Chapter 2 - Surprise

That Morning

"King Breaven, Alpha Xaten of the Wandering Foes Pack requests for your help once again." My father repeated what a messenger had said moments ago.

My father's action was to evoke a response out of me but I largely ignored it.

I could only focus on my brother and his mate, Marla, by my side. They had their hands intertwined together.

When will I have that?

"I believe we expected that when we received the invitation Your Highness. The question now is what to do." My mother, the Queen and Luna, said kindly.

"I want to hear my son's thoughts on the matter."

This time I caught the cue. I put down the

spoon I held

"I believe we should accept the offer to the least of our capacity. The name Wandering Foes holds both as a kingdom and a pack demands we hold a social responsibility. We must uphold our image."

I knew from my father's approving nod that I had made him proud.

"Well done son."

"Thank you father."

"You look a little tired son. Did you not have enough rest?" Mother asked me.

"How could he, Mother? I imagine he stayed up all night thinking of Princess Svannah." Prince Derrick, my brother, said with a silly smile.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're still infatuated with the human princess?" Father asked, his tone dancing on the line of anger and amusement.

"Her name is Princess Svannah." I corrected him calmly.

I then took a sip of my porridge, carefully avoiding eye contact with Father.

"Do not be worried, my love. Soon he shall find his mate and tha will be the end of this human nonsense." Mother assured him.

I clenched my fist but said nothing.

For the most part, the morning's meal went by without any address to all present.

"Zan, you were meant to handle the court cases in court today but you look like you could use some rest. You're excused today." Father said to me when we were done eating

"Thank you Father."

He said nothing but I knew I had disappointed him. The offer was made to be declined.

I waited for Mother and Father to leave before I did.

Derrick walked up to me.

"I'm sorry I mentioned Princess Svannah. I thought it would make light if things." He apologized.

"You always speak without thinking." I said a bit harsher than I intended to.

Derrick looked away. His face red with shame.

"But I hold no grudges. My feelings were never a secret."

Derrick smiled. From the corner of my eye, I saw him share the moment with Marla and I wished I had not.

"Do you want to go riding today? The day promises to be lovely and we have not had time to do so together in a while." Prince Derrick suggested.

"Fine. Will Marla join us?" I asked knowing fully well that it would upset his feelings.

"Yes she will. Do you have a problem with that?"

His voice challenged me but I decided not to give him the answer he desired.

"Let us meet in an hour then." I said instead.

"How about mid-day? When the sun is warm and lovely?" Marla said meekly.

Mid-day it was.

Derrick was right. It had been a while since I casually trotted around the kingdom's forest. I missed it.

Derrick trotted on his horse behind me with Marla at his side. I tried not to focus on their affection.

I focused my thoughts on Princess Svannah. She would love the forest. I could imagine how her eyes would light up if I brought her here.

She once told me her parents treat her like a jewel (and a jewel she was) much to her dismay. She always wanted to go to the marketplace, the town square and the forest 'to get dirty'.

I would give her all that and more when she's mine.

"What are you thinking about?" Prince Derrick asked me when he caught up to me.

I looked back at Marla.

"She can protect herself." Prince Derrick said almost immediately I did.

I nodded.

"We used to have a good time here." I said, looking around.

"It was our safe place away from Father... But it doesn't really feel the same after that day. Do you think Father ever found out?"

I wasn't sure what exactly he referred to so I didn't answer.

"Let us race for old times sake." Prince Derrick offered.

He kicked his horse to full speed before I could react.

I chuckled. He was always a trickster.

"Hiyah!" I exclaimed, kicking my horse too.

My horse was faster than his so I caught up with him in no time.

"See you at the finish line!" I yelled to him mockingly as I sped past him.

"There is no finish line!" He screamed back.

I laughed loudly. I had already passed it. When I felt I had gone far enough, I brought my horse to a stop and turned around.

I met him on my way back.

"I win." I gloated.

"One day brother, I will beat you."

"I wonder when brother. It has only been 15 years." I mocked.

Derrick hit me playfully. Together, we laughed. We met up with Marla, Savi and the other royal guards and servants.

"We should be heading back, my Lord. The sun is not as merciful as it was earlier." Savi said to me discreetly.

"Let us head back." I announced.

Derrick nodded in agreement. On our way back, I could hear him narrate our race to Marla. I listened with envy blackening in my heart.

Why can I not have that with Princess Svannah?

Why does he have the things I wanted?

Desperate to take my mind off the two of them, I looked around hoping something else would catch my attention.

I listened closely for anything.

I became alert when I heard the sound of footsteps; not the steps of the horses but the steps of a human quite a distance away from us.

It was faint and slow, blending in almost perfectly with the sound of the forest.

Whoever it was was making sure they would not be heard.

That was a threat!

Without a command, I charged in the direction of the steps.

"My Lord!" Savi called after me before following my lead.

The pace of the steps hastened.

Whoever it was planned on escaping but not on my watch. I drew out my sword and poised it for an attack as I needed the steps.

My attention was diverted when it hit me. That feeling...

I knew it so well.

I dropped the sword and slowed down.

I swallowed hard.

My horse came to a stop as the footsteps went further and further away from me.

I held my hand to stop my men from pursuing the stranger.

They couldn't hurt her.

That stranger was...

She was my mate.