Crossroads of Reconciliation and Rivalry

It was a cold day, marking the beginning of winter. Despite the chill in the air, the temperature wasn't too harsh; a single jacket sufficed to brave the cold breeze. The tree branches stood bare, stripped of their leaves, yet they swayed gracefully in the brisk wind. It had been two months since the freshmen had started at the university, and today was the much-anticipated excursion Prof. Mond had mentioned the previous week. Coaches were lined up, ready to transport the students from the university to the International Commerce Centre. For the freshmen, the excursion was not just a mandatory part of their course but also an opportunity to bond with newfound friends and have some fun.As Nia and Joyce settled into their seats on the left side of the bus, Nia carefully positioned her bag on the seat opposite them, creating a makeshift reservation for El. She explained to Joyce that it was to ensure El didn't have to sit alone. As they waited, anticipation mounted, and just moments later, Nia's expression lit up with admiration as El stepped onto the bus. She looked more stunning than ever in her black polka dot mini dress, complemented by sleek black leggings and a black leather jacket and ankle boots to ward off the chill of the wind. Her hair cascaded in waves around her face, adding to her allure. It was a rare sight to see El dressed up, as she typically opted for jeans and tops or skirts in her daily attire. Like any typical student, El approached the excursion as an opportunity to enjoy time with friends rather than solely a learning experience.Nia's eyes widened in admiration as she beheld El. "You look so pretty," she exclaimed, her tone playful. "I'm gonna fall hard for you, El."Joyce shot Nia a sharp glare at her last comment, though secretly, she couldn't deny that El did look exceptionally good today."El, come here. I saved a seat for you," Nia gestured towards the seat she had reserved next to them. With a smile, El settled near the window, leaving Nia's bag on the seat beside her.One by one, students from different majors that included commerce began to arrive. With three buses lined up, Nia had already informed her friends which one they were on so they could travel together. Soon enough, Ash boarded the bus, opting to join Nia and her friends despite his classmates traveling in a different bus. Nia eagerly pointed to the seat next to her bag for Ash to occupy. Her face lit up with joy, evident of her sense of accomplishment in her matchmaking endeavour. Joyce observed Nia's reactions and easily deciphered her intentions. However, for El and Ash, the seating arrangement didn't feel any different. They knew Nia and Joyce would always sit together, leaving them to find seats elsewhere. Having a familiar face to chat with was a welcome bonus.As Ash settled into his seat, he couldn't help but admire El's appearance. "You look nice," he complimented sincerely, his words flowing effortlessly as anyone with eyes would notice El's stunning attire.El and Ash shared a comfortable friendship, unaffected by Nia's matchmaking efforts. They were at ease around each other, making the seating arrangement feel natural.Moments before the bus departed, Pip and Dylan boarded. Pip paused momentarily upon seeing El, struck by her beauty. Despite his embarrassment over their previous conversation, he couldn't bring himself to ignore her as he usually did. Instead, he settled into a seat in front of her near the window. Meanwhile, Dylan, assuming they would sit further back, returned to sit next to Pip, curious about his unexpected choice of seat.As the bus journey continued, Nia tactfully refrained from engaging with El and Ash, hoping to provide them with some privacy. However, unbeknownst to her, another presence lingered nearby. Joyce passed around some snacks she had brought along, fostering a cozy atmosphere among the friends.El and Ash delved into conversation, not only discussing their coursework but also finding common ground in their fathers' professions. Ash shared anecdotes about his parents—his father a doctor and his mother a dentist—which led to reminiscing about how he knew Nia due to their families' connections in the medical field.El, meanwhile, spoke fondly of her father, a herbal doctor, recounting amusing stories of how he would prescribe herbal remedies. She laughed as she described her attempts to evade taking them. In contrast, Ash grumbled about the stringent healthcare routines and cleanliness protocols enforced in his household.Reflecting on their family backgrounds, Ash revealed that although his family initially hoped he would follow in his father's footsteps, he asserted his independence, ultimately deciding against pursuing a career in medicine. His parents, hesitant at first, eventually respected his choice, particularly since he was their only child.Seated at the front of the bus, Pip observed the ongoing conversation between El and Ash, noting with a pang of discomfort that they remained oblivious to his presence. Each laugh and word exchanged only served to amplify his sense of regret, reminding him of the sorrowful expression on El's face that day.He understood the necessity of maintaining his cold exterior in this city, a shield not only for himself but also for those around him. Yet, that single glance from El had pierced through his defences, leaving him feeling utterly exposed. Despite knowing that he needed to uphold his façade, the memory of her wounded gaze lingered, rendering him unable to offer a proper apology. The weight of his remorse weighed heavily on him, yet he found himself unable to muster the courage to make amends.The coach they were in boasted a slidable window, and Pip took advantage of it, pushing it open to allow some fresh air into the stifling interior. Positioned near El, he maneuvered the slides to the end of her seat. Unaware of his identity due to his hoodie, El reciprocated the gesture by sliding the door halfway, intending to share the breeze. However, Pip promptly pushed it back, catching her attention.Annoyed by the repeated action, El attempted to reopen the window, only to be halted by Pip's interruption. "Do you mind? I suffer from travel sickness and require some air," he stated, shooting her a sidelong glance.She recognized that voice, the same one that had unsettled her throughout the entire weekend. Frozen in her seat, El was all too familiar with Pip's abrasive demeanor and had no desire to provoke him further. Sensing her distress, Ash cast her a concerned look. "Are you okay?" he inquired, noticing her downturned expression.El managed a muted nod in response, still avoiding eye contact."Would you like me to open it for you, or should I speak to them?" Ash offered, his concern palpable. Pip couldn't help but scoff at his offer. It wasn't personal against Ash, but the mere sight of him immediately jumping to El's aid made Pip view him with disdain, as if he were some sort of smooth-talking opportunist.El couldn't help but feel offended by Pip's scoff. The thought crossed her mind: 'Does he dislike me so intensely that he finds amusement in someone offering to help me?' Her anger simmered beneath the surface, fueled by the feeling that Ash had been dragged into this because of her. To mask her frustration, she responded to Ash with a forced assurance that everything was fine, though deep down, it was far from it.***As the group of commerce and business majors embarked on their excursion to the International Commerce Centre, anticipation buzzed through the air like a current of energy. Arriving at the towering skyscraper, they were immediately enveloped by the dynamic atmosphere of global commerce. Walking through the bustling lobby, they witnessed a mosaic of cultures intermingling seamlessly, reflecting the center's international allure. Guided through the sleek corridors, they observed multinational corporations in action, their executives engaged in high-stakes negotiations and strategic discussions. At the heart of the center, they discovered the pulsating rhythm of the financial district, where stocks were traded and deals were sealed with the click of a mouse. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the students absorbed invaluable lessons in economics, finance, and the interconnectedness of the global market.After arriving in the coaches in the morning, the visitation was organized based on the students' majors. For El, this arrangement offered a small reprieve from the possibility of encountering Pip and his cutting remarks. While the experience held intrinsic value for those genuinely interested, for others like El, it felt laborious and unfulfilling.Nia, in particular, found the day to be an endurance test. What she had hoped would be a fun outing turned out to be more exhausting than a day spent attending classes. Her decision to pursue a business degree was driven by a desire to distance herself from her family's medical profession. With her father and brothers all practicing medicine and running a clinic together, Nia felt suffocated by the expectation to follow suit. Initially met with resistance from her family, Nia's pursuit of a business degree was reluctantly accepted, with the hope that she could manage the business aspects of their family clinic. Raised in a sheltered environment akin to that of a princess, Nia felt stifled by the suffocating protectiveness of her family. Enrolling in university represented her bid for freedom, a chance to break free from their overbearing influence."Let's all go out," Nia suggested eagerly. "Our excursion is over, and we're free to choose our transport back from the city. I don't want to go back to the dorm right away; let's have some fun now, please!" she pleaded, her eyes alight with anticipation.El, who had yet to experience a truly enjoyable night out with friends since arriving in the city, found herself drawn to the idea. While she had encountered various new experiences, none had quite captured the essence of a fun-filled night out.As the sun began its descent, Nia checked her phone anxiously, muttering to herself about Ash's whereabouts as she sent him a text regarding their plans. They waited near the coaches, eager to catch Ash before departing for their evening escapade.Finally, all the students who had completed their visitation returned to the parking lot, signaling the beginning of their evening adventure."We're here!" Nia exclaimed, waving enthusiastically as Ash approached them. She grabbed his hand, pulling him along eagerly. "Come on, let's go and have some fun!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.Nia's exuberant declaration didn't go unnoticed; it drew the attention of someone unexpected: Pip. Since their arrival, Pip had been unable to meet El or her friends, despite his efforts. Learning of their plans now left him feeling unsettled. He understood El's discomfort around him and couldn't blame her, but her absence felt strange to him. Every interaction they'd had lingered in his mind, and he found himself torn between ignoring her and being unable to take his eyes off her. It was an odd dynamic, especially considering El was just a girl he'd never truly conversed with.It all stemmed from the dream he'd had about her.***Exhausted from the events of the hospital visit, Pip retreated to bed that night. His mind and body were weary, his wounded arm throbbing with pain. Despite the discomfort, there was a glimmer of happiness in his heart—a dream he had that night, the one bright spot in an otherwise challenging day.Pip felt the force of his brother's shove as he crashed to the ground, the weight of Carl's aggression bearing down on him in the presence of their father."You're responsible for your mother's death," his father's accusing words cut through the air like a knife, each syllable heavy with blame and bitterness. "She worked herself to the bone looking after you. If it weren't for you, she'd still be alive.""Did you hear that? Father hates you, I am his only son. Get out before I kill you" Carl's laughter rang out, sharp and mocking, as he surveyed Pip's battered form sprawled on the floor, blood staining his face.Confused and shaken, Pip rose from the turmoil inside his home and retreated, seeking solace away from the chaos. To his astonishment, waiting outside his house was the last person he expected to encounter: El.She regarded him with the same curious gaze she had upon their first meeting, her interest in him, his family, and his feelings evident as she attended to his wounds with care. Each tender movement spoke volumes of her compassion, her touch a soothing balm to his battered spirit.With a gentle touch, El retrieved a tissue and tenderly wiped away the blood staining Pip's face, her expression shifting from curiosity to genuine concern. Her eyes traced over his wounds, reflecting her worry for his well-being. Cupping his cheeks with her left hand, she met his gaze with a soft reassurance. "I'm here for you," she whispered, her voice a comforting presence amid the chaos. "You don't need them."Pip woke up from his dream, feeling disoriented by its intensity. Every encounter with her, whether coincidental or not, lingered in his mind like an indelible mark. As he sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his face to shake off the remnants of sleep, he tried to make sense of his surreal dream. 'It's probably nothing,' he reassured himself, though the vividness of it left him unsettled. However, the way he compared her expression in the dream to their initial meeting hinted that he didn't ignore her entirely. In fact, his encounter with El at their welcome party might not have been merely coincidental after all.*****