Secrets and Permissions

The next day Harry returned to the dorm with Ginny behind him, the two could literally feel how happy the other one was. McGonagall and the other professors had excused them for the week while Harry and Ginny got a letter form Sirius and Molly allowing them to leave school for the day. Admittedly Harry may have had to fake a note from Dumbledore saying he needed Harry and Ginny for something important he couldn't tell her about but in the end she agreed. The persuasion charms and potions Harry secretly snuck in helped as well. Once they entered they were met by Ron and Hermione, unfortunately the rest of the common room wasn't there.

"Where were you two?" Hermione asked, or more accurately, demanded to know.

"How come you two aren't in class?" Harry asked with a question of his own

"Harry it's past one o'clock and you two weren't seen all day" Hermione responded

"Yeah" Ron spoke "we can miss one history of magic lecture, not as if anyone would notice, but you two weren't seen all day and all of yesterday evening. So tell me Potter, what exactly have you and my sister been doing?"

"We ran away and got married" Harry joked, or at least made it sound like a joke.

"You what?!" Ron screamed, apparently he didn't get the joke "you…you two got married?"

"Ron" Ginny spoke "we're still in school and we're not of age, do you really think mum's going to let us get married?"

'Nice one' Harry telepathically complimented her 'deny without denying, I've taught you well'

'Excuse me, I taught you'

"Where were you then ?" Hermione continued

"We went to nuna" Harry replied


"Nuna your business" Harry smiled "I don't think I need to say it but because you dunderheads area bit slow I will, what me and Ginny do is none of your business. It's nobody's business but our own. We don't ask you two questions about what you do in private so don't ask us, and before you start sprouting some hypocritical nonsense about obeying rules me and Ginny had a valid reason for being out late"

'Or at least a fun one' Ginny commented in Harry's mind

"In fact we're going to be gone for the remainder of the week" Harry continued, trying not to smile at Ginny's joke "unfortunately you two will have to annoy someone else but at least we'll be fine. Gin, why don't you get go pack your stuff and I'll pack mine"

"Wait you can't go" Ron stopped Ginny

"Actually I can" Ginny smugly replied "mum, McGonagall and Dumbledore were notified so there's not a lot you can say Ronald" Ginny brushed past him and went upstairs, Harry did the same. Except he came down about fifteen seconds later with a single trunk.

"Where are you going with my sister?!" Ron hotly spoke, standing right in Harry's face

"Now Ronald" Harry spoke in a calm but deadly voice "you have a choice now, wonder what I'm doing in here or wonder what I'm doing from the hospital wing" Ronald gulped and stepped back, in his moments of anger he truly forgot that harry was more powerful than him, unfortunately moments of anger were hourly occurrences for him.

"Harry" Hermione spoke slowly "I've been wondering, why did you save Fleurs sister? You had to save Ginny but why her sister?"

"Simple" Harry shrugged "she finished her task, or at least attempted to and when she couldn't compete she was worried that her sister was hurt. I saved her to comfort her and show her everything is fine"

"Why didn't you save me?" Hermione asked

"Because Ronald over here hadn't tempted the task, besides I didn't feel the need to do so, it's not like you were in danger. Dumbledore can be a total idiot sometimes but even he wouldn't out non champions in danger, he can't really handle another court case now can he?"

"How dare you call Dumbledore an idiot?" Ron shouted

"You're right" Harry bowed his head "that's offensive…to idiots"

At that moment Ginny came down with her own trunk, and Professor McGonagall came into the common room.

"Hello Mr Potter I see you and…what the devil are you two doing her?"

"They're skiving off classes miss" Harry and Ginny said at the exact same time, before looking at each other and letting out a small chuckle.

"Where are you two supposed to be?" McGonagall asked

"History of magic" Hermione answered quietly

"Well you will go there now later tonight you will join Professor Snape for detention"

"Yes miss" Ron grumbled "miss, Harry and Ginny said they're going for a week but won't tell us where they're going"

"Well Mr Weasley" McGonagall spoke sternly "if they do not wish to tell you then you will not know, end of story, now you two go straight to class." Once the two had gone McGonagall turned to the other two.

"The sooner those idiots are gone the better, now I have a few things to tell you. Mr Black has informed me he has a portkey ready for you once you get home, you may use my fireplace to get there. Also until you two are ready to reveal your secret I will address you as Potter and Weasley"

"Probably best" Harry said as they went to her office. Once they got there they were found Dumbledore waiting inside.

"Hello" Dumbledore greeted "forgive the intrusion but I wanted to talk to Mr Potter about the letter he has sent me."

"I don't see why" Harry replied innocently "it's pretty clear that Sirius wants to take me somewhere and both me and Ginny have written permission to go."

"What I meant Harry is, where you are going?"

"I hope I don't sound rude sir but that's none of your business" Harry spoke in a calm tone but Ginny could feel his emotions and knew he was anything but calm. The images of him ripping Dumbledore's beard off playing in his head also indicated she was right.

"I agree with Mr Potter" Minerva spoke up "the two have written permission and sent a notification informing both you and me, that's preciously where our involvement ends."

"of course, I was simply curious"


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