Chapter 55: Prisoner

Alexandra's eyes were wide open in the oppressive darkness of the pack house dungeon, a stark contrast to her previous life of grandeur. Few days ago, she had been the revered queen, her every command met with unwavering obedience and respect. Now, she found herself reduced to a prisoner, stripped of her dignity and power.

The cold, damp air of the dungeon clung to her skin, a constant reminder of her precipitous fall from grace. The once-familiar sounds of the palace had been replaced by the eerie silence of her cell, broken only by the distant drip of water echoing through the stone corridors. Alexandra's mind raced, grappling with the shock of her sudden descent. She could scarcely believe how quickly her world had been upended. The dim light filtering through the narrow window high above offered little comfort, casting long shadows that danced on the walls like specters of her lost sovereignty.