Chapter 11: New Enemy Unlocked

When I wake up, I find myself in a dark, gloomy room. My hands and feet are tied with heavy chains, making it impossible for me to move freely. There's a faint ray of light seeping in from the outside, but it's barely enough to light up the eerie environment. But in this fading light, what I see sends shivers down my spine. The walls are stained with ominous-looking bloodstains, and the air is heavy with a seminal scent.

Scattered around the room are the skeletal remains of terrifying creatures, a deadly reminder of the fate that may await me. It's clear that the monster brought me here has done indescribable acts of violence.

Suddenly, the silence is shattered by the creaking of the door. A cumbersome monster enters the room along with a creepy women beside. As they come closer, I can't help but feel dread wash over me. The creature's misproportioned body is unlike anything I've ever seen before.

It's a big, scary creature with sharp teeth and claws like a lion, body covered in big fur. It has big hideous eyes that glow in the dark.

But when it comes near me, it shifts into a human! It changes into a big bulky middle aged man. Now, how can this animal also be a shifter? Why everybody is a shifter here?

They both remain silent, staring at me as if scrutinizing me carefully. Suddenly, the weird shifter slaps me squarely making me flinch.

I look at him bewildered as he grinds his teeth and asks, "Alexandra Rossetti? How are you feeling now?" Hearing this, it feels like I am falling from the sky. How is it possible that this creature knows my name?

"H-how do you know my name?" I stammer while asking. "Ask me how can I forget?" He groans in anger and says, "I only wanted to get you, but how can I forget the humiliation you and your f**king Alpha inflicted upon me? After decades of waiting, I've found you. Now, see what I do to you!"

His each roars are making me tremble with fear still I manage to ask him, "What're you saying?! I never met you!"

All I receive a devilish smirk from him. He's doing everything just to make me afraid. When he gestures the woman, she places a large mirror in front of me. Then she steps back, leaving me only with this terrifying creature. His presence makes me so scared that darkness surrounds me from every corner.

'"Look, you're mistaken. Please let me go!'' I request him earnestly but he grabs my face forcefully, causing me pain, and brings his face close to mine. My soul trembles as I look at his human yet terrifying and monsterious face.

"Somebody please help me! Help me!" I keep screaming but nobody comes to rescue me from this monster. He bursts into laughter listening my scream.

"I wanted to keep you as my queen with respect. Now, your place will be at my feet. I will take revenge all at once."

As he says this, he tightens his grip on my collar, about to tear it off, but then the woman enters the room hastily. "Your majesty, your friends are here. They are waiting for you," she says. Irritation flashes across his face, and I slip away.

In an instant, a creepy smile spreads across his face as if he's contemplating something scarier for me.

"I've changed the plan. This one is very simple punishment. I want to punish her so hard that she will never be able to forget," he says to the woman, "call all the residents of my area."

Grabbing my hair tightly, he starts dragging me out of the room. "Leave my hair, you bloody ugly creature!"

As I say this, he immediately slaps me, causing me to collide with the wall, receiving a severe blow to my head. Blood starts to trickle from my nose. For a moment, everything around me became silent.

"I will make you feel ugly in front of the whole world."

He pulls me in a room where his friends are waiting for him, it's more like a court room and throws me mercilessly near their feet.

"Look at that b**ch! She is here as my captive."

They cheer after listening to him as if they won a trophy.

"How about we all have fun equally!" One of his friends say making my skin burn in anger. "No! I want to break her first and then you can use her stale body as much as you want!" They start laughing at me making the most irritating sound. I never wanted to harm anyone in my whole life but this heinous one and his disrespectful friends, I want to kill them all.

Then, dragging me along, he takes me to his balcony where thousands of residents have gathered. Fear is evident in their eyes and faces.

"Look at this b**ch, residents! She is the girl who insulted me brutally and because of her boyfriend and this girl herself, I had to leave my house, my land, my dignity. Now I'll give her the worst punishment ever in front of you and my century-long dream will be completed today."

"I'm going to break her dignity in front of you guys. This is a lesson for y'all to follow strictly, whoever try to go stray, you and your family have to go through this," he adds again making me gulp. Everyone cowers in fear, bowing their heads down.

As he try to pull me into a kiss, I slap him hard making his head tilt.

The eager crowd initially applauds, but after realizing their mistake, they become silent again. When he tries to pull my clothes, I instantly spit on his face several times, ignoring the dangers awaiting me. I don't know from where I am receiving this much courage to defend myself from this humiliation but all I know is I have to protect myself at least from this s**ht who oppress women for no reason.

Ordering to imprison me in the dungeon, he starts roaring angrily. Then the creepy woman grabs me and drags me away, leading me into a dark cell, imprisoning me.

I continue to cry, but to no avail. "Don't cry, dear," someone from the adjacent cell speaks up. I try to find who's talking. "Who're you?" I ask.

"I'm the dead alpha's daughter, Marina William. Monster Patrick killed my father and keeps me captivated in this dungeon. This monster has killed several innocent people and all the woman, girls are his victim. For this rapist, a 15 years old girl also died two months ago." When Marina was speaking, my anger towards the creature intensified even more.

"How could he!" I say while gritting my teeth in anger.

"What's your name?" She asks me, curiosity is evident in her voice.

"Alexandra Rossetti," I say this not expecting her reply.

"You're Alexandra! Oh My goodness! I've heard a lot about you." "Huh, I'm just a mere human from another world." She chuckles listening to me. "All the great warriors say that. I know you are here to destroy him and protect us." "Seriously! He just kidnapped me and how can you imagine I will fight that colossal monster." As I say, she express worries. "Oh, don't say that." "Yes, I'm saying the truth. I'm in great danger. Do you know any way out?" "All of the residents are in great danger but don't be worried. I hope you will figure a way out." I sigh expressing great disappointment.

I'm just so tired of facing dangers again and again. Nathaniel, Matriarch and my family nobody knows about it where I am now. I know it's a shame but how will I escape this danger! I wish I were that powerful to fight that creature like she said, maybe I wouldn't have to go through these difficulties.

Two days have passed but I have not received any food. When Marina wanted to share her food with me, she was beaten and didn't get any food either.

Keeping my eyes closed, I am sitting leaning against the wall. At that time the woman comes and unlocks my cell. After entering the cell, she walks near me and pulls me with a latch to get me up.

As he was opening the lock, luckily I saw a half-broken piece of stone a hand away. Hesitantly, I took it in my hand.

As soon as she grabs me, realizing the opportunity, I hit her on the head with the stone. She fall to the ground instantly. Without showing any weakness, I quickly leave the cell. As I break Marina's cell door and try to get her out, she starts crying and holds onto me tightly. "Thanks a lot, Alexandra." "My pleasure, dear but this is not the moment to cry, let's go, we have to flee."

I holds onto her hand when pulling her with me but she grasp my hand tightly. "I owe a lot of debts," she says. "I can't go with you, but I'll show you the way out." "He will kill you Marina, please come with me?" "No dear, this is my home. My father's trust. It's my responsibility to protect every resident here from this tyrant, even if it costs me my life." I can't help but be amazed by her courage and love for people. But the truth is she is not in the state of defeat this monster.

"I know you love them. But look at yourself now? Just think about it, think logically, do you have that stamina to fight that creature? If you go in front of him, he will kill you. Your father will lose his only heir and your residents, they will lose their only guardian. Obviously they need you but first you have to be powerful to defeat him. Please come with me?"