10. Finally, exam's over!


Mo stretched his arm and opened the door to the University, he was a bit surprised to see in front of him nearly hundreds of students waiting eagerly for the exams to start.

Some were in groups talking and discussing the contents of the exams, while others were sitting in corners reading and preparing.

'Wow, and I thought I was early, system, please remind me to come early starting now'


After taking a seat, Mo checked his watch and deduced that there were at least 15- 20 minutes before the exam even started.


Mo was bored, fidgeting with his timetable when a stunning girl with flowing hair and a mischievous glint in her eyes approached him.

"Hey there, handsome. Need a hand finding your way around?" she said with a playful smile.

Mo's heart skipped a beat as the stunning girl with flowing black hair and mischievous blue eyes approached him.

He tried to play it cool, pretending not to notice her popularity around campus, but it was hard to ignore her playful smile and the way her eyes sparkled with intelligence.

Mo fumbled with his timetable, trying to hide his nervousness. "Uh, yeah. I'm new here."

"I'm Anya, I'm also new here but my sister is a senior here so I know the place," she said, extending her hand. "I can be your guide."

Mo took her hand, feeling a surge of electricity coursing through his body. "I'm Mo," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

It seems his hard work was finally paying off, getting the VIP treatment from this beauty was worth all the points he spent on 🧬 oks and charisma!

"Hey, Anya!"

"Wooh! That's one's a real cutie, your man?"

A bunch of older girls called the girl out, it turns out that those happened to be her sister's friends. They were volunteering.

"Guys! That's rude, we just met! His name is Mo, let me introduce you"

After getting acquainted with Sarah and Nicky, those were the girls' names respectively. Anya led Mo through the bustling campus, pointing out the important buildings and landmarks.

As they walked together, Anya kept up a steady stream of witty banter, making Mo laugh with her clever jokes and charming personality.

"What! How long have you been living under a rock not to know about that band? Haha, you are a strange one" she teased, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Mo blushed, realizing he had been missing out on this campus gem.

Since Mo kept to himself and only hung out with certain people, he was not usually updated on things that were generally considered hype or trendy.

It was not that he was antisocial or incapable of making friends, he simply never had an interest in these things.

Up until he was gifted with the 'Hard-working System', of course.


By the end of the tour, Mo felt like he had known Anya for a lifetime. He couldn't believe his luck at meeting such an amazing girl on his first day of college.

"And here is where we will be taking our test. It would be a real shame to make it all the way here and miss the test because you got lost, hehe"

"Thanks for showing me around," Mo said, as he took a seat. "I appreciate it."

"No problem," Anya said. "You know, you're not too bad yourself. Maybe we should team up and conquer this university together,"

She said with a sly grin, causing Mo to feel a rush of excitement at the prospect of getting to know her better.

Mo's heart skipped a beat again. "I'd like that," he said, trying not to sound too eager.

Anya smiled and turned to go. "Well, my friends are calling. See you later, Mo. I hope you make it to the academy"

"Thanks, you too"

"Oh, don't worry about me." Anya mysteriously said as she waved while leaving.

Mo watched her walk away, feeling a sense of excitement and possibility. He couldn't wait to see her again.

While he was lost in his thought, a tan, middle-aged man suddenly walked through the door and loudly announced "Hello students, my name is Mr. Claymore, your exam duration is 2 hours, and it will begin in exactly two minutes, good luck."

Mo was able to breeze through the exam with ease as his heightened memory and senses due to the system's help allowed him to remember the questions from past exams and books that he read. In conclusion, it was nothing short of cheating.

"I can't help but feel a bit guilty, after all, most of these people seem like they are struggling "

Of course, they were! This is a top 10% Uni!

Dinggg! After the exams were finally completed, Mo got up and stretched as he walked out, he could feel eyes looking towards his direction. Most of which came from the girls.

'Could they be looking at me? Nah, let's stay humble. Just cuz you look good doesn't mean that everyone will automatically be attracted to you ' Mo dismissed the notion and decided that letting these things get to his head was not the smart thing to do.

"Omg! Look, that guy's so cute!"

"You mean hot, right? Look at his body!"

Turns out he was right, after all, they were looking at him.

"Hey there, how was the exam?" Anya quipped.

"Great, actually"

That's good to hear, so will we be getting further aquatinted then? Haha"

Mo raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Depends, are you as good at exams as you are at flirting?"

Anya giggled, taking the seat next to her. "Only one way to find out. But hey, at least we can fail together, right?"

Their banter continued throughout the exam, turning stressful moments into shared laughter and stolen glances. As the papers were collected, Anya couldn't resist slipping a note to Mo with her number, accompanied by a cheeky wink.

"Looks like we survived the first day of exams," he teased, watching her reaction with bated breath.

Jessica smirked, scribbling something on the paper before passing it to Mo. "Barely. But who knows, maybe we'll make a great team for the next one."

And just like that, amidst the chaos of the exam hall, Mo and Anya found a spark of connection that promised more than just good grades...

-Back in the apartment -

Mo quickly changed his clothes to take a shower. Starting today, he had to get in the best shape possible. There was only 2 weeks before the results would be announced. And one week before the classes started.

Mo decided that he would continue his regime of 5 calisthenics sessions and 4 gym sessions, as well as running every morning except for the weekends. As well as swimming once a week.

That way he would improve physically, but also receive points which would allow him to improve in the things that are not as easy to change.

Two weeks later.

9:30 A.M

Mo was thinking to himself while jogging on the treadmill.

"Hmm, I need to figure out a way to make money quick. Maybe I could get into sports. I do want to try martial arts. With the system's help, I could be able to do some special things. "

As he expected, Mo received the message notifying him that he was one of the fortunate 45 students accepted into this year's batch out of 130. Which meant that the University had an acceptance rate of only 3.46! This showed how hard it was to get in, especially considering that Mo didn't have to pay anything other than the basic fees, such as food, transport, and accommodation.

"Alright, I have decided. I will get into the field of boxing!" Mo exclaimed loudly out of nowhere! causing the people to look at him in surprise.

"Heh heh, sorry about that" Mo quickly apologized.