Malfoy's Humiliation

Hagrid was worried, he knew the Hippogriffs were powerful and one hit like that could kill the average person. So the fact that Harry was standing seemed to have shocked him into being completely unable to move. Buckbeak stepped back, he was ashamed that he had struck such a nice and kind human, he was also quite honestly a bit nervous about the power emitting from said human. Fortunately it didn't seem to be directed at him.

When Malfoy had fallen to the floor after being pushed he managed to see Potter getting hit, a small smile appeared on his face. At least until he saw that Potter was still standing and looked like he was going to kill him, he could have sworn Potter saw his smile. Potters eyes were blazing, that along with the fact that all the power was pouring from him when blood was dripping down his head and the fact that the Hippogriff itself seemed to back away, caused Malfoy to be very afraid.

Malfoy never managed to get a word out before Harry walked over and grabbed him by the shirt before hoisting him up in the air with one arm. The wonders never seemed to cease as Harry was holding Malfoy overhead with one arm, everyone knew Malfoy was afraid of Harry after the incident at duelling club, so now they knew he was probably crapping his pants. They were close, he was pissing them, the liquid running down his leg and to the floor, they would have laughed of they weren't too busy in awe of Harry.

"You had one job" Harry spoke in a cold, low and deadly voice "don't insult the magical half eagle and half horse creature that was capable of killing you. If such a simple thing like that is too hard for you to grasp then I think it's safe to say you were probably dropped on your head as a child, clearly you're not capable of running the house of Malfoy or joining Voldermorts ranks, don't think they'd mind if I killed you" Malfoys eyes widened he was too afraid to say anything

"I always knew that tongue of yours would get you into trouble one day, if you had only learnt to shut up. If you did then maybe you could have made some friends and actually lived past fifty. Though, maybe I should let and you live and just cut it off"

"Harry" Ginny spoke softly, she knew that much like with the Hippogriff there was a way you were supposed to approach Harry when he was angry, quiet voice, no sudden movements and walk cautiously "I get it Harry, trust me, you're not the only one who wants to kill Malfoy. Even most of Slytherin doesn't like him" There were a few murmurs of agreement before Ginny continued

"Harry. Please, put the idiot down. How do you think the teachers would feel if you did it? What about the twins? How do you think I would feel? Please Harry, I promise if you put the idiot down, I'll get you a new one later"

A smile forced its way on to Harry's lips, he knew Ginny was right, there was no point in saving Hagrid from getting in trouble to only get into worse trouble. He dropped Malfoy on the ground, unintentionally making him sit in the puddle he had left. Harry turned to Buckbeak who had bowed his head and was looking quite ashamed, Harry approached him and slowly began petting Buckbeak. He knew Buckbeak would understand that this means forgiveness, Harry didn't need Hagrid to tell him that Hippogriffs were intelligent.

Buckbeak looked very relieved that he was forgiven, and the fact that he was getting stroked was a nice bonus. He even let the red headed human stroke him, she wasn't as good as the first human but was still very enjoyable.

"By the way Harry, we should probably take you to the hospital wing" Ginny suggested

"What? Why?"

"Harry your bleeding" Ginny pointed to the blood

"Am i?" Harry asked before rubbing the spot where the blood was coming from "oh, so I am"

"Ya didn't notice?!" Hagrid couldn't believe it, even he would be hurt from that

"Not really" Harry shrugged

"Alright bye Beaky, we'll be back later" Ginny said before grabbing Harry's hand they were about to walk away when Malfoy stood up. Harry wanted to leave him with one more threat before seeing the wet patch on his trousers and the puddle he was standing in

"Malfoy did you wet yourself?!" Harry and Ginny were brilliant actors but even they couldn't keep a straight face, neither could the rest of the class as they all started laughing, even Crabbe and Goyle. Hagrid had managed to contain himself to a small smile.

"Alright bye Hagrid" Harry called as the two walked off "don't worry we'll explain everything to Professor McGonagall, see you later"

"S…see you" Hagrid managed to get out before turning back to his close, he had to avoid looking at Malfoy because he knew he would laugh if he did "I think it'd be best if this class finishes a bit early today" After a few nods, the class was dismissed.

Ginny had managed to get Harry to Madam Pomfrey who fixed him up while she went and explained everything to McGonagall, soon Harry was out and the two later visited Hagrid. They had to spend some time convincing him it wasn't his fault and that Harry was fine but after that he came with them to go see Buckbeak who was ecstatic at seeing his three favourite humans all together.

The next day Harry was called to the Headmasters office, he knew it would be related to Buckbeak, he also knew that the business with Malfoy wouldn't be mentioned. Though they could hold that over Harry they probably wouldn't as it would be embarrassing but Harry had an argument prepared just in case. Once he entered the office he found Malfoy senior and junior sitting on one side of the desk and the Headmaster was sitting on the other side with Snape and McGonagall standing either side of him. Harry assumed that they was called here as in his capacity as the head of house and deputy headmistress.

Harry, as professional and respectful as he was didn't think twice about looking to see if Malfoys trousers were wet when he took his seat next to him. Malfoy shrugged and crossed his legs, which caused Harry to snicker and the two adults to wonder what was going on. Snape knew from McGonagall, Harry could see the slightest curve on Snapes and McGonagall's mouth. Snape and her had come prepared by getting all of their laughs out before the meeting started.

"Harry" Dumbledore spoke "do you know why I've called you?" Harry simply shook his head "Mr Lucius Malfoy wished to make a complaint against Hagrid and the Hippogriff 'Buckbeak'. Professor Snape and McGonagall insisted you be here for the discussion."

"Is this really necessary?" Harry asked "I mean I'm the victim and if I'm not complaining then nobody else should. Madam Pomfrey looked me over, I'm perfectly fine"

"That's as maybe Mr Potter" Lucius sneered "but I cannot allow my son to continue in a class where that dangerous creature could kill him"


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