Facing the past

As the days began to stretch longer and the chill of winter slowly gave way to the warmth of impending spring, the atmosphere at St. Blair University of Business and Technology buzzed with excitement. It was that time of year again—the season of the sports festival.


With its rich tradition of hosting an inter-college sports extravaganza, the campus brimmed with energy as students from various colleges across the city poured in to participate. Each major boasted its own team, eager to showcase their skills and claim victory in their respective categories.


The university grounds teemed with life, transformed into a vibrant hub of athletic prowess and camaraderie. Amidst the spirited competitions, stalls adorned with delectable treats and vibrant decorations dotted the landscape, offering a tantalizing array of culinary delights to fuel the festivities.


From thrilling matches on the field to captivating cheerleading performances, the three-day event captivated hearts and minds alike, drawing students and spectators alike into its electrifying embrace. With its reputation as a beacon of sporting excellence, the sports festival stood as a testament to the college's unwavering commitment to fostering talent and celebrating the spirit of competition.


As the first day of the sports festival unfolded, El and Nia found themselves without a specific sport to rally behind, unlike their friends Joyce and Ash. While Joyce hustled off to badminton practice and Ash geared up for basketball, El and Nia forged their own bond, finding solace in each other's company.


Assigned to volunteer duty, they guided eager college students through the bustling event grounds, ensuring smooth navigation amidst the flurry of matches and activities. As their responsibilities drew to a close for the day, Nia's reminder of Ash's upcoming basketball game sparked a flicker of interest in El's heart.


Despite the complexities in Nia and Ash's relationship, Nia's desire to support him resonated deeply with El. Perhaps this game could serve as a bridge to mend their fractured connection. With determination in her stride, El set off with Nia toward the basketball court, eager to show her solidarity.


Amidst the throngs of spectators, El's attention was momentarily diverted by a familiar face in the crowd. A pang of recognition shot through her, but she brushed it aside, focusing instead on the impending game. Standing at the forefront with Nia, their proximity to the action heightened the anticipation coursing through the air.


As the home team players made their grand entrance, the stadium erupted into a cacophony of cheers and excitement. Nia, unable to contain her enthusiasm, mirrored the fervor pulsating throughout the arena.


As Nia dragged El into an impromptu dance routine, their movements echoing those of cheerleaders, El couldn't help but feel self-conscious. She hesitated, shaking her pom-poms with a hint of reluctance, while Nia threw herself into the performance with uninhibited enthusiasm.


Watching from the court, Ash couldn't suppress his laughter at their antics, his cheeks flushing with amusement. Clad in a high-visibility vest from their volunteering duties, the sight of his friends behaving so unabashedly lifted his spirits, even if only momentarily.


"Nice one, Nia. You've succeeded in embarrassing Ash," El chuckled, joining in the laughter at their own expense.


"That was the plan, El," Nia giggled, continuing her exuberant dance without missing a beat.


Despite Ash's attempts to signal for them to tone down their antics, Nia and El remained oblivious, lost in their playful revelry. Unbeknownst to them, the crowd's attention had shifted to the arrival of the next team, renowned as the university's finest. Among their ranks stood Pip and Dylan, revered as some of the best athletes in the entire institution.


Pip couldn't tear his eyes away from El, the sight of her dancing with such carefree abandon stirring something within him. Her laughter echoed through the gymnasium, a sound he hadn't heard before, and he found himself captivated by the genuine joy on her face.


Despite his efforts to focus on the game, Pip couldn't shake the feeling of irritation that gnawed at him as he watched El cheer for Ash. Each cheer, each supportive gesture for another guy, felt like a dagger twisting in his chest, distracting him from the task at hand.


Despite his inner turmoil, Pip managed to contribute a few points to the team's score, but his mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of El. He couldn't understand why her presence affected him so deeply, nor could he shake the growing sense of jealousy that threatened to consume him.


As the halftime whistle pierced through the gymnasium, signaling a brief respite in the game, Pip wasted no time in striding purposefully toward El's position. The sudden movement caught the attention of spectators and players alike, leaving the air heavy with anticipation.


El's heart quickened as she watched Pip approach, his determined steps closing the distance between them. Before she could comprehend his intentions, he leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear as he uttered words that sent a shiver down her spine.


"You better keep your eye on me and cheer for me," Pip whispered, his voice a tantalizing caress that left El feeling breathless and unnerved. Her cheeks flushed crimson as she struggled to process the unexpected proximity and the weight of his words.


Caught off guard by Pip's boldness, El found herself momentarily speechless, her gaze locked with his as she searched for any hint of his true intentions. But all she found was a smug smirk playing at the corners of his lips, leaving her bewildered and disconcerted.


The surrounding crowd buzzed with murmurs of surprise and speculation, their eyes trained on the unlikely exchange between Pip and El. In that moment, El couldn't help but feel acutely aware of the scrutiny and judgment of those around her, a sense of unease settling in her stomach.


As the reality of the situation sank in, El's annoyance grew, fueled by the realization that Pip's actions had thrust her into the spotlight without her consent. She resented being made a pawn in his game, forced to grapple with the consequences of his reckless behavior while he remained unaffected by the repercussions.


As the echoes of Pip's whispered words still reverberated in her mind, El found herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. Before she could fully process what had just transpired, Nia's question cut through the haze of her thoughts, demanding her attention.


"What just happened?" Nia inquired, her expression serious and unyielding.


El shook her head in bewilderment, uncertainty clouding her features as she struggled to find the right words. "I don't know," she confessed, her voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and fear. The weight of everyone's gaze bearing down on her only intensified her desire to escape the suffocating scrutiny.


With a sense of urgency gnawing at her, El made a swift decision to retreat from the uncomfortable situation before it spiraled out of control. "I'm leaving now; I'll see you later," she informed Nia tersely, her tone clipped as she pivoted on her heel and made a beeline for the exit.


Before she could make her escape, however, Ash intercepted her path, concern etched into his features as he hurried to her side. Sensing his genuine worry, El mustered a strained smile, masking the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.


"Is everything okay?" Ash inquired, his voice laced with genuine concern.


Forcing a facade of composure, El nodded reassuringly. "Sorry, I had to go; something came up," she offered as an excuse, her words ringing hollow even to her own ears. "All the best for the rest of your game," she added hastily before slipping away, her heart heavy with unanswered questions and unresolved tension.


As Ash shot a pointed stare in Pip's direction, the weight of his disapproval hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the basketball court. Pip's heart sank as he watched El retreat, her troubled demeanor a stark reminder of the repercussions of his reckless actions. What had begun as a misguided attempt to capture her attention had spiraled into a debacle, leaving El at the center of unwanted scrutiny.


Regret gnawed at Pip's conscience as he realized the extent of the damage he had inflicted. His fleeting desire for attention had morphed into a tidal wave of gossip, threatening to engulf El in a sea of speculation and judgment. The sting of jealousy pricked at his pride as he witnessed Ash's protective stance, a stark reminder of the camaraderie and support that he himself had forsaken in his pursuit of El's fleeting attention.


As El's figure receded into the distance, a pang of remorse pierced through Pip's facade of indifference. He longed to chase after her, to offer an apology and seek redemption for his thoughtless actions. But the weight of his team's expectations and the scrutiny of his coach held him in place, anchoring him to the court even as his heart yearned to follow El's retreating form.


With a heavy heart, Pip reluctantly turned his attention back to the game at hand, his mind swirling with regret and longing. In that moment, he vowed to make amends for his impulsive behavior, determined to earn back El's trust and salvage what remained of their fractured connection. But as the final buzzer sounded and the game drew to a close, the ache of missed opportunity lingered, a painful reminder of the consequences of his unchecked jealousy.


As El wandered aimlessly, the weight of anxiety pressed heavily upon her shoulders, suffocating her with each passing moment. With each glance at her phone, the tendrils of gossip wound tighter around her, ensnaring her in a web of speculation and innuendo. The group chats buzzed with fervor, each message a dagger aimed squarely at her heart, slicing through her composure with ruthless precision.


Pip's name loomed large in the center of the storm, a lightning rod for scandal and controversy. The whispers of love triangles and clandestine affairs swirled around him, painting him as the villain in a drama of his own making. And at the center of it all, El found herself thrust into the spotlight, her every move dissected and scrutinized by a horde of eager onlookers.


There was a time when El had loathed Pip, despising his callous disregard for others and his cavalier attitude towards her own feelings. But now, as she found herself unwittingly entangled in his web of deceit and manipulation, she felt a surge of resentment boiling within her. All she had done was extend a simple thank you for his one act of kindness, and yet he had seized upon it as a license to wreak havoc upon her life, heedless of the consequences of his actions.


As El's legs carried her away, her heart remained tethered to the turmoil behind her. Before she could find solace in the distance, a familiar voice shattered her fleeting peace. "Elle, is that you?" The sound pierced through the air, a jarring intrusion on her troubled thoughts.


She didn't need to turn around to recognize the voice, to feel the weight of its familiarity bearing down upon her. It was Noah, the one from whom Pip had once rescued her. "Fancy seeing you here," he remarked, his tone laced with an unsettling mixture of casualness and curiosity.


"What are you doing here, Noah?" El's voice held a hint of apprehension, a guardedness born of past betrayals and lingering wounds.


"I'm here for the basketball match," he replied smoothly, a practiced ease masking the true intentions lurking beneath the surface.


"Oh, you're in the wrong area then. You need to go that way," she directed him with a pointed gesture, her words clipped and devoid of warmth. She had no desire to engage in idle chatter with him, to rekindle a connection that had long since withered and died.


"I know, I just followed you from there. Looks like I was wrong. You've gotten better at pocketing boys, I suppose," he remarked with a smirk, his words dripping with thinly veiled condescension.


"Why must I encounter all the jerks today?" El muttered under her breath, a bitter edge tainting her words as she fought to maintain her composure in the face of his taunts.


"Listen, I didn't come here to cause trouble. I'm just catching up with an old friend," Noah insisted, his voice taking on a pleading tone as he sought to defuse the tension crackling between them.


"We're not friends, Noah. So please, just be on your way," El retorted, her patience wearing thin as she attempted to extricate herself from his unwelcome presence.


But Noah refused to relent, his determination evident as he rushed to block her path, his words ringing out with a menacing edge. "Not so soon, Elle. We still have a score to settle, remember?"


"Oh, do you want to get back at me or do you want me to apologize? I'm not doing either," El asserted, her voice firm as she quickened her pace, determined to escape Noah's unwelcome presence. Yet, no matter how fast she walked, he remained close behind, a persistent shadow haunting her every step.


"Any trouble, miss?" A voice cut through the tension, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the suffocating dread that threatened to overwhelm her. Turning towards the sound, El's eyes widened in relief as she caught sight of Carl. In that moment, he was her beacon of safety in a sea of uncertainty.


Without hesitation, she sought refuge behind Carl, instinctively clutching at his shirt sleeves as though they were a lifeline keeping her afloat amidst the storm. Carl's unexpected appearance brought a sense of calm to her frazzled nerves, his reassuring presence a balm to her troubled soul.


In that moment, Carl understood his role clearly – he was her protector, her shield against the looming threat that lurked in the shadows.


Just Carl's presence alone wasn't enough to scare Noah into backing off. Perhaps it was because Noah didn't know who Carl was; anyone familiar with him wouldn't dare to meet his gaze or stand in his path.


"Who is this third man?" Noah demanded, irritation evident in his voice. "All I want is to talk." With that, he reached out for El, his intentions clear.


Before Noah could even come close, Carl swiftly intercepted, grasping Noah's wrist firmly in his hand. With a steely gaze, Carl warned him without words, conveying a clear message of deterrence. "Mister, we knew each other from school, we… ow, ow!" Noah's words were cut short as Carl deftly twisted his arm, causing him to wince in pain. Despite Noah's attempts to pull away, Carl's grip remained firm, his expression unwavering.


With a simple command to "run," Carl released Noah's wrist, and without a moment's hesitation, Noah bolted away in fear, his cowardice evident as he fled without so much as a backward glance.


Embarrassed and shaken by Noah's unsettling behavior, El couldn't bring herself to face Carl directly. Still clinging to the back of his shirt, she managed to murmur a quiet "thanks" to him.


Sensing her discomfort, Carl understood that El might find it awkward to face him, so he didn't turn to look at her directly as he inquired about her well-being.


"I'm okay now, thanks. It's just been a really crappy day," El replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion.


Concerned for her, Carl gently suggested, "Do you want to get out of here?"


El readily agreed, grateful for the offer of escape. As they made their way out together, El couldn't shake the curiosity about why Carl was there in the first place. Before she could voice her question, Carl seemed to anticipate it and provided an answer.


"I was here to see Pip, but I couldn't reach him at all because of his basketball practice," Carl explained casually.


El nodded, not wanting to reveal that Pip had contributed to her unpleasant day. "Yeah, he's playing in a match now. Do you want to see him?" she asked out of politeness, though she wasn't quite ready to face Pip herself.


Recognizing her unease, Carl shook his head. "It's fine. He probably wouldn't be thrilled to see me anyway, and I don't want to distract him from his match," he replied. While Carl acknowledged that Pip might indeed react negatively to seeing him, his true reason for declining was the desire to preserve the companionship he shared with El in that moment.


At the canteen, Carl returned with two steaming cups of coffee and placed one in front of El before settling into the seat across from her. "Do you need anything else?" he inquired, his gaze filled with concern.


El shook her head gratefully. "No, thank you," she replied softly, offering him a warm smile.


Curiosity tugged at Carl as he sought to understand the encounter with Noah. "Do you know that guy? Did he trouble you any other time?" he asked, his brow furrowing with worry.


"He was a pest. Don't worry about him. I'll be fine," El reassured him, her smile remaining genuine.


Unsatisfied, Carl reached for El's phone, prompting a moment of hesitation from her. Nonetheless, she relinquished it to him, allowing him to input his number and give himself a call for confirmation. "Call me if anything like this happens again," Carl instructed before returning her phone.


El's smile widened at his thoughtful gesture, a silent acknowledgment of the warmth she always felt in his presence.


"Oh, before I forget, were you okay?" El asked suddenly, her concern evident in her tone. Carl raised an eyebrow, puzzled by her question. "I meant the news, I read something about the casino," she clarified, her words faltering slightly as she feared she might be overstepping.


Carl's smile softened, as if he could sense her apprehension. "It's nothing to worry about. We're not involved in that incident; it's just the press blowing things out of proportion," he reassured her, his words carrying a comforting assurance.


"I thought so too, but just wanted to check," El replied, her relief evident.


For Carl, the simple act of concern from El meant more than she could ever know. In a life marked by hardship and loneliness, her gesture offered a glimmer of hope, a reminder that not everyone viewed him with fear and trepidation. It was a fleeting happiness, but it spoke volumes to his heart.


As for Pip, his victory on the court did little to ease the turmoil within him. Amidst the cheers and celebration in the changing room, his mind was elsewhere, consumed by the message awaiting him on his phone. With a sinking feeling, he retrieved the device and unlocked it, only to have his worst fears confirmed. His expression darkened, his composure shattered as he hastily abandoned his belongings and dashed out of the room, propelled by the stark message glaring up at him: "In canteen; With El."


