Game? Or is it the end of the world?

A few minutes later, Manticore died and was dismembered in several pieces, lying right at the main entrance of the cave.

[Ding! Successfully killed Manticore (Juvenile Stage), obtained 30 killing points, current total points: 140.]

[Currently recommended job is: Fluorescence Assassin (Match value 70), do you want to use killing points to exchange for this job?]

Job still hasn't changed...

Hei Xiyue pondered.

A Manticore gives more points than a small murloc tribe.

In theory, the rule of this is similar to her guess, which is to hunt stronger opponents.

Hei Xiyue glanced at the Manticore's body on the ground, but without wasting it, the chains stabbed into its body.

[Cancerization of left lower limb value: +2!]

Looking at the body being sucked dry on the ground, Kermi immediately hugged his neck, her face turning pale.

Without waiting for Hei Xiyue to open her mouth to speak, he immediately said:

"Master, continue west. There is a baby Minotaur. Normally it likes to bully this baby Manticore, its strength is absolutely stronger."

"There are still others. In the east, there are small Vic Mud tribes. Their combined strength is also very good. There are absolutely a lot of them."

"Also, in the southwest direction there is Owlbear, in the northwest direction Scavenger, further north there is Swamp Bear..."

Kermi kept talking about all the suitable opponents nearby.

These monsters and ferocious beasts have weak and strong ones, but even the weakest Vic Mud is much stronger than Kuo-Toa just now.

As for the strong ones, they are even stronger than the hundred-legged demonic beasts, Manticore, and these ferocious beasts.

Hei Xiyue thought for a moment, and after selecting the priority order of hunting, began to act.

The killing spree, in this piece of the primordial jungle, quietly unfolds.


[Ding! Congratulations to players Li Mingliang, Jiang Yuanji and the others who successfully passed the novice trial and have met the Transfer Job conditions. Do you want to enter the Job Transfer Palace?]

As a monster fell down on the final training ground, the system's notification also promptly sounded.

"Finally... done!"

Li Mingliang sat on the ground with a tired face.

Next to him, Jiang Yuanji and the others were no better. From yesterday to today, they had gone through too many things during this time.

They fought all the time, their bodies were already tired and could not bear it.

Jiang Yuanji stabbed his long spear towards the ground, panted and looked at Li Mingliang and asked: "What now? Enter?"

Li Mingliang said: "Of course."

After speaking, he touched his chin and said: "That girl is probably about to complete the Job Transfer task."

Jiang Yuanji shook his head and said: "I don't know, she... is too strong, it's not something we can understand."

Li Mingliang's expression faded, he smiled self-deprecatingly: "That's right, she is a monster, the team of more than a thousand people in front of her is not worth mentioning."

Jiang Yuanji said: "I advise you not to have any conflicting feelings, our failure has nothing to do with her, it is entirely our own fault."

"Furthermore, Novice area 911 is lucky to have Hei Xiyue, otherwise it could very well be like other new areas, being taken over by beasts and turning into a derelict place."

Having said this, Li Mingliang and the other players were also scared when they thought about it.

From the time Hei Xiyue disappeared, Novice area 911's sky began to announce "Novice area xxx has become a derelict place", and it has not stopped at all, and has continued until now.

"Just arrived now, I estimate it's more than ten thousand?"

"Is that all there is to it? I can't count, it's definitely over ten thousand!"

"Tsk tsk, a Novice area has thousands of people, so to speak, at least tens of millions of people have died!"

"I don't know how my parents are, will they survive or not?"

"Hey, maybe you should pay attention to yourself first."

"What kind of game is this? It's clearly the end of the world!"

"What if someone says it's not true..."


The players lamented that even though they had just passed the novice trial, after witnessing yesterday's killing spree, their expressions were not too happy.

There are really many dead people!

Even though they survived the accident, world announcements kept appearing in the sky, making them still feel heavy.

Li Mingliang laughed coldly: "Hmm, I advise you to still accept reality. Life in the future will definitely be worse than the past two days. The future we only have will be even more cruel."

Hearing him say that, the other players also had a look of despair.

Just a novice trial made them go through such hardships, not to mention the future.

The excitement of the first day of the game dropped, they were now gone, replaced by worries about their future.

Jiang Yuanji raised his voice and said: "Because of that, we are from the same area so we should help each other!"

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment: "If... She would help us, maybe our situation would improve a lot."

Many players heard that and their minds were filled with Hei Xiyue's appearance on the battlefield.

If this kind of person is not an enemy, but a friend, or their leader, then what are they afraid of?

Thinking for a moment, they felt refreshed!

But a second later, Li Mingliang pierced their illusions:

"Don't think too much, Yan Zhou has used his life to prove that point, don't think about it."

Jiang Yuanji was silent for a while, then continued: "Okay, we should now prepare to carry out the Job Transfer task."

"Don't you rest? You don't want to live anymore?"

Li Mingliang glanced at Jiang Yuanji's many wounds.

Jiang Yuanji said in a deep voice: "We have wasted a lot of time. If we don't risk our lives now, I'm worried that in the future we won't even have the opportunity to risk our lives."

Li Mingliang bit his lip slightly: "Go, I'll go too."

The other players also opened their mouths.

"We are too."

"If I die, I die, I'm not afraid."


Seeing countless newbie areas turned into empty lands, not only Li Mingliang and Jiang Yuanji, but also other new players still surviving on Earth, all had a feeling of great danger in their hearts.

[World announcement: Novice area 1643 of Astraea Country has been invaded by monsters, turning into a derelict place.]

[World announcement: Novice area 5422 of Caelum Country has been invaded by monsters, turning into a derelict place.]

[World announcement: Novice area 2345 of Invicta Country has been invaded by monsters, turning into a derelict place.]


Golden light glittering in large letters continued to flash in the sky. In less than a minute, countless announcements continued to take turns.

The death toll across Earth continues to soar.