so soon. "Sige, kuya. Good luck sa klase," she said, mustering a smile despite the twinge of sadness.

Orion returned her smile, his eyes reflecting a warmth that reached her core. "Thanks, Aria. Let's catch up again soon, sa basketball court nanaman, okay?"

Aria nodded, her spirits lifted by the prospect of their future meetings. "Definitely! Ingat, kuya Orion."

With a final wave, Orion made his way out of the cafe.

'Wala na akong klase ngayon... Gagala nalang ako sa arcade sa ketkai' Aria thought to herself, remembering that she had no classes for the rest of the day.

As she heads towards the arcade, she encountered Aiden and his girlfriend engaged in a heated argument nearby. Their voices were raised, and it was clear that tensions were running high between them.

As Aiden's girlfriend voiced her frustration, Aiden's reaction was unexpectedly nonchalant. He shrugged lightly, his expression distant as if he were detached from the argument unfolding before him.

"I can't believe you would do this to me, Aiden!" Aiden's girlfriend exclaimed, her voice trembling with anger and hurt. "How could you cheat on me?"

"I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this," Aiden replied casually, his tone lacking the concern one might expect in such a situation. "It's not like it matters anymore."

His girlfriend's eyes widened in disbelief, her frustration mounting at his apparent indifference. "Paano mo yan nasabi, Aiden? Our relationship is falling apart, and you're acting like it's no big deal!"

Aiden's nonchalant facade remained unchanged as he leaned against a nearby arcade machine, seemingly unfazed by the intensity of their exchange. "Look, we both knew this was coming. Maybe it's time we just accept it and move on."

His girlfriend's jaw dropped, stunned by his lack of emotional investment in salvaging their relationship. "I can't believe you, I can't be with someone who doesn't respect our relationship. let's break up," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with hurt and disbelief.

Aiden's eyes met Aria's, and for a moment, their gazes held a silent exchange. Before she could do anything, Aiden's girlfriend stormed off, leaving him standing there with a sense of resignation. Despite outward indifference, hints of sadness and vulnerability can be seen in his eyes but it went back to being empty.

Turning away from Aiden, Aria focused her attention back on the shooting ball arcade.

Despite her best efforts to focus on enjoying her time at the arcade, her thoughts kept drifting back to the intense exchange of Aiden and his ex-girlfriend.

'Ang nonchalant niya,' she thought to herself, her brow furrowing.

'How can someone be so indifferent to their girlfriend's feelings?'

The memory of Aiden's dismissive attitude towards his girlfriend nagged at Aria, leaving a sour taste in her mouth. She couldn't understand how someone could treat another person with such callous disregard, especially someone they supposedly cared about.

'Di ko siya gaano ka kilala, pero... I can't shake the feeling na may mali sa kanya,' Aria mused, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty.

Lost in her own thoughts, Aria didn't notice Aiden's presence until she heard his footsteps approaching from behind. Startled, she turned around to find Aiden standing there.

"Hey," Aiden's voice broke through her thoughts, his tone softer than before.

Aria met his gaze, her expression guarded. "Hey."

Aiden shifted uncomfortably, his eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability. "I just wanted to say... I'm sorry you had to witness that,"

Aria observed Aiden's genuine vulnerability, softening her initial guard. She nodded slowly, acknowledging his apology. "It was... unexpected."

But before Aiden could respond, Aria's curiosity got the better of her. "Pwede ba ako magtanong?" she ventured, her tone gentle but probing.

Aiden shifted uncomfortably, but he nodded, indicating for her to continue.

"Bakit hindi mo hinabol ang girlfriend mo?" Aria asked, her voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

Aiden's eyes widened slightly, surprised by the question. "I... don't see the point. We've had this argument countless times before, and I'm not about to beg for someone's forgiveness."

Aria furrowed her brow, puzzled by his response. "pero don't you care about her?" she pressed, her curiosity growing.

Aiden shrugged, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Not really," he admitted, his voice dripping with nonchalance. "I'm not about to change who I am for anyone. If she can't handle it, that's her problem."

Aria's eyes widened in disbelief, taken aback by his attitude. "So ganon pala, you're proud to be a cheater?" she asked, her voice tinged with incredulity.

Aiden shrugged again, his expression unapologetic. "I wouldn't call it cheating," he replied dismissively. "I just like to keep my options open. Why settle for one?"

Aria's jaw dropped, stunned by his lack of remorse. "I can't believe you," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disappointment. "Di ka worth ng time ko,"

With that, Aria turned and walked away, leaving Aiden standing there,

"Hmmm.. Aria right.." Aiden whispered with a smirk on his face.

As she stepped into her condo, she let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the solace of her own space.

'Di tuloy ako nakapagshoot ng bola sa arcade, naknampucha to si Aiden,' she muttered to herself, her frustration evident in her tone.
