Chapter 9: Women's Basketball Tryout Part II

Chapter 9: Women's Basketball Tryout Part II

In the game, Aria smoothly demonstrated her dribbling skills, weaving past defenders. With precision, she executed a series of layups, showcasing her scoring ability. Her passes were accurate, setting up her teammates for easy baskets.

Meanwhile, Yuan sinks shot after shot with remarkable accuracy.

Their combined efforts propelled their team to victory in the practice game, earning nods of approval from Coach Bermie and admiration from their fellow 1st years and varsity women players.

"Nice passes Aria, ganda ng teamwork natin," Yuan said as she gestured for a fist bump.

Aria fist bumped Yuan with a grin. "True, grabe rin shooting accuracy mo, Yuan."

Seeing her friends from the sideline, Aria continued, "Sige, punta muna ako sa friends ko, Yuan. Nice game!" She waved to Marcus, Emily, and the others before heading towards them, her strides filled with satisfaction from the game.

As Aria approached Marcus and Emily, she was greeted with enthusiastic cheers and high fives. Emily gave her a warm hug, while Marcus slapped her on the back with a grin.

After talking for a bit, Aria went back to her seat to cool down from the recent game.

Orion approached, handing a water bottle to Aria with a smile. "Great game out there, Aria. Nagliliyab ka eh"

"Thanks, kuya Orion. Appreciate it," Aria replied, twisting the cap open and taking a long sip, the cool liquid refreshing her after the intense game. "Yuan was unstoppable too, wasn't she?"

Orion nodded in agreement,"Definitely. It's exciting na maraming may talent ang nagtryout. Musta pakiramdam?"

"Tired, pero okay naman," Aria said, "Thanks sa tubig. Needed that."

"No problem," Orion said with a smile.

As they stood together, Orion gestured towards the court. "I saw Coach Bermie looking impressed with your performance, Aria. Mukhang may magandang balita tayo."

Aria's heart skipped a beat at the thought of Coach Bermie's approval.

'Sana nga! Excited na ako malaman kung ano yun.'

The 2nd game of the other team started. Orion and Aria observed the game with a critical eye.

As the game ended, Coach Bermie called out to all the players, her voice carrying across the court.

Aria exchanged a glance with Orion, who was sitting beside her on the sidelines, before joining the rest of the team as they gathered around the coach.

"Great effort out there, everyone," Coach Bermie began, her tone filled with pride. "I saw some excellent plays and teamwork."

Aria felt a surge of excitement as she listened to Coach Bermie's words, eager to hear what she had to say next.

"But," Coach Bermie continued, her expression turning serious, "as you all know, we only have spots for three more players on the varsity team this school year."

A hush fell over the group as Coach Bermie's words sank in. Aria's heart raced with anticipation, knowing that the competition for those spots would be fierce.

"After observing today's game closely," Coach Bermie said, her gaze sweeping over the group, "I've decided to select three players who have consistently shown exceptional skill, teamwork, and dedication."

Aria's heart pounded in her chest as she waited for her name to be called. When Coach Bermie finally spoke, her voice filled with authority, Aria's excitement reached its peak.

"The players who have earned a spot on the varsity team this year are Aria, Yuan, and Sammer."

Aria's eyes widened in disbelief as her name was announced. She exchanged joyful glances with Yuan, feeling a surge of pride and gratitude for the opportunity to represent their school on the varsity team.

Coach Bermie offered her congratulations to the selected players before dismissing the rest of the team. Aria couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

As the team began to disperse, Aria turned to Yuan, her excitement bubbling over. "Can you believe it? Nakapasok tayo sa varsity team!"

Yuan beamed back at her, a mix of joy and relief evident in her eyes. "I know, right?"

Aria then approached her friends Marcus and Emily. With a beaming smile, she exclaimed, "Guess what, guys? nakapasok ako sa varsity team!"

Marcus and Emily exchanged knowing looks before breaking into smiles. "Alam na namin na makapasok sa team eh," Marcus exclaimed, giving Aria a congratulatory pat on the back.

Emily nodded enthusiastically. "Naman! Nakita namin how hard you practiced,"

Just then, Orion approached, a proud smile on his face. "Congrats, Aria! Lagi na tayong magkikita ngayon, huh?" he joked.

With a grin, Aria nodded in agreement with Orion's jest. "Humanda ka kuya Orion, makikita mo 'ko dominating the court," she replied playfully.

As their conversation continued, they were interrupted by the sound of Coach Bermie's voice.

"Aria, Yuan, and Sammer, can you come over here for a moment?" Coach Bermie beckoned, her expression serious yet encouraging.

Aria exchanged excited glances with her friends. With a quick nod, the selected players made their way over to Coach Bermie, anticipation bubbling within them.

Coach Bermie smiled warmly at the trio as they approached her, their anticipation evident in their eyes.

"Congratulations, Aria, Yuan, and Sammer," Coach Bermie began, "I'm excited to have you all join the varsity team."

Coach Bermie continued, "Being part of the varsity team comes with certain responsibilities. We'll have practice training sessions every Saturday afternoon to help us prepare for our upcoming games."

Aria nodded eagerly, soaking in every word. This was what she had been dreaming of, and now it was finally becoming a reality.

"I'll expect you all to give your best effort and dedication during practices and games," Coach Bermie added, her tone firm but encouraging.

"We won't let you down, Coach," Yuan replied confidently, her determination shining through. Aria and Sammer also nodded along Yuan's remark.

Alright, that's all for now. See you three this upcoming Saturday afternoon," Coach Bermie concluded.

With a quick nod and a wave to her friends, Aria made her way home to her condo.

Aria took her shoes off, changed her clothes, and plopped on the sofa.

"Grabe, hindi ako makapaniwala na napili ako," Aria muttered to herself, a smile playing on her lips as she recalled the proud looks on her friends' faces.

"Di dapat ako magpakampante," she muttered to herself, " Kahit na part na ako sa team, di yun meaning na pwede na ako magtamad-tamaran,"

Aria reached for her phone and started scrolling through basketball related videos. Being on the varsity team was an honor, but it also meant that she had to constantly strive to be better.

So, she immersed herself in the world of basketball tutorials and tips until the sun came out.

"Shete, ang arki plates ko!" Aria suddenly exclaimed, seeing the light coming across her window.