1. I got a blessing!

Mo, a 20-year-old good-for-nothing, had recently been kicked out of his university due to paperwork problems.

Jobless, uneducated, and feeling like a complete loser, he sat in his room smoking and eating, wondering what to do with his life.

Feeling helpless, he decided to go for a walk.

As he walked through the streets, Mo couldn't help but feel sorry for himself. He had always been a bit of a slacker, but he never thought he'd end up like this.

He had no job, no education, and no prospects. He was a complete and utter failure.

Suddenly, when he reached the park he saw a distinct, glowing blue light 5 meters above in the air. Mo looked around an realized that nobody was reacting to it, as if he was the only one able to notice it.

He rubbed his eyes as he cautiously followed it, curiosity mingled with a sense of unease at the sight of a blue light.

The light seemed to beckon him forward, leading him deeper into the unknown. With each step, the darkness enveloped him like a suffocating blanket, broken only by the ethereal glow of the light.

He pressed on, driven by an insatiable desire to unravel the mystery. The light twisted and turned, leading him through a labyrinth of shadows. As he rounded a bend, the light suddenly intensified, illuminating a clearing ahead.

Mo cautiously followed the strange blue light, his curiosity overcoming his apprehension. As he drew closer, he realized that the light was emanating from a small, unassuming door set into the side of an alleway.

Intrigued and with nothing to lose, Mo reached out and opened the door. As he stepped inside, he was enveloped in a warm, ethereal glow. The door closed behind him, and he found himself in a vast and otherworldly chamber.

The chamber was filled with swirling colors and strange, geometric shapes. In the center of the room was a large, crystalline orb that pulsed with a gentle light. Mo approached the orb, drawn to its enigmatic presence.

And the second he touched it...



Mo let out a frightening scream as his body was filled with unimaginable pain. He writhed on the floor, his muscles spasming uncontrollably.

"What the f**k is going on?! AAHHH, everything hurts!!"

Mo's mind raced, trying to make sense of the excruciating agony that was consuming him. It felt like his blood was boiling and his nerves were being electrocuted simultaneously. It was as if he were being boiled alive while being frozen at the same time, all while being stabbed with a thousand thorns.

The pain was unbearable, beyond anything he had ever experienced. He felt his consciousness slipping away as the darkness threatened to envelop him.

**Mo's vision blurred, and he saw a shadowy figure approaching him.**

"Who... who are you?" he gasped, his voice barely a whisper.

**The figure leaned closer, its eyes glowing with a blue eerie light.**

"I am the one who will end your suffering," the figure hissed. "I am the one who will bring you peace."

**Mo's eyes widened in terror as the figure raised a hand towards him.**

"No!" he screamed, but his voice was lost in the deafening roar of pain.

**The figure's hand touched Mo's forehead, and a surge of energy coursed through his body.**

**The pain subsided, replaced by a sense of calm and serenity.**

**Mo's eyelids fluttered closed, and he drifted into unconsciousness.**

**As darkness consumed him, he heard the figure's voice whispering in his ear.**

"Sleep now, my child. Your suffering is over."

Mo's heart pounded in his chest as he frantically searched for the source of the disembodied voice. He had been wandering through the dark and desolate alleyways for hours, lost and disoriented. The throbbing pain in his head was almost unbearable, and he feared he was on the verge of losing his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations, you have completed your system sign in!"

The voice echoed through the alleyway again, sending shivers down Mo's spine. He spun around, his eyes darting back and forth, but there was no one in sight.

"What is this? Who's talking?!" Mo shouted, his voice trembling.

He was getting ready for any sudden attacks or ambushes. After all, he was in a sketchy location and unsure if he was being targeted by some sort of unknown threat.

"Greetings, user Mo," the voice responded. "I am the System, and I am here to assist you."

Mo's confusion only grew. "The System? What are you talking about?"

"You have been selected to participate in a unique opportunity," the System explained. "You have been granted access to a system that will enhance your abilities and provide you with extraordinary powers."

Mo was stunned. He had never imagined anything like this could be possible. But as he listened to the System's voice, a glimmer of hope began to ignite within him. Perhaps this was his chance to escape the pain and uncertainty that had plagued him for so long.

"What do I need to do?" Mo asked.

"Simply follow the instructions that I provide," the System replied. "Together, we will embark on a journey that will change your life forever."

Mo's mind was still reeling from the recent events. He was extremely confused and disoriented.

"What are you talking about? Where are you?! And what favor did I give you?" Mo demanded, his voice trembling.

A disembodied voice responded, "You gave me 20 years of your life's happiness. This allowed me to finally begin operating. Therefore, you are rewarded with the Hardworking system!"

Mo was speechless. He just started to walk home, his mind racing.

"Damn, I need to lay off the weed, man..." Mo thought to himself, trying to make sense of the bizarre encounter.

As he walked, Mo couldn't shake the feeling that something strange and inexplicable had just happened to him. He wondered if he had imagined the entire conversation or if there was some truth to it.

Mo's mind was flooded with questions. What was the Hardworking system? What did it mean to have given up 20 years of his happiness? And who or what was the voice that had spoken to him?

As he approached his appartment, Mo felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. He was eager to learn more about the Hardworking System and what it could do for him. But he was also wary of the potential consequences of having made a deal with an unknown entity, that's assuming what had happened was even real.

Mo took a deep breath as he opened the door to his apartment.

"Hahah, I must be really going insane" As Mo grabbed his head and started to freak out he received another notification.

"Mr. Monni Shotil! please calm your self!Breath, and close your eyes"

A loud voice resonated inside Mo's head that caused him to freeze.


After many seconds of silence...

"Whatever, what do I have to lose. Haha, I am going crazy anyway!"

He closed his eyes and hoped that he wasn't losing his mind.