The Twins' Ambitious Plans

Ginny and Harry were sat in the common rooms, doing homework. After talking with Harry Ginny had conceded that he was right, Dumbledore was ineffective and Voldermort had the right idea of using fear to make a change. Harry was perfect as he was strong enough to go about it in the same way but he also had good control of his emotions and unlike Voldermort he wouldn't go dark.

Much to people's disbelief Ginny never felt like a child, at least not since meeting Harry. His childhood stories really sobered her up on how she felt about the world, she learnt it was unfair. If someone as kind as Harry was thrown under the stairs then the world's not really the sunshine and rainbows that people would have you believe.

What she learnt about her family also made her cautious, both she and Harry took great care with who they trusted and what they trusted them with. The fact that she also had that horcrux slipped into her cauldron made Ginny aware of the fact that she could have died if it wasn't for Harry, the prophecy that Harry told her about made her realize he could die.

The fact that Dumbledore and her mother have been manipulating Harry and her (or at least trying to do so) made her lose faith in 'the light side', frankly if Harry had a better way then she had no problem with him taking it. If she needed to then she'd stay with him to stop him from turning into another Voldermort and he had promised that he would never use the unforgivables unless he absolutely had to use them.

"Ginny!" Ron and Hermione approached the two

"Yes" Ginny asked

"What happened with Corner?" Ron asked

"Nothing" Ginny shrugged "the git was trying hoping to introduce his lips with mine"

"So she decided to introduce him to her knee" Harry added "I think she may have prevented him from having children" Ron winced a little before he looked at Harry

"Where were you?" He asked

"Oh, me and Gin were playing and she was chasing me. When I realized she wasn't there i came looking for her and bumped into Professor Snape on the way, we both then saw what Corner was doing. Fortunately for him Snape took charge of his punishment"

"What does that mean?" Hermione asked

"If it was up to me then Corner would have had the word 'prat' branded on his head and at least one less limb" Hermione looked at him in horror "and maybe I'd have sewn his lips together, like to see him try and kiss someone after that. If I can't do all that then I'd like to at least freeze him so Ginny could practice some spells and hexes on him"

"You'd do all that because he tried to kiss Ginny?"

"No but I'd like to" Harry shrugged "as a matter of fact, why are you talking to us Hermione?"

"Hey don't be rude" Ron's face reddened

"I can if I want" Harry replied "I'm pretty sure Ginny doesn't want her here either, right Gin?" Ginny shook her head "plus after what happened with your parents and the first two years I would have figured that you'd have learnt and left us alone"

"She's here because she's my friend" Ron shouted, fortunately no one else was in the common room "and she's coming with me to check on my sister, not that it's any if your business. What would you know about it? You don't even have a family" Ginny was about to hex Ron before Harry placed a calming hand on hers

"I have a family, my elves, the twins, my godfather and Ginny" Harry responded "it may not be normal but it's my family and I'm happy with it. Personally I don't think you care much for your sister"

"What does that mean?!" Ron flared, Hermione had to actually hold him back, mostly because she knew that Ron was too angry to realize he would never stand a chance against Harry

"Exactly what I said" Harry responded in a calm voice, but Ginny could see the fire blazing in his eyes "in our first year you tried to stop us from being friends, in our second year you upset her by saying I could do better, you're constantly trying to find an excuse for us to break up and you just heard that someone tried to kiss her against her will but you decided to bring a girl who had tried to steal her boyfriend"

"Hermione never did that" Ron argued "she just lied to get her parents off her back"

"Really?" Harry raised an eyebrow "if that was true then why didn't she say your name? Or one of the other boys? She chose my name even though I constantly try to get her to leave me alone? Also while we're at it I wonder if you ever thought about why she chose Ginny at the dueling club last year. Perhaps Hermione was trying to prove she was better than her" Hermione couldn't believe it, how did Harry know

"It was pretty obvious" Ginny added "crap I've let my notes in my room"

"I'll get them" Harry rose from the chair and walked up to Ginny's room, Ginny knew what he was doing. If he gave Hermione and Ron something to focus on then forget about the conversation, either that or he just wanted to confuse them and leave Hermione asking a lot of questions he wouldn't answer.

Probably the second one, they loved doing things that left Hermione with questions because she became frustrated and desperate to know. Then when she got close they'd do something else and she'd forget all about it.

"I thought boys couldn't go to the girls dorm?" Ron looked at Hermione

"They can't! Whenever they do then the stairs turn into a slide"

"What's up guys?" The twins came in to the room

"Harry just walked up to the girls room to get Ginny's notes" Ron spoke and left the twins with matching surprise looks

"No way" Fred looked towards the stairs

"We've been trying to get up there forever"

"Why didn't you two just levitate each other?" Ginny asked, the twins faces lit up

"Ginny!" Hermione scolded "don't encourage them to break the rules!"

"First of all, you're not a teacher or my mother so doesn't take that attitude with me. Second of all I just told them a way, to do it. I don't even know if it will work but if it does then I'm not responsible for their choices, thirdly you're breaking the rules just by interacting with me. I'm pretty sure McGonagall had told you to not come near us unless you absolutely had to do so."


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