4. Options, Options!

Mo clicked on the "Stats" tab of the character customization diagram. The following stats appeared:

**Strength - 51/100**

**Looks - 80/100**

**Charisma - 70/100**

**IQ - 79/100**

**Athleticism - 80/100**

Mo examined his stats carefully. He was pleased with his Looks, Charisma, Athleticism, and IQ scores, which were all above average. However, he was a bit disappointed with his Strength score, which was below average.

"I guess I'm not the strongest guy around," Mo thought to himself. "But that's okay. I can still work on it."

Mo decided to focus on improving his Strength score. He was initially to upgrade his strength stat from 51 to 90 until he received a notification that said:

**Note** For every skill point upgrade, twenty (20) HWP will be removed.

**This upgrade will cost you 780 points, do you wish to continue?**


"780 !?! WHAT THE HELL?! That's all the points I have!!"

"NO, REJECT!" Mo yelled frantically!

**Transaction Canceled**

"Whew, I almost blew all my points on one thing."

"But, 780 points can't be cheap given this is what I received after all the amount of pain I went through..."

Mo was confused and decided to ask the system a question.

"System, why is this upgrade so expensive? I've never seen anything cost this much before."

**The upgrade you are attempting to purchase is a rare and powerful one. It will significantly enhance your abilities and give you a major advantage in combat. However, due to its rarity and effectiveness, it comes with a high price tag.**

"I understand that it's powerful, but 780 points? That's more than I've earned in all the 20 years that I gave. Not to mention the suffering I had to endure for it."

**The cost of upgrades is determined by a number of factors, including their rarity, effectiveness, and the current level of your abilities. This upgrade is one of the most powerful available, and it is priced accordingly. As a matter of fact, having this much strength would easily put you as the top 100 strongest mean alive. Which means you could easily overpower almost anyone you mean in any strength related exercise, be it bench, swuat, deadlift, or even had wrestling**

"I se, but I don't have that many points to upgrade my other qualities. Is there any way to get a discount?"

**There are a few ways to reduce the cost of upgrades. If you have a certain amount of points, you can trade them to increase your Hwardwork level, which will give you a discount on all purchases. You can also complete the "Trial and Tribulation Test" which is what happened to you in the alleyway, ofcourve this method costs nothing but it equally as dangerous and risky, if not more. Therefore I don't recommend you getting any upgrades anytime soon.**

"I'll keep those options in mind. For now, I guess I'll have to pass on this upgrade."

**Transaction Canceled**

Mo sighed in disappointment, but he knew that he couldn't afford to spend all his points on one upgrade. He would have to be patient and save up his points until he could afford it.

"As for the "Trials And Tribulations Test", it can kiss my ass!" Mo was still traumatized from the horrific experience he went through and was in no rush to do that again.

The next morning....

**February, 19, 2024, 6:30 AM**

Mo stirred from his slumber, his mind abuzz with anticipation and determination. The sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Today was the day he would embark on a new chapter in his life, one filled with purpose and unwavering resolve.

Gone were the days when he had drifted through university without a clear direction. This time, Mo had a burning desire to prove himself, not only to himself but also to his family. He had realized the immense sacrifices they had made for him, and he was determined to honor their love and support by excelling in his studies.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Mo rose from his bed and prepared for the day ahead. He knew the road would not be easy, but he was prepared to face any challenges that came his way. He had a specific goal in mind, and he was determined to achieve it.

Mo pondered his options, determined to choose a module that would not consume his personal time. He dismissed engineering and medicine as overly demanding, seeking something more practical.

After careful consideration, a light bulb went off in his head: "AHA! Business!" Mo exclaimed, confident that he had found the perfect fit.

If Mo was to send out an application request to universities all over the country. It would have taken him an insanely long amount of time. However, he had an idea, he could simply use some of his points and have the system send the highest quality and quantity of emails possible, this way he would have to bother with this and can focus on more important matters, genius!

This process would not only save himself an enormous amount of time and effort by sending out hundreds or even thousands of applications in a matter of hours, a task that would have taken him weeks or even months to complete manually. It would also allow him to apply to a wider range of universities and demonstrate "his" creativity and resourcefulness, qualities that are highly valued by universities. Which would increase his chances of getting into a good College.

When he opened the system he was greeted with yet another notification.

**Send out: low quality, medium quality, or high quality letters?**

"Hmm, let's see the price first"

**For every 1,000 letters**

*Low: 100 HWP required.*

*Medium: 200 HWP required.*

*High: 400 HWP required.*

"If I want 1,000 low quality letters, it would cost me 100 HWP, while the medium would cost 200 and the high, 400 HWP."

"Hmm, which is most worth it?" Mo thought to himself.

"Low quality letters only cost 100 HWP for 1,000 letters. It's the most cost-effective option, but It may not be suitable for all universities or my target audiences"

"While the medium quality letters cost 200HWP for 1,000 letters, they are better quality than low quality letters, and are suitable for a wider range of purposes, but are more expensive than low quality letters."

"Finally, the High quality letters, they cost 400 HWP for 1,000 letters. Although they are the highest quality option, making them suitable for important purposes and discerning audiences, they are also the most expensive option I don't want to blow half my budget sending letters"

"Alright, I want you to send 1,000 medium quality application requests for me" said Mo to the system.

'This way I can balance the price and the quality equally.'

**This transaction will cost you 200 HWP. The system guarantees that the Universities will see the letters, but does not guarantee getting admitted. Are you sure you want to continue,**

"Damn, it even guarantees that my application requests are looked at!? Some Universities don't even bother to open them"

"Haha, i didn't even know that" Mo was pleasantly surprised after hearing this.

"Alright, yes I want to continue."

**Ding! Transaction completed. 400 HWP have been removed. 1,000 application requests have been sent immediately.**

"Let's go! HAHA!!!"