Level up

As soon as she walked out of the classroom, Hei Xiyue opened the Silver Treasure Chest.

[Ding! You have obtained level 1 time fruit *1]

[Ding! You have obtained all attributes +2]

Two consecutive notifications rang out.

Hei Xiyue picked up the fruit that appeared in green light and swallowed it.

[Ding! Time +1 Day!]

The time on the Lin Nui panel has also increased from 1.1 to 2.1.

1 Time coin represents 1 day.

In the Eternal Game, time is the "experience" value required for level up, it is also the currency used for transactions.

For Hei Xiyue, a Curser, time is even more important.

Curser's time passage speed is faster than that of a normal Gift User, and leveling up requires more "Experience".

[It is detected that the experience has reached the standard, do you want to use 8 hours to level up?]

Level up notification just rang.

"Compared to the previous life, it takes more than one hour experience to level up…"

Hei Xiyue thought to herself.

This is not considered a bad thing. For Curser, the more Time coins consumed by leveling up, the greater its potential.

In this life, she initially gained 10 attribute points and also had an awakened ability. This means indirectly increasing her [Cancer] potential, so leveling up consumes more Time Coins.

She directly chose [Yes].

[Ding! Used 8 hours to level up, all attributes +1.]

[Ding! Used 16 hours to level up, all attributes +1.]

[Ding! Used 24 hours to level up, all attributes +1.]

After leveling up three times, the remaining time is not enough to continue leveling up.

If she were a Gift User, then 2.1 Time coins would be enough to go directly to level 5, but she could only go up to 4 levels.

With the bonus of [All Attribute +2], her personal panel has changed.:

[ Hei Xiyue ]

[Level: 4]

[Cancerization total value: 12]

[Time: 0.27]

[Strength: 5.6+6]

[Speed: 5.7]

[Endurance: 5.5]

[Spirit: 6.1]


Compared to ordinary Gift User who currently only has one or two attribute values, her attributes have certain advantages.

The Cancerization value of the upper limb only needs to reach 10 points, then simple Distortion can be performed.

The right arm can already be transformed into a simple bone sword and bone blade form, but more complex forms require higher Cancerization values.

The strength of the right arm bone sword is worth nearly 16 points. Now, if she faced Nokk just now, she wouldn't need the help of other Gift Users.

"Roar Roar!!"

Just as she opened the treasure chest, several monsters suddenly appeared in the far distance of the corridor. Immediately after, more and more monsters rushed out from the classroom, filling the entire corridor.

Classrooms that have passed the Wave of Beasts will naturally have no remaining monsters. These monsters must have killed all the students in the classroom before they can come out of the classroom.

In theory, the first three waves of beast in the novice trial are not very difficult.

But these students, even if they suddenly possess enormous power, may not be able to use it when suddenly caught off guard and under danger.

The reason why Classroom 208 was able to quickly stabilize the situation, except for Wang Ze's C-level Gift, the most important thing is that Hei Xiyue took action to kill the monster early, so that most of the students realized that the monster was not that scary and calmed down.

"Ah ah, save my life! My skills cannot be released!"

Students fled in the classroom corridor.

Many people have just gone through a great war, their energy has been consumed quite a bit, and their Gift skills have also entered the CD stage.

Now facing a hallway filled with hundreds of thousands of monsters, and even a Boss or two mixed in, they were basically busy.

Miserable cries and moans continuously came from the hallway.

Many students hurriedly opened the classroom door, afraid that monsters would approach again.

Hei Xiyue, on the other hand, did not retreat. He faced the monster that was attacking, displayed her bone sword, and easily slashed it cleanly.

The sharp bone sword can accurately cut down a monster's head every time. With one cut, a monster dies.

[Ding! Time +10 min, time +10 min...]

However, Hei Xiyue's actions did not attract too much attention, and quickly there were bursts of exclamation on the other side of the corridor.

"Gift —— Thunder Fire!"

A loud explosion rang out at the other end of the hallway.

The firelight directly covered dozens of monsters and exploded, leaving fragments of fragmented bodies in the corridor.

Surrounding voices continued to echo.

"Damn, too strong!"

"Who launched the bombs?"

"Who is that guy? This Gift is too strong. With just one throw, it can kill twenty or thirty monsters, right?"

"Thunder Fire? So familiar, ah, isn't this Yan Zhou's Gift?"

"Yan Zhou! As expected of our academy's strongest Gift User!"


In the hallway came sounds of support.

With Yan Zhou's support, the monsters in the hallway quickly died.

Hei Xiyue observed the battle in the hallway and did not choose to intervene, but instead stabbed her bone sword into the corpses in the hallway.

[Cancerization of right upper limb +0, +0, +0, +0.1...]

[Cancerization of left upper limb +0.1, 0.1, +0, +0.1...]

Compared with the left arm Cancerization value, the right arm Cancerization value absorption progress has slowed down.

Sometimes, several sets of corpses may not be able to provide her with 0.1 Cancerization value.

This is because every time a player levels up, it is also an evolution.

After the level of existence is improved, req for Cancerization value absorption has also been raised.

At this time, if she continues to absorb the bodies of low-level monsters, the value that can absorb Cancerization will naturally be lacking, or even non-existent.

However, the current number of corpses in the corridor is enough for Hei Xiyue to continue to absorb.


She continued to insert the bone sword into the body, each seemingly "new" body quickly "outdated" under her hands.

And the speed at which she absorbed blood was getting faster and faster, from two or three seconds before, to now it took less than a second to dry a corpse.

Just as Hei Xiyue was absorbing the blood of the corpses, suddenly a cry of surprise came.

"My god, what are you doing, it's so nauseating!"

A student covered his mouth and looked at her in horror.

Hearing his voice, many people nearby also turned their heads, coincidentally seeing Hei Xiyue inserting the bone sword into a student's body, then the corpse was sucked dry at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wtf, vampire!"

"Could it be! Will this be a humanoid monster?"


Many people feel numbness in their scalp and cold sweat.

That type of blood flowed continuously from the bone sword, giving them a great shock.

Many people unconsciously think that Hei Xiyue is some kind of boss, monster or so on.

The movement here also attracts Yan Zhou.

His pupils shrank slightly, clearly frightened by this terrifying scene.

What operation is this?

Just as he was about to speak, he heard someone next to him open his mouth and shout loudly: "What are you doing? Why do you want to touch our classmates?

The others also regained their spirits.

"That's it, you're crazy!"

"What madness is this? Are you high?"

For many people, this scene is a bit unacceptable.

Someone even stepped forward to advise: "This classmate, you must immediately stop your behavior."

Hei Xiyue opened her eyes, glanced at the person in front of her, and said in an emotionless voice:

"If you don't want to die, then get away."