Chapter 7: Scam

"Y-you!" It's like a bolt from the blue. I look at him again to check if I am really seeing him right. It makes me gulp my saliva in fear seeing Nathaniel behind me instead of Sharon. This is not possible. My breath gets stuck for a moment.

"I hope you like this surprise, Cruella?" He asks bringing his mouth near me. "How did you do that?" "Well, very simple. My pretty Foxy helped me find out your conversation with Sharon and pity on him that he's sleeping tight tonight." "Who's Foxy?" I ask him out of curiosity.

"Pretty Lady, my enemy wants to meet you." As he says, his pet dragon Kristen turns his head to me and in a moment, his head turns into a beautiful woman with alluring foxy brown eyes. I get another heart attack seeing this. "Almighty! What's happening?" It feels like I will pass out seeing this horrific still diverse creature. Her creepy smile makes me hold Nathaniel tightly. I am seeing this type of half-dragon and half-woman for the first time. But isn't it funny and gross to hold the biggest fear of seeing his pet? "Haha! You're afraid of me but not afraid of my master?" Foxy asks me making me embarrassed. I leave him instantly.

"This girl! Gosh, I remember now." She was the girl who was serving us drinks while we were dancing. She handed Sharon wine but when asked me, I refused to take it as I don't drink alcohol.

That Foxy winks at me and her head takes dragon form in a moment. Dragon Foxy starts to fly again at her fast speed overcoming the clouds one by one as if she is using them like stairs to keep going.

I never imagined that I would be able to float in the sky like this but all the happiness is fading away thinking that I have to die after this beautiful moment.

"I think you've remembered everything till now?" Nathaniel taunts me. "You did a great job not taking the alcohol otherwise you need to sleep for three days long like Sharon." "What!" I ask him getting another shock. "Yes, she mixed babiola leaves in his drink for a sound sleep so that he couldn't come to help you!"

"It's a scam!" I utter in pure anger. "Huh, a scam for a scammer." He growls in satisfaction. "How can you imagine I will let you live happily?" He says while pulling me in his embrace. I really don't know why he is doing this and what's his intention but his silly actions are making me hate him to the fullest. I poke him hard using my elbow to spare myself from his embrace. "Ouch!" He groans in pain. "Let go of me!" I yell at him but suddenly his dragon starts diving upside down making me lose my balance. I'm lucky that although being poked by my elbow, he doesn't lose his grip on me otherwise I'll be a dead meat till now. Whatever, in the end, he is going to kill me.

Surely, I'll never forget this journey and maybe I won't get a lot of days to remember this memory.

He has trapped me in such a trap of death that no one can save me except the Almighty.

"How can you do this to me? Even the monster is better than you!" All I hear is his windshield laughter in response. "Monster herself is pointing her finger at me!" "Why are you blaming me and making all this drama, I'm just eighteen," I ask him. "How many lies?" "There's no lie! I'm telling you the truth. If anyone lied then that's you, you pretend to be someone else just to kill me! What a pity and what a coward!" "Don't you dare to prove me wrong, girl!" He makes me look at him forcefully. I look into his eyes which are darker than ever. Tears gradually forming in my eyes just thinking about the deepness of his hatred. How can someone hate me that much? Why he is accusing me of all these fake allegations? "Believe me, I did nothing," I say again just to prove myself true but he doesn't listen to me.

After a breathtaking journey meanwhile, Nathaniel takes me to another forest. His pet leaves us alone. I don't know what time it is but it's still dark in the forest. The environment is so chilling that it's giving shivers down my spine. Only the big trunks of the trees are visible here. I don't know how painful the punishment can be. What if I offer him the amount? What if he considers it? What my lifelong savings save me from that monster?

Several thoughts are coming to my mind. My ambivalent brain isn't working properly. I can't take this anymore.

Let's see what he says because I have to die anyway. Meanwhile, walking for a long time hurts my feet.

"Nathaniel, can we sit and rest for a while?" "No!" he replies. "I'm really tired and it's getting impossible for me to walk." I request him. "I don't care." "Arrgh! That monster!" I yell at him. He turns towards me being fired and grabs my arm stiffly. "If you dare to call me monster again, I'll not hesitate to show you hell right away!" I try to spare my arm from his grip but fail to do so. "Let go of me, it's hurting!" He doesn't say anything just leaves my arm with a jerk and starts walking again. Being imbalanced, I fall to the ground.

I sit up slowly. "If you want to die now, sit here, and if you want to roam the earth a little longer, follow me," he says without looking back. I start to think again; if he runs away in the dark now, he won't find me. "There's no point in these crazy thoughts. You may have forgotten that I'm an alpha, so don't waste time and hurry up." I get up with my sore leg and pretend to follow him. Then he moves forward a little, and I start running away from him. As I am going to die because of you why don't I bother you a little? As I run, Nathaniel roars with rage. He starts calling me, but I don't stop; I keep running as fast as I can. I gasp after a long run but my legs stop moving. I huddle under a tree. But running is such a strain that I can't breathe anymore. If I don't get water now, I might die here. My chest keeps heaving unevenly.

Meanwhile, the dark night slowly starts to turn into day; still, nothing can be seen due to the dark, dense forest. I sit down against the tree. But it's comforting to think he didn't find me. "Let's take some rest and then look for water," I say as my throat is literally dry. My eyes are closed, and then I hear someone say there is water here. When I open my eyes, I see a pot of water in front of me, which brings tears to my eyes. I take the pot in my hand and drink water to my heart's content. After drinking the cold water, I revive. "Thanks for the water. Feeling very good." I close my eyes again. There is no sleep for days. I don't realize when I fall asleep after I close my eyes.

When the rays of sunlight come into view, I wake up. "Ah, such a refreshing sleep after a long time. Feels so refreshing." Then I remember that someone had given me water last night but there was no one but me and Nathaniel in this dense forest. My heart trembles in fear. When I look back, I don't think I would have done that.

The tree upon which I lie is none other than His Highness Nathaniel himself. That means he gave me water last night. What else do I have to do now? So I looked at him and gave a slightly awkward smile.

"Thanks for the water. Btw I thought you were the tree." He doesn't say anything just keeps looking at me. "The weather and environment both are nice today, ain't they?" I keep asking him but no response from the tree. It's very much expected that he'll become angry but it's literally awkward for me to stay in a situation like this.

Surprisingly, I never saw him that much calm ever. What if I don't mess with him and do something that'll reduce his anger? Then if he has a little mercy for me, maybe if I offer money he may accept it.

It's really depending on my luck and I don't know what's written on it but worth giving it a try.

"Nathaniel, let's go." As I say, he looks at me being little surprised. But by now I realize that he wants to kill me with his own hands. He may not have the chance to kill me yet.