Chapter 23: Very high price conditions

"Haha, Mr. Killian, you are truly an exceptional young man; in this case, I will get straight to the point.

"Germanie, dear, haven't you already prepared the dessert party? You can take Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. Redman to try it first."

After hearing Killian's words, Kennedy laughed and told the lady beside him; the three women wisely exited, understanding that business talks were to begin.

"Alright, now it's just the three of us, Mr. Killian. First of all, before we get down to business, I must admit that you are a true genius."

"According to my team's analysis, the Baymax developed by your company, regardless of the technology used alone, is several years or even decades ahead of the current market technology."

After watching several women leave, only three remained in the room.

Kennedy immediately praised Killian in his presence.

"Thank you, Congressman Kennedy, we are slightly ahead of other companies in research and development in certain aspects," Killian courteously responded to Kennedy's words.

"Perhaps, the most important reason I invited you, Mr. Killian, this time is that I value Baymax and its potential."

"I believe, if you don't mind, the elder, Congressman Redman, and I would like to become friends with you." After seeing Killian's response, Kennedy continued.

This time they lowered their status and took the initiative to invite Killian as a guest, mainly for this reason.

Because everyone has personally experienced the so-called magic of Baymax, it can be said that if someone told them this was a creation from a hundred years in the future, they would believe it, but in fact, it exists today.

So they quickly arranged a meeting with Killian after experiencing the magical encounter with Baymax.

"Haha, Congressman Kennedy overvalues me too much, of course, it's fine to make friends, after all, more friends mean more paths, having more friends isn't bad for an entrepreneur like me."

"But in the business world, there is also a saying, there's no such thing as a free lunch, I guess, Congressman Kennedy, there's something more." After hearing what Kennedy said, Killian immediately smiled and said.

"Of course, since ancient times, if friends want to maintain the friendship, isn't the most important thing they should do to link interests?"

"As long as we have the same interests, we will be friends forever, right?" At that moment, Kennedy told Killian with a smile on his wrinkled face.

"Hm, I'm all ears." Killian slowly swirled the red wine glass he held and said.

"I have two plans here; the first is that we buy 20% of your company's shares for three billion dollars, you will gain my friendship and Mr. Redman's."

"Here in the United States, we will support you fully and unconditionally."

"What I can guarantee is that with the two of us here, plus our like-minded supporters, anyone who wants to touch you in the United States must consider whether they have the qualifications to do so."

And when the end came, Kennedy's eyes showed a dominating look that was not suitable for his age.

Especially the phrase that if you want to touch him within the United States, you have to see if you have the qualifications.

Killian had no doubts about this statement.

Because his party is not just one of the representatives of the Democratic Party, the most powerful among the many parties in the United States, but the family behind him is one of the five enduring families in the foundation of the United States, the Kennedy family.

The enormous energy behind this is evident.

You must know that here, if you disregard the black technology, even the Stark family is just a newcomer to them.

Killian, who knew this well, also knew that Congressman Kennedy was truly dominant and was qualified to say this.

And to be honest, if he wants to develop more technology in the later period, he must develop more of his own people.

Make few enemies and make many friends; this is the development direction that a person and even more so a company should have.

Just like in TV shows and movies, they often send assassins and gangsters to cause trouble, but anyone with some brain wouldn't do this.

"Well, that's a good suggestion, what about the second?

To be honest, Killian is somewhat tempted, but he wants 20% of his shares for only three billion dollars, which is impossible.

Not to mention three billion, he wouldn't be willing to sell even for thirty billion.

"Five billion dollars, I will buy the core technology of Baymax, the real core technology, smart chips, and scanners."

After hearing Killian's words, Kennedy at that moment suddenly leaned forward and spoke

from an extremely close distance.

There was such manifest greed in his eyes that Killian thought he could feel it even if he closed his eyes.

Indeed... none of the politicians is simple, in other words, it's simply impossible to reach this position without having dirty hands and a black heart.

To be honest, fifty billion dollars to buy the technology of Baymax is really good for Killian.

However, these technologies are key to the future development of his company, and it is impossible for him to reveal them.

After this, whether it's developing artificial intelligence or other robots, Baymax's technology will be needed.

Moreover, Baymax's functions are continuously being optimized and improved, now there are dozens of scientists in the laboratory adding enhancements.

If you sell Baymax now, you wouldn't be different from a fool who trades a golden egg-laying hen for golden bricks.

"Haha, Mr. Kennedy's suggestions have really moved me..."

"Honestly, it would be a shame if you didn't become a businessman."

Killian looked at Kennedy, who was almost in his face, pushed back the chair a few positions, and then said calmly.

"Haha, this is a free country, and there's no conflict between being in politics and doing business, right?"

When Kennedy heard Killian's words, he returned to his seat and said with a half-smile on his face.