A tale of waiting

As El closed the gate behind her, her senses heightened, attuned to the slightest sound in the stillness of the night. Just as her trembling fingers reached for the latch, a voice cut through the silence, halting her movements. "Wait," it urged, sending a shiver down her spine.


Frozen in place, El strained to hear, her heart pounding against her ribcage like a caged bird desperate for freedom. With each beat, her fear ebbed away, replaced by a sense of clarity that washed over her like a soothing balm.


"Elena, wait!" The voice called out again, its familiarity piercing through the darkness like a beacon of hope. In that moment, she knew. It could only be one person who addressed her by her name.


"Dad?" El's voice wavered as she spoke, a mixture of relief and apprehension mingling in her words.


As her father stepped into the faint glow of the porch light, El's tension melted away, replaced by an overwhelming wave of gratitude and love. With trembling hands, she reached out to open the gate, her eyes brimming with tears that mirrored the emotions swirling inside her.


"I am sorry, dad," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I didn't realize it was you."


In that simple embrace, surrounded by the comforting warmth of her father's arms, El found solace amidst the shadows of uncertainty that had engulfed her.


As El reached for his bag, a flicker of movement caught her eye, a fleeting shadow dancing behind the veil of darkness cast by the nearby tree. With bated breath, she strained to discern its form, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic figure lurking in the shadows. But before she could unravel the mystery shrouded in the cloak of night, her father's voice shattered the stillness, jolting her back to reality.


"Why were you startled? You didn't hear me calling you," her father's concern etched into every word, his brow furrowed with worry.


"It's nothing, dad," El replied with practiced nonchalance, her words a shield to conceal the tremor of uncertainty that rattled her composure. "I had my earbuds in, didn't hear you properly."


Yet, despite her reassuring facade, El's mind remained tethered to the shadowy figure that lingered in the recesses of her consciousness. Who could it be, lurking in the shadows, a harbinger of salvation or calamity? The answer eluded her, veiled in the cloak of night, leaving her to grapple with the unsettling uncertainty that loomed over her like a looming specter.


As El's father arrived for his first visit since her move, she eagerly anticipated showing him around her new home. However, his priorities lay elsewhere; he insisted on paying a visit to her grandmother first. Though El's father had only met Mrs. Shaw a handful of times during her illness prior to moving in, they didn't know his true identity before. Despite his desire to keep his identity concealed, El's father felt a newfound freedom in being able to openly visit them now that El was aware of the situation.


Upon their arrival, they found Mrs. Shaw already asleep, her frail form a stark contrast to the vibrant woman El remembered. Though he harbored unresolved feelings stemming from Tasha's revelations, El's father couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy as he observed Mrs. Shaw's deteriorating condition. Despite his reluctance to engage in conversation, he couldn't ignore the drastic change in her health, a sobering reminder of the passage of time and the toll it had taken on her.


As El's father caught up with Simmy about Mrs. Shaw's care, El found herself unable to shake the feeling of unease that had settled over her since spotting the shadowy figure earlier. Though she scanned the surroundings for any sign of the mysterious presence, she found nothing but the stillness of the night. Yet, with her father by her side, she felt a renewed sense of courage, a flicker of hope in the face of uncertainty.


After a lengthy discussion between her father and his employee, they finally made their way to El's place. True to her nature, she had kept everything immaculately tidy, unable to tolerate any semblance of disorder. As she set up a makeshift bed for her father, she couldn't contain her curiosity any longer.


"Dad, was this a surprise visit? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? How long are you planning to stay?" Her questions tumbled out in a rush, a reflection of her eagerness to understand his sudden appearance.


Her father offered her a reassuring smile before responding, "It was a last-minute decision, El. I didn't have a chance to inform you beforehand. I came here for work, but I'll be catching the train back tomorrow night."


Upon hearing that he would be leaving so soon, El's heart sank. She had hoped for a longer visit with her father, especially after three long months apart. The memory of their last visit, overshadowed by the revelation about her mother, still lingered bitterly in her mind. Despite putting on a brave face earlier, the sight of her father now stirred up a deep sense of homesickness within her. Her shoulders slumped, her loneliness palpable as she silently longed for the comfort of her father's presence.


"Don't worry, El. You'll be home in a couple of weeks for the semester holidays. For now, I don't want to distract you from your upcoming exams," her dad reassured her, his words carrying a comforting tone as he reminded her of their impending reunion.


El fell silent for a moment, her mind racing with excitement at the thought of returning home soon. A bright smile spread across her face, lighting up her features with joy. Though her father couldn't discern the source of her sudden happiness, he couldn't help but mirror her smile in response.


"Dad," El called out, her voice filled with enthusiasm as she maintained her cheerful demeanor.


"Yes?" Her father responded, bracing himself for her inevitable mischief.


"Can I accompany you tomorrow? Please, please, please," she pleaded, her tone playful as she employed her best puppy-dog eyes. "Spend a day with me. I won't disturb you during your work meeting. Afterward, we could go somewhere nice for dinner."


Her father chuckled at her antics. "I knew it when I saw that cheeky smile. How could I say no to my princess? What about your classes?"


El's face lit up with excitement as her dad agreed to her request. She knew she could always count on him to indulge her whims. After all, she was his favorite person in the whole world. "Don't worry about that," she reassured him. "It's sports festival season, so there are no classes today or tomorrow. I could easily escape from volunteering by calling in sick."


While spending time with her dad was certainly a motivating factor, El's true incentive for skipping university was to evade the rumors swirling around what happened earlier that day and to potentially avoid encountering anyone who might trouble her further tomorrow.




As Pip's team triumphed in yet another set of matches, securing their spot in the finals scheduled for the afternoon, his mind grappled with conflicting emotions. Despite his efforts to maintain composure during the match, the break left him vulnerable to the tumultuous thoughts swirling in his head. While his teammates celebrated, Pip's gaze wandered the crowd, a silent yearning for El's presence lingering in his heart.


Haunted by the events of the previous night, Pip wrestled with regret and uncertainty. He had wanted to ensure El's safety, yet the fear of being perceived as a stalker had paralyzed him, forcing him to let her slip away into the night alone. Now, consumed by worry and guilt, Pip couldn't shake the nagging doubt that he had made a grave mistake.


Desperate for answers, Pip sought solace in the one person he never thought he would turn to for guidance: Ash. Approaching him in the changing room, Pip's hopes for information about El were met with an unwelcome reception. Ash's cold demeanor served as a stark reminder of the rift that had formed between them, a consequence of Pip's own actions and choices. As tension simmered between them, Pip couldn't help but wonder if he had burned bridges he could never rebuild.


"Have you seen El today?" Pip's inquiry cut through the air, heavy with unspoken tension and a palpable sense of urgency. As Ash turned away to change, the weight of disappointment from their team's loss in the match hung like a cloud between them, intensifying the unease that simmered just beneath the surface.


"Why do you ask?" Ash's response was curt, his tone betraying a hint of annoyance.


"Just answer me!" Pip's voice was strained, his frustration barely contained beneath the surface.


With a sigh, Ash reluctantly provided the information he had heard. "I heard she wasn't well enough to volunteer today," he admitted, his words tinged with uncertainty. "Look, I don't know what is between you two..."


Before Ash could finish his sentence, Pip abruptly cut him off, leaving the changing room in a flurry of unresolved emotions. Left behind in the wake of Pip's sudden departure, Ash could only watch in stunned silence, grappling with the enigma of Pip's ever-changing moods and the complexities of his relationship with El.


As Pip processed Ash's words, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions churned within him. Relief washed over him, tempered by a lingering sense of guilt and responsibility. At least someone had interacted with El today, ensuring her safety in his absence. Yet, the realization dawned on him that he might bear some responsibility for her absence, a weighty burden that settled heavily on his shoulders.


Despite his efforts to calm his racing mind, Pip found himself consumed by worry for El's well-being. What had happened to her to leave her unwell? Was she facing any danger or discomfort? Questions tumbled through his thoughts, each one fueling his growing unease.


In that moment, Pip couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he had played a part in El's absence, whether directly or indirectly. The weight of his actions—or lack thereof—hung heavily on his conscience, casting a shadow over his thoughts and leaving him grappling with a sense of remorse and regret.


As the sports festival faded into memory, the looming presence of exams descended upon the university campus. Each course had its own schedule, and freshman students like El found themselves swept up in a whirlwind of studying and preparation. With her father's departure, El threw herself into her final assignments and exam preparations, her days consumed by textbooks and lecture notes.


In the midst of her hectic schedule, El barely had a moment to spare for the rumors swirling around her and Pip, the tensions among her friends, or the shadowy figure that had lurked in the background. The days passed in a blur of study sessions and late-night cramming, her focus squarely fixed on the academic challenges ahead.


And then, almost in the blink of an eye, it was over. Exams concluded, papers submitted, and the university campus emptied as students scattered to their respective corners of the world. As Pip, El, Nia, Ash, and Joyce ventured forth on their individual journeys, they carried with them the weight of their own unique struggles and relationship woes. Each faced their own set of challenges, navigating the tangled webs of love, friendship, and personal growth with varying degrees of uncertainty and trepidation.


As the days slipped by, Pip's anxiety only grew, the incident feeling more distant with each passing moment. He felt the weight of their strained relationship pressing down upon him, a constant reminder of the rift that had formed between them. Determined to make amends before she disappeared for another two weeks, Pip knew he had to act fast.


His last chance lay in the final day of his exams, a small window of opportunity to bridge the gap and clear the air between them. With his heart pounding in his chest, Pip secured a ticket for the train to Brookstonewell, the next station along the line from Barkhill. It was a risky gamble, but he clung to the hope that he would have the chance to speak with her before she departed.


Standing on the platform, ticket in hand, Pip watched the minutes tick by, his anticipation mounting with each passing second. As the train's arrival drew nearer, he felt a surge of nerves coursing through him, wondering if fate would grant him the opportunity he so desperately sought—to mend what was broken and rebuild the connection that had once bound them together.

